Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
Thank @Anonymous.
@CCJ It works with the information that there is in digital tut, and with the dexter dumps (quite complete). In January they changed some questions and there is another dump of @EON and others that @SIM has collected.
Could any one shared the updated dumps to me in c_mah_7 @ hotmail. com
Could any one shared the updated routing 300-101 dumps to me in c_mah_7 @ hotmail. com
Does anyone know the d&d of DMPVN???
Dear passers plz share the the valid dumb.
Thanks @Sims for the dump !! It’s very useful! I looked at each questions, but I’m just confused with 2-3 questions because I’m not sure the whether the answers are correct there.
@Close @Sims do u have pdf version ?
@Khalifa, no unfortunately, only the VCE format.
@Close is it all multi choice questions ?
Dexter dumps:!tFMTCQzJ!sEQpzx3xRnkplOh-nG8N-rckxZSIdEwj69ux0sJvo0w and Pdf format file –!tNtkSB5A!4Glpa9BrYDbAcAPsbtmDjA
@Friday, This dump is new or the dump was create in 23/12/2017? I’m studying by this and other content, but i’m seeing many comments about several new questions, it
@Friday, This dump is new or the dump was create in 23/12/2017? I’m studying by this and other content, but i’m seeing many comments about several new questions, it’s stange. Could you please inform me about it? I’m prepared me for this exam since July/17 after passed on CCNA Exam.
Please, i need drag&drops news… :(
LMI, DMVP, and something about a frame relay configuration.
Please, someone remembers them?
I can put my text file up tonight. The vce was just a rough draft. I need to fix some answers with everyone’s help. Also some formatting issues.
@ Navarro between pages 82-86 and this week, I think all the new questions are compiled.
I believe that there are not so many new ones that are not contained in some other dump.
But new d&D, i dont know FR (configuration) and DMPVN…i need it…
This is @sims on my phone. I’ll post pdf tonight. Please let me know if any additions or fixes and I’ll update the vce also.
I can also post the dnd list I have. I just wasn’t sure how to put it in the vce. But I can work on that. One thing I’m missing is the answers for the frame relay config dnd.
thank you very much really. In the same way, when I do the exam, I will tell you how it has gone.
@Confused, thank you
Hi friends, I have the exam tomorrow. Someone have the labs that can share me please?
i passed switch a month ago, now I am gathering study materilas for route.
I just downloaded this new questions vce, it has 69 q-s in it.
if you have any other than this (pdf, vce), could you please send it for me
ccnp7410 g m ail c om
Okay so thankfully I passed with 9XX marked, which is very surprising to me.
I’m sorry I couln’t remember more from what was in the exam even though I really tried.
-New DnD dhcp relay – where to configure and a lot of them were dhcp relay information options, so I didn’t know how to answer it (one option I remeber had in the end subscriber ID or something like that, one of the right option was configured globally, one on the left dhcp relay information replace – or something like that)
- dekster is 50% valid which is enough for you to pass.
- almost all of the new answers taht has been covered in the last pages waren’t in my exam, means that the new poll is much bigger then what we thought.
- couple of things that I remember
- a diagram of bgp config between 3 routers R1-R2-R3, which showed the config on R2, the question was what command is missing.- they were trying to make adj between the routers on the loopback address.
a. update source X — this is what I chosen.
b. ebpg-multihope 1
c. load balancing something.
d. no synchranize
Easy quiestion, very basic bgp lab config. (know how to form adj with neighbors)
- A diagram that we used to have in one of the old questions with the infrastructure of the DHCP server and the core router has been changed to ACLs, and since I got 100% in that section the answer would be
-interface out on the core routers side.
– Pay attention to where is the config is been configure, half of the option were config-router sub-option which doesn’t make sense so watch out.
-a diagram that I was thinking a lot of was between 3 router R1-R2-R3 (sound kind of similar to a new question that has been posted over here) which Eigrp 100 is configured on all of them.
The router in the middle (R2) has his loopback put in shut and the router on the right is a stub (R3).
