Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Addy
    December 19th, 2017


    Yes. I cleared it a Week before.

    BGP private AS number range is 64512-65535 i.e., Option A.

  2. Addy
    December 19th, 2017

    @ Joe

    Ping won’t help you to test the PBR. Since it does not match the policy you implemented on your Router.

    Try to telnet with port as 80. You will see packets matched.

  3. Joe
    December 19th, 2017


    yep , not its working :)

  4. Mac
    December 19th, 2017

    @ Addy

    if you enter the following command

    access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq echo
    route-map pbr permit 10
    match ip address 101
    set ip next-hop x.x.x.x

    shouldn’t that allow you to test using PING?

  5. Mac
    December 19th, 2017

    @ FifaPlayer

    I think that percentage on the VPN section is accurate. There aren’t many VPN questions in the dumps so test takers who use the dumps aren’t fully prepared for this section.

    When I took the test the first time using the dump I got 0% on the VPN section.

  6. Anonymous
    December 19th, 2017

    Many thanks for the wonderful website. Just passed 300-101 with my best score ever, despite messing up one simulation. Pretty much exactly as here.

  7. Mac
    December 19th, 2017

    @ Anonymous

    Do you remember anything from the exam that my be of help to those who haven’t taken it yet?

  8. maddy
    December 19th, 2017

    @ addy can you plz help me with this ques

    Q150. iIf the total bandwidth is 64 kbps and RTT is 3 seconds , what is the bandwidth delay product?

    a) 8000 bytes
    b) 16000 byts
    c) 24000 bytes
    d) 32000 bytes
    e) 62000 bytes

    answer is c i dont know how

  9. Joker213
    December 19th, 2017

    Just wrote the 300-101 and failed 730 finial mark.
    I couldnt save the Sim labs
    –> Copy run start | write mem
    didnt work
    Other wise answered all of the questions same as the dumps, some of those answers in the 450 are wrong.
    Now I get to spend 360$ again to write this exam over, next week.

  10. Joe
    December 19th, 2017


    Sad to hear that , what sims and labs you had? did you learn the procyber 1.5 dump?

  11. Joker213
    December 19th, 2017

    I used the 450 dump,
    Had the Policy based routing SIM
    The OSPF network sim
    Redistribution SIM

    The OSPF and EIGRP view questions were on there as well,
    see the lab answer the questions

    Couldn’t save labs,

  12. Joker213
    December 19th, 2017

    I just checked my answers VIA the dumps for the questions I got, All were the correct answers
    –> So yea I dont know how I failed, must have been that I couldn’t save the labs, no other option other than some of the dump answers are incorrect

  13. Mac
    December 19th, 2017

    @ Joker213

    sorry to hear that bro, but I think not all labs need to be saved. I don’t think it matters on those that “copy run start” command doesn’t work on just as long as you have the correct configs and verification was successful then you should get credit for it.

    The real question here is whether you were to verify that the lab actually works as it should have after the configuration commands. Were you able to verify each of them ie. Ping, sh route-map, show ip route?

    can you explain your verification process for each of them and the results?

  14. Mmmexpert
    December 19th, 2017

    8bits is one byte
    1kbites is 1000 bytes
    That is my analogy

  15. Mmmexpert
    December 19th, 2017

    Is it procyber1.5 you studied

  16. Joker213
    December 19th, 2017

    trace route for the redistribution sim –> routed the correct route
    ping for the ospf config lab –> could ping non local router and loopback
    the ip policy sim had a pc that generated 9 packets http traffic –> traffic passed to the top ISP as I configured

  17. Jigre66
    December 19th, 2017

    Thank you I just passed my route exam… everything is same as here. I got 868/1000. I messed up pbr lab I think becuase I used wrong ip address for the set next-hop address which I now think is the ISP 1 interface address, I accidently put the middle exit interface.

    If you are ready now is the the time to write your exam.

    Good luck everyone and thank you digitaltut, Procyber, its me and everybody who contribute this wonderful site… keep the good work.

  18. Mac
    December 20th, 2017

    Can someone help me verify the PBR sim? the show route-map command is not producing any viable information, it is not showing any matches when using the GNS3 sim. And when I did it on the exam a month ago it did not produce any matches either.

