Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Saaein
    May 14th, 2019

    @macking I was 19 points shy of passing the exam. I will try my best to remember and write each and every question I saw and post it here. In the meanwhile everyone should focus on these topics since I saw most of the questions that I missed from the following topics.
    IP SLA / EVN / Frame Relay / DMVPN / ICMP / OSPF V3 / IPV6 / NTP

  2. naveed
    May 14th, 2019

    naveed is back 100% discounted vouchers available.. 0 3 2 1 4 6 7 01 2 3

    ccna 39000
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  3. Peter
    May 14th, 2019

    @Saaein did you studied Route 300-101 questions too on the left side here? There is many old questions which other people refers too. I saw your comments you studied: MPQ, NUQ5, NUQ6, Dexter dumps

  4. Saaein
    May 14th, 2019

    @Peter, Not all of them. That is why I will look into these questions today and post them if I will see the old questions that were on the test. I will take a look at them today and post them as soon as I will come across anything. Keep an eye on my next comment. I want all of us to pass this test and learn from what I did wrong. Plus there were like 7 drag and drop in the test I took yesterday. So please make sure you prepare for the D&D’s well too. PS I did all the D&D’s right because I prepped for them. So I know for sure that I failed due to the questions that I was not prepared for.

  5. Peter
    May 14th, 2019

    @Saaein – thanks for your support! I will looking forward your upcoming updates. Wish you good luck on next attempt!

  6. Macking
    May 14th, 2019

    0 Reserved
    1 through 64,495 A ssignable by IANA for public use
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    65,535 Reserved

  7. Dude
    May 14th, 2019

    Hello All,

    Kindly share the CCNP (route) dumps please.

  8. CCNP2/3
    May 14th, 2019

    Just passed the Route 300-101 exam with 79X/1000. I used the CCNP Route FLG and used the dump labled ROUTE_Apr_2019. I got the OSPF Info, PBR and OSPF/EIGRP redistribute labs. I’d say that like 80% of the questions were on the dump but there was some ones I had never seen before asking for more indepth things about IP SLAs and some BGP path preference questions

  9. Jacob
    May 14th, 2019


    what page did you find that dump on? Otherwise can anyone send the PDF version of the dump to Jacob 3 Greene at g mail(dot)com. thanks!

  10. RIPNG
    May 14th, 2019

    I passed the route exam yesterday with 851/1000, i studied the next sections:

    Section under 300-101

    i recommend that studied this sections, the labs and DnD are the same.

    Good luck!

  11. MrBean
    May 14th, 2019

    Hi Jacob,
    I think he meant my dump… I used the PDF from Digitaltut and made a VCE from it.. corrected many syntax issues and so on…
    Already 3 people confirmed that they passed with them.. but as CCNP2/3 told there are still some questions which are not in… you can download it here without any cost :)
    http : // bit . ly / 2La2xbT

  12. craigs
    May 14th, 2019

    can some one share valid dumps to forcraigs2atgmaildotcom

  13. Anonymous
    May 15th, 2019

    passed today using the passleader 300-101 769q. Some new questions that were already mentioned here and 1 new bgp question based on the old one with new options. I agree with most here and that the premium membership may not be enough to pass the test. study hard and ignore the scammers promising free dumps when all they want is to sell you what is already free….

  14. yorke
    May 15th, 2019

    hi guys, i finally passed the exam this morning. this premium version is a big help but not 100 %.
    Still needs to study, heres some I remember that I saw in my exam:
    D&D: ACL, NHRP,
    Labs: EIGRP OSPF Redistribute, PBR and OSPF Eval Sim.

    For the EIGRP OSPF, the command dstance eigrp didnt work, i tried everything so I just leave it like that.

    My advise is subscribe to premium, if you study it, you will be confident in the exam but not all questions are from there only 70 % i think.

    Time for CCNP Tshoot. Thanks everyone.

  15. Jack
    May 15th, 2019

    Thanks all supported help me.
    Today, I passed with 8**/1000.
    If you need review and question in exam, please wil sent gmail to {email not allowed}
    Lab: PBR, Redistribute, OSPF Eva.

    I hope It will help you!!!!

  16. Jack
    May 15th, 2019

    {email not allowed}

  17. Jack
    May 15th, 2019

    {email not allowed}…….

  18. Jack
    May 15th, 2019

    please, click back to 311
    “Jack May 10th, 2019”. All guy will see mail for me. I will sent it to you.

  19. Saji
    May 15th, 2019

    Note: To all,

    Consider this scenario. TCP traffic is blocked on port 547 between a DHCPv6 relay agent and a DHCPv6 server that is configured for prefix delegation. Which two outcomes will result when the relay agent is rebooted? (Choose two)

    A. Routers will not obtain DHCPv6 prefixes.
    B. DHCPv6 clients will be unreachable.
    C. Hosts will not obtain DHCPv6 addresses.
    D. The DHCPv6 relay agent will resume distributing addresses.
    E. DHCPv6 address conflicts will occur on downstream clients.

