Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Ordonez
    February 6th, 2018


    Try to use google drive.. so far they are not being moderated

  2. Mother
    February 6th, 2018

    Is Eon dumps exactly vilid??

  3. murphy
    February 6th, 2018

    anyone can help me answer this question below?
    QUESTION 45 How route tags can be set?
    A. ONLY within route tags
    B. within taglists
    C. can be set with ONLY route-maps
    D. can be set DIRECTLY within route maps.
    E. only used on link state RPs.

    Thanks all!

  4. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    BD @murphy

  5. Exam
    February 6th, 2018

    Please confirm in the exam the link between R2 and R3 is Ethernet OR Serial link ? in EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Lab.
    If the link between R2 and R3 is FastEthernet link, we must put the command below under EIGRP process to make traffic from R1 to go through R3 (R1 -> R2 -> R3 -> R4), which is better than R1 -> R2 -> R4.
    R2(config-router)# distance eigrp 90 105

  6. safiah
    February 6th, 2018

    Could someone please clear this minor confusion for me; which one of the DnDs is referred to as DMVPN. I can’t seem to find the DMVPN DnD.


  7. catahaha
    February 6th, 2018


    How to open EON Dump

  8. Ordonez
    February 6th, 2018

    Hi All

    Try to use this PDF for all compiled new questions with DND


  9. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    hub -> there is a word (next-hop server)
    spoke -> “device …. dynamic address”
    nhrp -> ” protocol
    mgre -> “multi tunnel endpoint”
    It’s a VCE file

  10. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    I’ve shared my exam experience today you can read it in few posts up, I passed the exam

  11. Ordonez
    February 6th, 2018

    Hi again,

    I added a new question


    Hi WBS,

    Can you take a quick look for the PDF i made if correct

  12. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    @Ordonez good on you mate, they are good but dont forget to go through Dexter’s one as well

  13. nabilfigo
    February 6th, 2018

    ccnp switch dump plz

  14. dima
    February 6th, 2018

    @ Ordonez hey mate, did you’ve upgraded the EON dump ?

    and can i rely on the dump you’ve posted (instead of EON)

  15. Ordonez
    February 6th, 2018

    Dont rely only on my dump, you should understand it also.

    include the dexter dumps

  16. dima
    February 6th, 2018

    @ Ordonez of course im going through dexter’s dump as well as the one you’ve posted
    (also i did learning from cbtnuggets)

  17. popo
    February 6th, 2018

    please can someone give the true answer to this question…..if u have done exam and know for sure you got this correct

    16. In which scenario can asymmetric routing occur?
    A. active/active firewall setup
    B. single path in and out of the network.
    C. active/standby firewall setup
    D. redundant routers running VRRP
    Answer: D , Dexter’s dump is A

    19. Which two statements about NHRP in a DMVPN environment are true? (Choose two)
    A. It requires each endpoint to have a unique network ID
    B. It routes traffic through the tunnel
    C. It can identify PIM-SM RPs over a tunnel
    D. It can authenticate VPN endpoints
    E. It provides address resolution to route traffic

    24. Two limitations when use NPTv6 for IPV6 to IPV6 Address translation?
    A. stateful address translation
    B. a limit of 32 1-to-1 translations
    C. lack of overloading functionality
    D. identify all interfaceas NAT inside or outside
    E. 1-to-1 prefix rewrite
    F. mismatched prefix allocations
    Answer: C F

  18. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    @popo 16. A, 19. BC, 24. CF

  19. WBS
    February 6th, 2018

    Alright guys I wish everyone all the best and pray that you guys pass the exam. May God be with you. See you in Switch.

  20. ship
    February 6th, 2018

    @popo, WBS why 19. BC? Is it not the B+D?

  21. denvi
    February 6th, 2018

    passed today with 9XX !!

    lap redistbute, PBR, EIGRP, no EVal sim.

    all the DND can be found in Ordonez

    most of the Q are from 83 and 86 comment, and what remain from dexter dump are re-phrased.

    and regarding the DYnamic nat Q – the one you will not find answer to-i think it will be(inside global, outside local)

  22. Anonymous
    February 6th, 2018

    @WBS; congratulations on passing the exam. You have been very helpful. Thanks again.

  23. BU
    February 6th, 2018

    Passed today with 9XX!! woohoo!!

    As denvi mentions above all labs are same redistribution, PBR and Eigrp stub. These are available on this site. No eval sims.

    DND: Frame replay components, DNVPN, Router+Tacacs+Server, LMI

    One q i did not come across here was show ip flow so check that on out.

    EONS, WBS and Ordonez PDF still valid. Thanks guys for your effort and best of luck to you all. Hope to see you in Switch!!

  24. Thankful
    February 6th, 2018

    @Ordonez Thank you so much!

    I know the LABS – EIGRP/OSPF Redist – EIGRP STUB – PBR
    I Know the Drag and DROPS

    In addition to your notes, what else do you recommend I study?

  25. Rizwan
    February 6th, 2018

    Can i get the dexter dumps please at pro6151945 at gmail dot com

  26. Xesar316
    February 6th, 2018

    good morning to everything could you tell me if this page is reliable I’m thinking of using it

  27. Essoooo
    February 6th, 2018

    @BU @All of you

    Dears what is qualify me to exam Dexter dump with Ordonez or Ordonez only??

    i am very confused i need to take this exam in a days any help??