    Has anyone confirmed this sim using GNS3? if so can you help me figure out what I am doing wrong?

  19. LR
    December 20th, 2017

    Can someone please share the latest dumps here at moonjee83 @ yahoo com

  20. LR
    December 20th, 2017

    While doing practice labs, I get different results in OSPF and EIGRP evaluation labs. Is there a problem with the labs provided in Cyber Pro dumps? I am using the give IOS image. Please help!


  21. maddy
    December 20th, 2017

    ty Mmmexpert

  22. maddy
    December 20th, 2017

    need explanation for this ques
    Q256. which dhcp option provides a TFTP server that cisco phones can use to download a configuration?
    A. dhcp option 66
    B. dhcp option 68
    C. dhcp option 82
    D. dhcp option 57
    ans is a acc to dumps

  23. MS
    December 20th, 2017

    Please can any one send last dump for me {email not allowed}

  24. cedric91
    December 20th, 2017

    Hi guys,

    I’ll start CCNP Routing.

    Can you send me valid dump ?

    Thank you all.

    kutayulubas (at) gmail(dot)com

  25. Desperado
    December 20th, 2017

    Dear ALL,
    Is there a procyber 1.5 1.5 dump in pdf format?

  26. niko
    December 20th, 2017

    did anyone else give exam today

  27. Bracker
    December 20th, 2017

    Hi, yes passed as well, not sure about vpn as everybody was saying but got there 100 %, procyber valid, labs still same no changes at all only thing that is strange that sometimes commands not working on 1 router but working on 2nd router – nice guide by cisco that you are configuring/ checking wrong device :-D

  28. fd77
    December 20th, 2017

    Hi. I passed today.
    First thanks to the guys who share info here, and a usual advice…. Indeed many are offering valid dumbs and stuff, then they ask for 16 or 20 or X dollars as they ‘paid 100 to buy them and they find it fair to share… do not believe that, tell them to provide them first and IF you pass then you will share the cost ;) That’s a fair deal! :) Or to put it another way… I could copy paste the questions from here, call them “ITLabPass4Fun” :)) and sell them to you 20$ ;)

  29. fd77
    December 20th, 2017

    The labs are great here! I have to say … it is important what more or less to expect, than been in the dark (having to imagine you may have something irrelevant about all the things [universe of them!] you may have studied) than knowing what more or less what it will be like. So… to summarize and help those who have the challenge ahead… I agree with the rest: Study to know! then see labs Sims from here (they are valid!), and do also questions (basically from here and then from whatever similar sources you find, like e review) ;).
    For the exam…

  30. fd77
    December 20th, 2017

    The labs were exactly similar with here… one thing to mention, is for example minor either changes or ‘bugs’ ;) ie…
    -In the OSPF EIGRP redistribution lab, the ping to loopback is Impossible!! Why? Simply there is no such loopback there, nor you can add it. However instead the loopback is ;)
    -In the OSPF Sim ( the one 19:80, R1-R3, 1858, 9 times the SPF etc :)) ) … the question states (i.e.) “what is the time on R5 that LSA type4 for Area 1was advertised?” … you do sh ip ospf, but see no area 1.. :/

  31. fd77
    December 20th, 2017

    …for Area 2 indeed the time says for (as the lab here says) indeed 1858 :/ irrelevant but this is what I picked! Similarly, for question where we use ‘sh ip ospf int s0/0 or s1/0″ between R3 and R1 or R2… I have the feeling both questions were correct:
    -R3-R1 timers 300-120-120 AND R3-R2 timers 10-40-40… as the R3-R2 is non-broadcast (with 30-120-120) BUT R3-R1 is also point-to-point (with 10-40-40) …[you can see this yourself with “Sh int sx/x & sy/x” on both ints on R3… and the numbers are there!]