    We all know that DHCPv6 relay agent always using UDP 547. But question about TCP which means port blocking is nothing to do with that. so I lab the scenario.
    1-> Even when both UDP & TCP blocked between Relay & PD server still the client (router which facing towards rely) will hold the Prefix delegated by the server until its time expires.
    so that mean router will distribute the IPs/prefix to its dhcp client.
    2 -> When I bounced the interface (router)which facing towards relay agent thing get really ugly or clear because dhcpv6 solicit will be sent to verify the rebinding of prefix- now when TCP is blocked nothing is happened it got the dhcp status open. it works fine.
    3 -> when udp 547 is blocked router lost its delegated prefix. which clear the mystery of blocking tcp nothing will do for prefix delegation or dhcpv6 operation.

    Now lets get into english phrase ” relay agent is rebooted ”
    while it is booting routers or client will not get new prefix via PD. So answer A is correct.

    answer C -> as i explained it is NOT correct because it will obtain address from the router because router still hold the prefix even when relay is rebooted. PD is not expired yet.

    next logical option is D—- So I would select this option because relay agent is not depend on TCP.

  20. Anonymous
    May 15th, 2019


  21. Anonymous
    May 15th, 2019


  22. Route Authentic Dumps
    May 15th, 2019

    Finally passed the exam this morning.These Dumps are a big help out 100%


    Without Stars**

  23. Anonymous
    May 15th, 2019

    By default what is the maximum number of equal metric path BGP uses for load balancing?

    Up to a maximum of 6

    Which difference idn the packet fragmentation feature between IPv4 and IPv6 is true?

    There is no fragmentation in IPv6 because it uses Path MTU Discovery in order to find the smallest packet size to the destination.

    Which LAN features enable a default gateway to inform it’s end devices when a better path to a destination is available?

    ICMP redirect

    The track objects in IP SLA and make sure that it is only up if all track objects are up, which method achieves that goal?

    A. AND
    B. OR
    C. XOR
    D. ???


    With PCA and PCB and there are three routers between them and a different MTU value and they want a PCA to run an application with PCB and DF is set so we have to choose?

    A. MSS
    B. PMTU
    C. GRE
    D. ???


  24. Peter
    May 15th, 2019

    to all who passed an exam or just will take an exam – EIGRP OSPF Redistribute LAB ask to make a ping and telnet from loopback 101 on R1 to the OPSF domain test address (of While to ping we need just ‘ping’ what about the telnet? Do we need to use port number or just ‘telnet’ is enough?

  25. CCIE
    May 15th, 2019

    The best study materials (SWITCH+ROUTE+TSHOOT) + Labs it costs me 100$
    I just put it for nothing just 3$

  26. Ahmed358
    May 15th, 2019

    The admins, please make more of an active effort to delete the stupid spam on here please, as its misleading and irfitsfubhy.

  27. premium
    May 15th, 2019

    Hello i passed today with 984 :))
    PREMIUM is not enough! There are about 15 new questions that are not on this site ,i went over all sections
    write me for more details smartpassshoot @ gmail.com

  28. Anubis
    May 15th, 2019

    Sat exam on Monday.


    All the exams are in either MPQ and Composite,

    So many Drag & Drop came up and unfortunately the ones I did not study for came up too :-(

    All three labs came up, which are OSPF Evaluation, Redistribution & PBR. Those are the only labs which will come up for everyone that’s doing this exam (at this time). If someone mentions different labs, then it’s probably a spammer to sell you their crappy dumps.

    But do remember to do ALL THE DRAG & DROPS because so many came up. And they are worth alot of marks.

    Yes, there are some new questions, like PCA is unable to send to PCB, where there are 3 routers in between the path. Option being Connect GRE between the two points, or modify QOS or alter MSS, can’t remember the 4th option though.

    Anyway, good luck everyone. Do NOT stress, because the labs are exactly like how they are on this website, 100% though they do make some changes regarding ip addresses just to trick you, but if you understand material (even if it’s shallow depth), you’ll be able to figure it all out.

    Do not use paid for dumps, because everything you need is on this website, as premium user and that $15 is worth it.

    Ignore all the ads and spammers.

  29. Anubis
    May 15th, 2019

    PS, thank you all who’s posted on here and helped others out. Wouldn’t have been able to do it without you lot.

  30. Z0r
    May 15th, 2019

    Hi All passed yesterday 9xx/1000

    I used premium membership and studied absolutely every question on this site.

    I had about 5 new questions when I say new some were just the same but written slightly different. Maybe 3 not on this site one specifically was about IP SLA and another about EVN choosing the best route.

