Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
@Fail man
Not sure…maybe not. Except at the CCIE level.
Tell me more about your exam pls.
The MCQ…
I’m scheduled for later today
What is the NHRP role in DMVPN? (Choose two.)
A. Obtains the next-hop to be used for routing
B. Routes the packet through the tunnel
C. Identifies the PIM-SM RP used to route the packet
D. Can authenticate VPN endpoints
E. It requires each tunnel endpoint to have a unique network ID
Any ideas please…
Can anyone send me the lastest dump for 300-101 ROUTE
Thanks in advance!
What is the NHRP role in DMVPN? (Choose two.)
A. Obtains the next-hop to be used for routing
B. Routes the packet through the tunnel
C. Identifies the PIM-SM RP used to route the packet
D. Can authenticate VPN endpoints
E. It requires each tunnel endpoint to have a unique network ID
Corret Aswer: AD
Hi everyone
Can anyone send me the lastest dump for 300-101 ROUTE
manny thanks ping regards -t
Passed two days ago with 8xx mark. Got pbr/redist/ospf eva labs.
10-15 questions slightly different from digitaltut. Just dont learn the questionz by heart. If you study the concepts behind the topics you will surely pass.
hey guys
please share the dumps that helped you to pass the exam.
Passed CCNP Route with score 92X/1000
4 Drag and Drop FYI: frame relay, ACL, AAA, DHCPv6.
Labs: eigrp case, eigrp stub, route-map
Remove 2 Stars**
what command u need at HUB in order to redirect work.
1. ip nhrp redierect ( this is correct )
2. ip nhrp shortcut ( i selected this b’coz others not the best ones )
3. ip ngrp map
4. ip redirect.
study the all DnD from the site and stateful nat 64!
ipv6 bandwidth-percent eigrp 55 80 command was the correct one! because other values are not correct parameter for example AS different location or misplaced so please study the this command very well.
if i remember i will post later.
If u want to become good network engineer please study the subject then use the site so that u know what you are doing.
Scored 781
very close…
At least 25 to 30 new MCQ (Killed me)
All D&D and Labs valid (Look carefully for IP changes)
@digitaltut admin: kindly update ASAP pls and thanks
@CiscoDudeYEG Do you remember any new questions?
Could you please send me the most recent dump at: netqaq11 AT OUTLOOK DOT COM please.
Thank you,
Best Regards
Exam changed
Passed today (985/1000) using the following dump
Latila Juky is fake they sale old material i failed using Dumps
Isabella IS mother fuk**er Fake Fake…..
Isabella IS mother fuk**er Fake Fake…..
please send me the free dumps for CCNP ROUTE AT
Exam next week.
please send me the free dumps for CCDA AT
Exam next week.
I read those comment and immediatly I rescheduled the exam cause I was going to take the exam next Friday 7th and I don´t wanna waste my my money, Digitaltud I´m Premium member can you validated those comments please ??? and please add the recent material
these fake people needs to stop, please guys this is our future we are dealing with here.
Free sharing of CCNP 300-101 learning materials
fsadfasffdfas FAKE FAKE
please share valid dump
hoanganhtc28 @ gmail dot com
Most of the people that get in the way. Greedy people who just want money.
Anyone who wants to exchange information about the exam send me an e-mail that we form a group.
I’m going to take the exam in July.
tiagocarlos48 @ gmail dot com
If anybody wants to sit in the exam in this month, then contact me. I’ve a very authentic person who provide exam center screenshots and very little amount of questions for pass the exam very easily. If you interested for 50% share with me then contact me on this email: sysdigi001 @ gmail . com
Can people who took the exam share the new questions ?
I failed in Monday but it was my stupidity.. questions were from 9tut..Going to Repeat next Monday..That guys talking about exam change. Did you remembered some new questions or its only HOAX ?
Did you encounter new questions ?
Passed exam 9xx/1000. Almost all questions were from here. labs OSPFeval, PBR, Redistr, I followed instructions from 9 tut exactly.
DnD all from here (3AAA, network conditions)
there were only 3-4 new questions, about ripv2, does it support supernets, how to configure ospfv3(like globaly, on interface, etc) new question about eigrp for ipv6, how to configure gre tunnel with ipsec (available options – configure tunnel key, ip mtu, tcp mss adjust, I do not know correct answer) dont remember exact questions.
Used dumps here and dexter dumps (link was somewhere here in comments few pages back)
Could you please share the dump?
@Pineapple it wqs this question ?
Which two commands must you use to configure GRE tunnel with IPSec.
A. ip unnumbered B. tunnel key C. ip tcp adjust-mss D. mpls mtu E. ip mtu
Correct Answer: CE
@Pinapple, could you enlighten me when you say “use dumps here” do you mean that they are hosted somewhere on this website?
Do you mean that the question in the different section are actually on the exam?
I have an hard time finding a dump.
Thank you
netqaq11 AT outlook DOT com
Pass yesterday
Study ALL sections of this site for pass the exam.
lab: pbr, ospf evaluation
Only four new questions.
Failed a second time, first time by a 50 odd points, second time by 6 points. Alot of these questions are on the exam. My employer asked me to do the certification years ago and now I dont require it for my current roll. Starting to debate if i should go again. I dont feel these exams represent what is required of a CCNP in the real world, does anyone else feel the same?
May pinoy ba dito?
Congratulations @Carma,
What dumps have you studied to pass the exam?
If anybody wants to sit in the exam in this month, then contact me. I’ve a very authentic person who provide exam center screenshots and very little amount of questions for pass the exam very easily. If you interested for 50% share with me then contact me on this email: sysdigi001 @ gmail . com
Guys, just passed the exam today with 876/1000.
Drag& Drops = the ones here on the site
Sims =the ones here
I read the Route_Apr_2019 and Dexter dumps. Were more than enough. There were a couple of new questions (I think 8) but manageable.
From what I recall, new question:
By default, what is the number of paths that are used for load-sharing by BGP.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 6
From my opinion, the question and the phrasing are sneaky. “By default” BGP does not load balance , and it always chooses the best path to direct the traffic. I choose A.
Congrats immortal
Do you remember the topic of new question u had ?
@Immortal, very congratulations
Then you can confirm that the files Route_Apr_2019 and Dexter dumps are valid to pass?
@Global. Yes, ~90% of the questions were from those dumps.
@Immotal where is the dumps you are talking about located
Hello all,
I’ll upload the Route_APR_2019 and send it to you.
any one got the Dexter could please help us ?
here you go
Do you remember any of the new questions ?
Could you please shar the dumps ?
@ahmad, what is the descryption key?
anyone got the Dexter dumps?
it should be with no key ?
I’m converting Dexter pdf to vce. I think that I finish until tomorrow.
Send me an email:
tiagocarlos48 @ gmail dot com
Let help each other…
@ahmad – it is asking for a decryption key
@Krad – yes we need to work together, we should create a discord chat or something and have people join it. hit me up at c a s h m n y007@ p r o t o n m a i l . c o m