Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Curious Tom
    January 22nd, 2018

    Whoooa… @EO so would you say at this moment Dexter’s pdfs not enought to pass

  2. Curious Tom
    January 22nd, 2018

    Oh and Congrats @EO.. ALL THE BEST IN THE FUTURE, hopefull we will all join you in switch soon

  3. EO
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Curious I do not say exactly that. I dunno really know why I even get so many new questions. So Ip looked through Dexter’s pdf for a week and enter exam and passed even with those new question because I didn`t just memorize question tried to understand the concepts that I do not know. Probably some people also will attend exam today and will se whether they got new questions or no. But the reality is that I got pretty many new questions and could answer them with my own knowledge

  4. TT
    January 22nd, 2018

    Can not Dexter dump just pass?

  5. needdumps
    January 22nd, 2018

    hi guys,
    if there are new questions this is bad for us. i saw on the passleader that the new dumps include 501 questions.
    i have the exam in 2 days…
    thx for share all the info

  6. Curious Tom
    January 22nd, 2018

    Alright..thanks @EO. I guess if you prepare well and master concepts not just memorise answers you’ll be fine..

  7. EO
    January 22nd, 2018

    @TT I say again I am not sure about that. I don`t know why I got so many question: because of my luck or because question pool has been renewed by cisco. Maybe you will have questions only from dump. But if you just enter with memorization answers of questions and face the new questions that I got, it will create problems for you. Just do not leave it to luck. Try to understand the questions and concepts rather than only memorizing answers because if I got, you also may. Good luck anyway

  8. EO
    January 22nd, 2018

    Fortunately after having my meal I started to remember questions :)
    1) Choose 2 methods for migrating routing protocols
    Answers: Changing AD distance and Redistributing (these what I choosed and they are correct for 100% because I got 100% from Later 3 part :) )

    2) Chose best IP SLA deployment cycle that reduce deployment.
    Answers: I do not remember even a word from variants because it was my first time I saw those words :( The most difficult question for me. (Research about it)

    3)One new question with choose correct statement about nat. You will see configuration of nat with nat pool (Dynamic Nat)
    Answers: There were list config for private add. 2 similar options for this list. Correct answer has to be with a word “inside local”. Second correct options you will something “this list will be translated to this subnet (which is pool)”. DO not choose it translates one-to-one

    4) What Snmp v2c use for authentication
    Answer: com string

    5) One long question something like router get ipv6 infos from SP. Now it have to distribute name server and other options to hosts.
    Answer: Stateful Natv6
    6) one new DND about DMVPN components and their features.

    7) One DNS about ip sla extensions. the left part were: add registration, global addressing, multicasting and 2 other I do not remember.

    8) one question about ipv6 eigrp features supported (choose 2)
    Answer: one was scaling second was partial updates (sure 100%)

    I will post as I remember :)

  9. jacove
    January 22nd, 2018

    passed today 898/1000 , my exam have 3 labs and some new questions.

  10. Andreas Gärtner
    January 22nd, 2018

    Passed 8xx/100 last week

    As a lot of guys wrote before I got 67% for VPN, too…really strange

    All Questions from Dexter still valid. Some questions were slightly different.

    LABS: OSPF, PBR, Redistribution

    Study hard guys and good luck.

    Thanks to everybody here for this amazing plattform.

  11. TT
    January 22nd, 2018

    @jacove dexter dump vaild?

  12. TT
    January 22nd, 2018


    real? valid?

  13. jacove
    January 22nd, 2018

    @TT dexter dump is valid but my exam more strange questions

  14. ccnp83
    January 22nd, 2018


    i have the dexter dumps but they are locked,is this some trick to make people buy?i thought they maybe free,can anyone confirm please

  15. Paul Harris
    January 22nd, 2018

    Can someone share CBTNuggets videos for CCNP? I need it badly, please help me. Thank you and Godbless.

  16. fcbob
    January 22nd, 2018

    Dexter dumps are free.

  17. FifaPlayer
    January 22nd, 2018

    @ EO

    Congratulations ;)

    thx for the infos!! really appreciate!!!