    LABs: PBR, Redist Case 2 and OSPF simlet
    DNDs: Were all from this site

    Also to clarify I actually had the below BGP question in my exam and I can tell you there is no option to answer 64512-65534 the other answers are completely wrong so the only valid answer is actually A.

    The real question looks more like this:

    Valid range for BGP private ASNs?
    A. 64512-65535
    B. 1-64000
    C. 100-1024
    D 1000-65535

    Good luck everyone.

  31. Zero Zero
    May 16th, 2019


    What type of addresses OSPFv3 uses to form adjacency and send updates?

    The answer is link-local address because they are used to form adjacency aka FE80::

    FF02 are multicast addresses

  32. Zero Zero
    May 16th, 2019

    Everybody post new questions not seen on this site.

  33. Zero Zero
    May 16th, 2019


    Can you remember and post any new questions?

  34. Zero Zero
    May 16th, 2019


    Can you remember and post any new questions

  35. Shani
    May 16th, 2019


    can you please send me all the valid dumps.


    thank you in advance

  36. CENGA
    May 16th, 2019

    where can i download certprepare dump ccnp route

  37. Macking
    May 16th, 2019

    @Zero Zero and @ Saji,
    Yeah, figured that out, thanks for the correction. Answer is link-local for OSPFv3 to form adjacency and send updates. FF02::5 is multicast for All SPF DR routers (maybe on a NBMA setup?)

  38. Macking
    May 16th, 2019

    Congrats @ZOr! Thanks for confirming that Valid range for BGP private ASNs question.
    All these single inputs will help us all to pass the exam.

    @CENGA, certprepare.com is a separate website for CCNP SWITCH. That is a good one too as I used it mid last year and passed. You need to be a premium member though to maximize all the useful network resources from all these websites.

  39. Global
    May 16th, 2019

    Hi all,

    Those who have already passed their exam, say that some questions are on the right side under the name ROUTE 300-101, but I am reviewing those questions and there are only the answers, can anyone tell us where the questions are? Thank you very much to all.

  40. Anonymous
    May 16th, 2019

    @Global, sign up as a premium member for 15$ per month to see the questions and practice the flash-based quizzes and lab simulations as well. Really worth it! Well, I will know by next week. Although taking it from the previous exam takers, the success rate is quite good.

  41. Seeees
    May 16th, 2019

    Hi Anonymous, when is your exam? Is availing premium membership enough to pass the exam?

  42. Anonymous
    May 16th, 2019

    I passed the SWITCH now I am ready for ROUTE

  43. Anonymous
    May 16th, 2019

    I STRONGLY recommand the study of @CCNPSWITCH300-115
    it is a true and good study materials

  44. Tech
    May 16th, 2019

    Which difference idn the packet fragmentation feature between IPv4 and IPv6 is true?

    There is no fragmentation in IPv6 because it uses Path MTU Discovery in order to find the smallest packet size to the destination.

    Which LAN features enable a default gateway to inform it’s end devices when a better path to a destination is available?

    ICMP redirect

    The track objects in IP SLA and make sure that it is only up if all track objects are up, which method achieves that goal?

    A. AND
    B. OR
    C. XOR
    D. ???


    With PCA and PCB and there are three routers betwefen them and a different MTU value and they want a PCA to run an application with PCB and DF is set so we have to choose?

    A. MSS
    B. PMTU
    C. GRE
    D. ???


  45. Anonymous
    May 16th, 2019

    https :// www . file-up . org/7orijogv5n48

  46. fasdfsaf
    May 17th, 2019

    I finally passed the CCNP 300-101 exam today. I can share the website that helps me with the exam. I wish you good luck.
    Dump type: CCNA, CCNP, CCIE and cissp
    Account Type: Routing and Switching, Security, Wireless, Data Center, Service Provider, Collaboration, Design

  47. AT1
    May 17th, 2019

    Hi all, I passed my switch exam and would like to know if there’s a latest pdf or vce file for route exam questions.

    Sorry if I’m one of many asking :)

  48. AT1 responder
    May 17th, 2019

    The best this website can do is, you pay $15 and access premium service of this website, which contains all the questions and drag & drops, along with the labs with full instructions. This is better than dumps, and helpful to pass.

  49. AT1 responder
    May 17th, 2019

    I passed my ccnp route by using this website and all it’s material.

    Use the Most Popular Questions (MPQ), New Updated Questions (NUQ), labs on here (the 3 being OSPF Evaluation, Redistribution & PBR) and the Drag & Drops. That’s all I used in addition to studying CCNP Route from the official book and doing the lab’s from someone who sent me them using real routers instead of Packet Tracer or GNS3.

  50. ReadMe
    May 17th, 2019

    Do not over stress with this exam, it isn’t difficult. Do not let those that failed to throw you off. It’s actually quiet easy if you read advice from those that passed.

    Do MQP, NUQ, D&D, and the 3 labs. Do go through the composite quizzes if you wanna feel more confident. Better yet, do go through comments aswell.

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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