  28. funghet
    February 6th, 2018

    Hi to all,

    can someone merge the EON question and the useful Dexter question too ?

    @mavco from italy leggi ancora questa chat ?

  29. EIGRP Stub
    February 6th, 2018

    @popo in my opinion :
    16. In which scenario can asymmetric routing occur?
    A. active/active firewall setup

    19. Which two statements about NHRP in a DMVPN environment are true? (Choose two)
    D. It can authenticate VPN endpoints
    E. It provides address resolution to route traffic

    24. Two limitations when use NPTv6 for IPV6 to IPV6 Address translation?
    C. lack of overloading functionality
    E. 1-to-1 prefix rewrite

  30. ccnp_route
    February 7th, 2018

    @Elias K. Grodin….. i do not think so. It is a pass leader. Would you mind to send me the for dexter? i saved all yours sharing materials, it will be enough? if you send me the materials what you read, that will be appreciated. kishrijal @ yahoo.com. Thanks.

  31. H2O
    February 7th, 2018

    I need some help

    What is true about peer groups? (Choose two)
    A. Optimize backdoor routes
    B. If you change configuration then it effects all peers in the group
    C. Peer groups can send soft updates to all
    D. Updates can be sent with multicast
    Answer: I think B,C Correct. but many people says C,D Correct.

    please can someone give the true answer to this question

  32. IST
    February 7th, 2018

    Hi. I’m passed CCNP routing score 891 yesterday.
    and I learning only EON dumps and I’m not saw the Dexter dump in MCQ questions.
    Thanks a lot everyone!

  33. studynp
    February 7th, 2018

    @IST goob job! Have you seen the new question?

  34. IST
    February 7th, 2018

    1. Which two routing protocols are supported by Easy Virtual Network?
    2. What does an Cisco router use as default username for CHAP authentication?
    3. Which security feature can you enable to control access to the vty lines on a router?
    4. Which three configuration parameters can a DHCPV6 pool contain? (Choose three.)
    I remember the 4 questions.

  35. Khron
    February 7th, 2018

    Thank you :)

  36. Mac
    February 7th, 2018

    @IST what labs and DnD did u encounter?

  37. david
    February 7th, 2018

    passed. 934 marks.
    ccnp – cisco routing book , udemy videos and 9 tut–> follow this three to clear

  38. Cosimino
    February 7th, 2018

    I passed 7rd February 9xx

    LABs Redistrib, PBR, EIGRP Stub + Summarization.
    D&D : LMI, Frame-Relay Component, Tacacs-Router-User, DMVPN

    Be careful some questions are re-phrased.
    By example, Here everybody about PPPOE question tell : PADI and PADR but I answered PADI and PADO. Study the PPPOE définitions !!! I’m sure because Layer 2 I’ve had 100%

    OSPF question about redistrib RIP answer is : SUMMARY-ADDRESS…. and not IP SUMMARY-ADDRESS

    Good luck all…

  39. Hakimu
    February 7th, 2018

    @ Cosimino

    are you sure the answer is PADI and PADO instead of PADI & PADR ?

    Please confirm I am going to do the exam in other 3 hours from now.

  40. Cosimino
    February 7th, 2018

    @ Hakimu

    During my exam, I was going to answer PADI and PADR but by rereading the question and the answers for me it was more consistent to answer PADO and PADI.

    A part of this question was if I remember correctly, who sends a unicast signal to the host ?
    It’s clear isn’t PADR because PADR is unicast signal from host to remote device… So I answered PADO.

    PADI is a broacast signal from host to the remote devices…

    And I repeat, I’m sure because Layer 2 I’ve had 100%. So study about this.

    Good luck.

  41. popo
    February 7th, 2018

    what was the difference in the PADO PADI Question?

  42. popo
    February 7th, 2018

    Please reply , i have exam soon…thanks

  43. popo
    February 7th, 2018

    sorry just seen your reply. thanks cosimino

  44. ship
    February 7th, 2018

    @EON I can not believe you help us so much with it :) :) BIG TY !

  45. ccnp83
    February 7th, 2018

    @EON,i got your link in VCE format but its only a demo,i wonder why everything is a demo and people ask for money

  46. Anonymous
    February 7th, 2018


    copy running-config startup-config worked for you ?

  47. Cosimino
    February 7th, 2018

    @ Anonymous : I tried to save my configs. The commands wr and copy running-config startup-config doesn’t worked

    So After to have finish my config, I just did NEXT…

  48. Ship
    February 7th, 2018

    The enterprise network WAN link has been receiving several denial of service attacks from both IPv4 and IPv6
    Which three elements can you use to identify an IPv6 packet via its header, in order to filter future attacks?
    (Choose three.)
    A. Traffic Class
    B. Source address
    C. Flow Label
    D. Hop Limit
    E. Destination Address
    F. Fragment Offset
    Correct Answer: BCE or ADC

    Only the IPV4 features remains in IPV6 is the Source and Destination while the others are new.

    What should be the answer?

  49. EON
    February 7th, 2018

    Then do not look at you.

  50. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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