  18. japan
    January 22nd, 2018

    dexter dump not vaild…… T,T

  19. aXXo
    January 22nd, 2018

    Dexter dumps are invalid. More than 20 new questions.

  20. FifaPlayer
    January 22nd, 2018

    @aXXo @japan

    guys could you give more infos about the exam?


  21. Kevin_geek
    January 22nd, 2018


    What SIMs did you get?

  22. Mani Pulate
    January 22nd, 2018

    you are 100% I wrote last week Friday and failed with 710, the order threw me off completely, however I have rebooked for Friday again, I hope everything still stays the same. guys please make sure the order will easy throw you off and cause you the exam. ever the drag and drops the order and some of the statement have changed.

  23. Mani Pulate
    January 22nd, 2018

    Hi guys,

    please update as well, whether you passed or not we are a team all must win.

  24. FifaPlayer
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Mani Pulate

    Did you remember some of new questions?

  25. fleshgod
    January 22nd, 2018

    Hello everybody , dexter’s dump is still valid? Thanks

  26. Curious Tom
    January 22nd, 2018

    Aye, guys! So happy I passed. Thanks @EO, that little info you shared helped and it was about an hour or two before my exam

    Labs are the same
    No evaluation sims
    Definitely some new questions
    On NAT inside, SLA deployment cycle or something, Frame relay.. etc. Something PADI/PADO etc. Undersand what each of those does… I’ll try remember for you guys

    I would’t say Dexter is invalid, majority of the questions was from it.

    Thanks for the comments and to @Dexter, Rob121, Lunchi and everyone. I’ll definitely try get you that beer @Dexter lol…

  27. fleshgod
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Curious Tom sorry but are you sure what you say? how do you make dexter dumps not valid?

  28. Curious Tom
    January 22nd, 2018

    They are valid to a certain extent..at least 60-75% is from Dexter, the new questions aren’t as hard. I had a 9xx score. Of course I guessed some of them. I’d say wait for new questions to be finalised then you can guarantee a pass. I had 2/3 new DnDs, DMVPN components and Frame Relay one.. Check out @EO’s post. He clearly remembers better than I did..

  29. EO
    January 22nd, 2018

    Guys, don’t panic. We dont tell that dexter is invalid but as you see others also got many new qeustion as well as me. I have mentioned that labs were same. So Doing lavs correctly, and you will pass more likely. I mentioned new questioned above some with correct answers for sure and some without so you have to reseaech for concept. I will try to put more questions from.new ones as i remember.
    My advice: dont just memorize, use dumps as a book for learning so you will success

  30. EO
    January 22nd, 2018

    Totally i woul say out of 53 questions – 30 was from dumps and 20 new. Plus 3 labs

  31. Kevin_geek
    January 22nd, 2018

    Thank you @Curious Tom

    I have Scheduled mine too. Hoping for the best

  32. Juan Pablo
    January 22nd, 2018

    Please I need CBT Nuggets for CCNP ???? can anyone help me? I don’t have money to buy those videos.. I am saving for CCNP exams. Thank you and Godbless

  33. FifaPlayer
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Juan Pablo

    This is maybe the 5th time that you asked for these videos, i think google can work better than this site.. btw go to a torrent search engine and take it from there.


  34. dr.
    January 22nd, 2018

    hi @EO, @Curious Tom and everyone

    Thank you for comments, we are waiting for your help about exam

  35. Filipe.Kurzweil
    January 22nd, 2018

    Hello guys!

    Just passed today with a 913 score!
    Thanx to Dexter’s dump, it’s 99% valid!
    I got 53 questions, the labs was about redistribution, PBR, summaries and stubs.

  36. Simone
    January 22nd, 2018

    Found on the earlier pages Dexter dumps which contain 248 pages in .pdf
    Just wanted to make sure with you guys whether they are the latest and valid one? Thanks in advance for your answers/help.

  37. koki
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Filipe you didn’t experience new questions like others are suggesting? If possible could we please get a post to add new Q’s others experiencing?