The Question was :
Who would get the query message for that loopback that has been put in shut
-a. The feasible successors’ routers would get the query — that’s what I choosen
- R1 would request the query
- R1 and R3 would request the query
- R3 would request the query
Not sure exactly how it went but it was something like that
Alot of question about snmp – just learn how to configure snmp v3 and v2c
– had a question about trap x.x.x.x snmp 2c public
What is it means?
a. a community sting
b. a private community between the router and the host
trap Snmp 2c 10 and then something
question was- what does that 10 means?
a. ACL that is applied
b. community string
c. It would be public (Don’t remember exactly)
-some of the new questions about DHCP and ipv6 (that has been covered in the last pages)
- one I remember was something about communication between ipv6 to ipv4 – very easy question choose 2
a. Layer 2 switch
b. layer 3 switch
c. ipv4 address — XX
d. ipv6 addresses — XX
What is true about many – to – one question (ipv4 to ipv6 communication) – just answered as the question was one – to – many
Didn’t get any of the npt question except the old one ones
And not the bgp question that we have discussed earlier
– new question about statfull ipv6 question- if you covered all of the old question you’ll know this one
– how to turn on ipv6 eigrp on
a. ipv6 nat
b. ipv6 nat-pt
c. ipv6 eigrp nat
d. ipv6 eigrp nat-pt
(not sure if those were the answers)
Ohh another diagram that I have been thinking about was between 2 routers and they had a eigrp protocol running between- the question was that they can ping between them with no problem but when they are trying through the vrf connection it doesn’t work, what’s wrong? which command to put on both routers to make it work ?
A rd 1:100 both
b. Network with a
c. autonomous-system 100 – that’s what I chosen
d. Don’t remember
–All of the dmvpn and nhrp new questions or old lol
– there was one with the nhrp authentication vpn endpoint answer that has been posted over here.
-questions about which port snmp uses or another protocol don’t really remember…
the question was – when something tries to communicate with a router what port does the fw needs to open in order for the communication to work. (it’s one of the protocols that we use in most of the questions for sure)
- question about configuring dhcp server (WTF?)- that wants to give more features to a Microsoft windows server host- what would you configure in order for that to happen –
a. scopes
b. options – chose this
The new SLA question wasn’t there which is Wierd (with the quality, baseline, understand…etc)
What would you configure on snmpv3 to allow authentication
A. Authpriv – choosed
B. authnoprive
C. noauthnoprive
D. authmemeber
I assumed a is right since they didn’t say only authentication
–got Labs bpr and the eigrp simlet and eigrp stub lab
Didn’t had the dnd fr config thank God
Had the lmr extension I’ll post the dnd I got it
I think that was most of the problematic questions ones I had.
learn dekster but understand the answers and you’ll be good plus learn all of the new questions that has been covered in the last pages, most of the questions are just old question that got rephrase with a different scenerio but if you understand the fundamentals you’ll be good – dhcpv6, ipv6 (statefull, stateless),ipv4 to ipv6, snmp, learn how to configure and overall.
So, I got a new VCE (don’t ask how I got it), which is included some of the new question until the 8 of feb, but it doesn’t include all of the questions that has been covered over here (ntp, bgp), but have some + has the new FMI extension !! have no idea how they got it.. it’s a cheinees site so use translation to found the downlod botton lol
https:// pan . baidu . com / s / 1dWuMi6
I’ll be visiting in the next couple of days and see if I would be able to help somebody.
Off to switch and Have a good luck to whoever that’s preparing.
Thanks @easy. I’ll document this tonight. Just my 2 cents but it’s best to use the dumps as a learning tool and just not memorizing answers. If you understand the concepts and answers you should be good.
what is the password for chinees site @easy
which scenario can asymmetric routing occur?
A. active/active firewall setup
B. single path in and out of the network.
C. active/standby firewall setup
D. redundant routers running VRRP ## OK
***shouldn’t it be (A. active/active firewall setup) the correct answer?
Pages 82 – 86 are not he new questions. They were for the previous dumps. The Eon/Dokdo dump were the latest valid dumps before this update. We need to find new questions from the update that has happened this past weekend. People who are taking the exams, please post any new questions you may remember. Please and Thank you!
