Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
Just took the exam today and a lot of new questions (10-15Q) not seen on Dexter or Procyber, as mentioned by Charles theres PPPoE headers, new LMI drag and drop, NTP,SNMP,Netflow,EIGRP/IPv6 mentioned.
Also got the EIGRP stub so best to review the labs here in forum, then PBR and OSPF-EIGRP redistribution (need to issue eigrp distance on R2).
Was expecting to fail due to new questions but by the grace of God passed 942 marks.
Its best to understand the stuff to be able to answer/deduce the choices. Only wished I “studied”, best of luck.
Materials: Digitaltut, Procyber, Dexter
Thanks to all the folks here in the forum.
Where can I find SSCP dumps
@Weirdo , the correct answer is A. The source-interface is configured incorrectly.C. A route back to the R1 LAN network is missing in R2. base on diagram you will see.
@Guy don’t use Dexter Dump just memorize like EO said. use it like a book try to learn from it, some concept make us easy to answer new question .
HI, are the quizzes on the front page of this site the same questions that are in the exam?
Hello Every One .Today I passed my Exam with 811/1000 .Some of the question are change and some of are logical so prepared hard . I got 53 questions on these questions some of are change and some of are same but different in some words . Also I got 5 dnd in that dnd one is new.
Labs: Eigrp Stub ,Pbr and Eigrp Redistribution.
Thanks For this plateform which i got many new updates and thanks Dexter Dumbs who always help .And Beware of scammers they will ask you money and than they will block you .
Looks like the exam is changing…. how long does it normally take to get new dumps guys?
Was the exam all new questions?
@Sid,so where did you find Dexter’s dumps as i have been asked to pay for it
I think Dexter’s dump is still valid because only the question pool has been expanded. There are “only” 15-20 new questions, but the 454q is still good to practice. What do you think guys?
@Sid Can you share some new questions, please ?
@SHIP are these questions the ones that are on the front quizzes on this website?
Hi moeez,can you please share the link
the email you left is invalid
can you please share the material you used
Thanks a lot
@Sid and Guys,
about yet the “LAB EIGRP OSPF Redistribute”,
Can I use the values fixed (BW and DELAY) below?
R3(config-router)#redistribute ospf 1 metric “100000” “10” 255 1 1500
R3(config-router)#redistribute ospf 1 metric “10000” “100” 255 1 1500
My exam will be tomorrow
hello everyone i have exam tommorow any i’m studying dextor dump
any advice please
@FifaPlayer, many thanks
and about the BW ?
we have to put for ex. 1544 to serial and 100000 to Fast Eth ?
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
@Revellion, are you trying to cram for the exam or learn the concept? I am also preparing for this exam and it seems you’re only cramming.
As i said before… check the interface!!! change only the delay .. leave the rest as it is
@FifaPlayer many thanks
U are welcome!! good luck for tomorrow and let us know ;)
Hi, All.
I will also take my exam later. Only few hours left. I will let you know what I will get on the exam. Hoping to pass this one! :)
Good luck @Goyo, keeps us updated on the content pls!
Passed (92x) my exam today Dexter guide still valid but there are 10 or 15 new questions like EO user has commented so verify the EO comments from january 22.
1: Q about PADO, PADI, PADR Answers: (PPPoE Active Discovery Request), PADI (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation)
2.- Q about SNMP 9 Multiple answers (IEEE standard,IETF standard,ingress only, egress only, ingress/egress) choose 2 answers.
3.-Q Which security level is supported throughout all snmp versions?
Last answer is correct
4.- Q long question about router get ipv6 infos from ISP. Dont remember all question
Answer: Stateful Natv6
5.- Q about ipv6 eigrp features supported (choose 2)
Answer: scaling and partial updates.
6.- Q about Snmp v2c use for authentication
Answer: community string
7.- New DNS about meaning of: add registration, global addressing, multicasting, other two options.
8.- Q about Chose best IP SLA deployment cycle that reduce deployment.
Answer: Baseline Network performance, quality results, fine tune and …..
9.-one new DND about DMVPN meaning about HUB, SPOKE, mGRE, NHRP it is easy.
10.-New question about NAT as EO has mentioned.
1) Choose 2 methods for migrating routing protocols
Answers: AD distance and Redistributing
Labs: EIGRP Stub, OSPF and EIGRP redistribution, PBR all labs from Dexters guide.
Good luck for everyone.
@Sniper, Bless you!
@Jenny,where did you get this dumps from,i seem to be asked to buy it and now the link does not take me anywhere
@ccnp83, please do not buy anything. If you must buy anything, please subscribe to DigitalTut’s paid service.
@weirdo,thanks for the response.once i sign up for the premium would i still be looking around clicking random links to get the dumps or is there a reserved place where i know its safe to get them from?
Can someone confirm that this site is good enough to pass CCNP Route? Otherwise please share what dumps I need to use to pass the exam.
Can someone share CBTNuggets videos for CCNP Route
@ccnp83, there is a reserved place for everything.
Passed 9XX
Thanks to Digitaltut and Dexter, still valid, but lots of new questions.
Kindly check EO and Sniper Comments for tips on the new questions.
Labs: EIGR STub, Redistribution and PBR.
congratulation for your exam!
I tried again to send emal to moeez.dean at gmail but it’s returned cause it doesn’t exist
Can you help me please
I’m taking my exam on Friday
@ Maja you, me both…I’m in on Friday as well.
We have 2 days now guy, let me know how yours went.
By help of God, scored 884 today (24/02/2018) after 2nd attempt, failed with 640 on 10/02/2018.
10 Jan exam was out of dumps around 10%
24 Jan exam was out of dumps around 25%, it was also different from 10 Jan exam.
I studies from DEXTERs dumps.
I advise study hard, use several dumps if possbile
Wish you all good luck
For the guy looking CBT Nuggets videos
I think we do
my e-mail
k01062714772 at gmail
Someone could send me the dexter dump?
gustavo.rr @ ig . com. br
Chose best IP SLA deployment cycle that reduce deployment? Did you find any info on this? I cant find anything on google or cisco site to talk about this question.
There are no questions in the sims or labs.
There is only answers and explanations for labs.
I know that questions are available for premium accounts but someone can give them plz ?
I think this is The Cisco IOS IP SLAs Deployment Life Cycle:
Thank you MA
I am premium member I dont see Digital tut updated the new questions EO mentioned above
My exam is tomorrow
Do you have questions about sims plz ?
Route passed
EIRGP OSPF Redistribute
only 1/3 Questions from DexterDump :/
Do you remember what new questions you had on the exam?
Thanks in advance
how many drag and drop questions need to study can you please list all here
dexter dumps still valid to pass? I have exam tomorrow. how many new questions?