  38. johny
    January 22nd, 2018

    Passed today with 942/1000
    Some 10-15 new questions on 53.
    -IEEE standard
    -IETF standard
    -ingress only
    -egress only
    2 methods for migrating routing protocols
    IP SLA deployment: monitoring, …
    A new Frame Relay drag and drop
    no questions about OSPF
    3 sims: PBR, EIGRP/OSPF redistribution, EIGRP stub

  39. Filipe.Kurzweil
    January 22nd, 2018

    @koki i didn’t experienced new questions, Dexter’s dump it’s awesome, and helped me a lot!

  40. koki
    January 22nd, 2018

    @Filipe thank you for the reply — I will continue to study those materials then, bit worrying to see people talk about new material with exam shortly approaching

  41. johny
    January 22nd, 2018

    New question about SNMP
    Which security level is supported throughout all snmp versions?
    Last answer is correct

  42. Maja
    January 22nd, 2018

    I thought we all get more or less the same questions, no mater where you take test
    somebody say dexter is 99% valid, no new question and others…
    how can it be, are we preparing the same thing?

  43. Kevin_geek
    January 22nd, 2018


    Because we are all studying from a large pool of like 500 questions and Cisco will only select at most 60 for the exam that’s why we experience different questions… In my opinion

  44. Charles
    January 22nd, 2018

    Today i had the exam and i got A LOT OF NEW QUESTIONS
    PADI – PADO (don’t know wtf is)
    LMI Drag n Drop
    SNMP (AuthPRIV, authnopriv etc)
    Netflow – answer is IETF + ingress/egress
    IP SLA questions
    Labs are the same, but i have EIGRP stub not OSPF lab.
    Passed with 90x , dunno how ))) CZ

  45. koki
    January 22nd, 2018

    @charles did you find that these news questions were similar to Dexter’s at all and they are just re-worded/formatted differently? or are these definitely unseen questions etc?

    Thank you for your update….if you remember anything else please let us know.

  46. Charles
    January 22nd, 2018

    1 or 2 was re-worded and the rest are completely new.
    Some picture with EIGRP IPV6 and 3 routers you need to accomplish comand to see R1 loopbacks in R3 and u have routing table of R3
    1 no eigrp stub receive only or
    2 no eigrp stub
    another answers are wrong
    and second question is about hub and spoke Frame relay with picture EIGRP topology u need to choose correct answer it is not that hard
    However i can’t remember any additional Q, coz i was in stress u know)

  47. koki
    January 22nd, 2018

    Expanding off potential new question where people are talking about [PADO/PADI] — this refers to PPPoE:

    PPPoE requires certain signals and information to establish, accept, control and terminate the session. The basic signalling is shown below.

    A PADI (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation) broadcast signal is sent by the host to the remote devices.

    A PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer) signal is sent by the remote device back to the host.

    A PADR (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) unicast signal is sent by the host to the remote device.

    A PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation) is sent by the remote device back to the host.

    A PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) signal is sent to terminate a PPPoE session. It is the proper way to terminate a session but is not the actual cause for the termination. The cause may be a simple timeout, a manual request by either end, or an out of spec line condition.

    Information has been gathered from: https://www.dslreports.com/faq/12410

  48. Juan Pablo
    January 23rd, 2018

    @Fifaplayer I already tried to search for the videos but I only found ROUTE 300-101, if you can share me a link it would be very HELPFUL.

  49. Weirdo
    January 23rd, 2018

    Refer to Exhibit. Which two reasons for IP SLA tracking failure are likely true? (Choose Two):

    A. The source-interface is configured incorrectly.
    B. The destination must be for icmp-echo.
    C. A route back to the R1 LAN network is missing in R2.
    D. The default route has wrong next hop IP address.
    E. The threshold value is wrong.

    Does anyone know a verified answer to this question?

  50. Reveillon
    January 23rd, 2018

    Do you know the difference between the two questions below?
    as digital9tut, the first is D and the second is C,
    for me the both are the same Answer: Reflexive access list

    Which type of access list allows granular session filtering for upper-level protocols?
    A-Context-based access list
    B-Extended access list
    C-Content-based access lists
    D-Reflexive access list


    Which access list used to filter upper layer protocol?
    A-Reflexive access-list
    B-Standard acess-list
    C-Extented access-list


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