@Easy :) That is so cool man! Congrats!
@Easy When I try to download the file it’s looking for the password.
Something like this
Ari *** wicked to you to share the file encryption
Please enter password to extract:
what password for extract file @easy
When I go to page from Easy link I get page on Chanise and when I do Translate I get this
Yali *** wickedAri *** wicked to you to share the file encryption
Please enter password to extract:
[This is blank field where to type the password]
Extracting files
Can you send me file on mail dareezy[at]
lmao my bad guys the password is “jgyt”
I think both answers could be right.
@Easy Thanks for everything! And congrats once again
asymmetric routing can occur for active/standby setup. Traffic might leave through one path(active) and return through a different path (standby) in this scenario causing also standby to flood unknown unicast traffic through all ports, except receiving one in case if standby does not currently have MAC in the ARP cache.
I am happy if someone now shares the right information.
Traffic class is for QOS. I don´t think this field be very uniq to help stop an attack based on that.
Correct is BCE
Very thanks for your pdf sharing.
I see on them a couple new question posted previous ones page.
@Arnold could you please share the pdf with us
https ://www. 4shared. com/ office /CWeFDnYJca/ 300-101. html
which scenario can asymmetric routing occur?
A. active/active firewall setup
Dexter ITC said A
B. single path in and out of the network.
C. active/standby firewall setup
D. redundant routers running VRRP
Correct Answer: D, if A is right C also should be right, Please advise.
@Arnold… your dump is full of mistakes…
Here is the text file I created with the past few pages of questions. Also included some drag n drop notes at the bottom.
@ Sims
@ TakingExamSooner
I think the correct answer is “D. redundant routers running VRRP”.
I know that in this dumps is full mistake, but this dumps shared by @March not i.
Nevertheless i found on this document some new question for me.
@Easy you can share the dumps please? mi Email is ricardosolisvazquez32@, Thanks
I proposed this below answer for your file:
How to set up IP SLA to monitor jitter between the certain limits? <= (it’s jitter now, not bandwidth)
A. Timeout (not timer)
B. Frequency
C. Threshold
D. Queue-limit
Answer: C
Q. Which command instruct a PPPoE client to obtain its IP address from the PPPoe server?
A. ip address negotiated auto
B. ip address negotiated
C. pppoe enable
D. Ip address DHCP
E. Ip address dynamic
Answer: B
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
~ 5 29 1024 377 4.2 -8.59 1.6
+~ 3 69 128 377 4.1 3.48 2.3
#~ 3 32 128 377 7.9 11.18 3.6
* master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, – candidate, ~ configured
Q. Which of the following is true
A. Master is syncing and exchanging NTP packets successfully
B. Master is not syncing but exchanging NTP packets successfully
C. Master is not syncing and not exchanging NTP packets
Answer: B
Q. router eigrp 1
redistribute ospf 100
router ospf 100
network area 10
redistribute eigrp 1
what will happen to the redistributed network from EIGRP to OSPF? (phrasing was different)
Answer: Imo wrong redistribution in ospd and eigrp lack od metric
Q. What would you configure on snmpv3 to allow authentication
A. Authpriv
B. authnopriv
C. noauthnopriv
D. authmember
Answer: A
And i would like added this information,
Drag and Drop for the configuration
Router(config)#ip route vrf blue
Router(config)#ip route vrf red
If you type “show ip route” you will see “Gateway of last resort it not set”.
If you type show ip route vrf blue” you will see “ as gateway of last resort”.
Global routing table does not overlap with VRF routing tables.
Vrrp does not provide active active this means that one route is active at the time
A is correct the ip traffic can leave the network on firewall 1 and return on firewall 2
Every other option only a single router is active therefore trafic always will leave and reutn thru the same box.
Just to provide extra insight asymmetric routes are diferent routes one for egress (transmission) and one ingress (receival)
I have a good grasp on the labs, multiple choice q’s and simlet. I’m not sure what drag n drops to study, there are a ton on dexters dump. Should I try to study all of those?