  32. fd77
    December 20th, 2017

    Finally, indeed PBR was the same (acc-lst 111 permit tcp any any http://www…route-map fd77… etc).. the EIGRP Sim was alike/identical (indeed the Advertised Distance cannot be checked with sh ip eigrp top on R1 … but with sh ip ro, then you see Rx is next hop, and there you do sh ip ro on Rx (3 in my case) to see its FD=333056whatever)… Then the one with the 3 ospf routers (area 85 stub, NOT the virtual link one)…
    I passed with 908 which means like I must have lost 1/48. Good Luck to anyone who is taking the exam ;)… and do not get disappointed! ;)
    ps: I just wanted to get back and write my crap ;) :$ as indeed many commented “people pass and never come back (which is true!)… but I wanted not to do it on my end (this time ;) ).
    All the best to those who study ;)

  33. Joe
    December 20th, 2017


    So they changed the loopback from to same thing only different ip?
    in the OSPF sim , can you please elaborate more?

  34. ICM
    December 20th, 2017

    Passed today with 829 points.

    The procyber dump is still valid.


    Many questions about SLA and VPN. OSPF, redistribution and PBR labs, and finally OSPF and EIGRP simlets.

  35. LR
    December 21st, 2017

    @fd77 Please share the latest dumps at moonjee83 @ yahoo.

    I am doing labs these days and the practice labs aren’t giving the same results, I figured that the link speeds must be different and therefore I am getting different metric values and stuff.

    Next, I need to go through the dumps, if you would share the latest one, I think it’s called “It’s me” something.

  36. Mac
    December 21st, 2017

    Ok so I finally passed 300-101 CCNP Route for those who are not familiar.

    I do not have a great memory so please don’t ask me what questions were on the exam because I do not really remember any of them.

    My exam consisted of the following sims
    PBR Sim
    EIGRP, OSPF redistribution Sim
    OSPF Sim

    The following Simlets
    OSPF Evaluation
    EIGRP Evaluation

    I don’t really know the names of the different drag and drops but I got 3 or 4 of them
    One was the NAT64 NPT64
    BGP States
    Frame Relay components

    On the Redistribution lab pay attention to the delay was changed in mine so make sure you pay attention.

    it goes without saying that on the OSPF sim the process ID on each router should be the same, I checked the process ID of the router I did not have to configure and made sure when I entered my command it matched that router’s process ID.

    Verify everything you do before you click next……IF YOU CANNOT SAVE YOUR CONFIGS DON’T WORRY….you will still get credit for the sim. With that said SAVE YOUR CONFIG on the OSPF sim.

    I did not notice any new questions all the questions I got on my exam were on the dump I used which was the 470q I did not use procyber dump.

  37. Tom
    December 21st, 2017

    @fd77: Great share of your Route exam. Thank you very much. And I am doing my exam on Tomorrow.

    Guys I need to know whether there is a difference in LAB questions in Premium Membership and Free Membership in Digitaltut. Or Exam Lab questions are coming only from Free Membership Questions?


  38. Kurtulus
    December 21st, 2017

    @fd77 congrats on your success, can you share your documents? i don’t have enough dumps and source to study exam. Thanks for your support in advance.

  39. Toff
    December 21st, 2017

    Hi Team,
    anyone pass the exam confirm if “Composite Quizzes + lab sim” from digitaltut good enough to pass the exam?

    I failed the exam yesterday, and my NP will expire end of this month (only 10 more days please), any help will do please
    If any one have VCE + PDF can email me will be great
    ie.mustafa AT gmail

    many thanks

  40. Dave
    December 21st, 2017

    Thanks digitialtut! Passed my exam with 9xx. Premium membership of digitaltut is all you need to clear this exam. No need to get or buy dump of any sort. First study all the concepts explained by digitaltut and than composite quizes and also new updated questions. Labs I got -PBR Sim, EIGRP-OSPF redistribution Sim,OSPF Sim,Simlets -OSPF Evaluation & EIGRP Evaluation.

  41. Anonymous
    December 21st, 2017


    congrats !! do you think its time to go and do the test if i studied all the information in the web site? can you tell if there was any changes in the sim and the labs?

  42. maddy
    December 21st, 2017

    need help with this ques

    Q458 drag and drop
    excessive unicast flooding | cause of inconsistent traffic patterns
    out of order packets | condition caused by including a host port in stp
    tcp starvation | condition in which packets require an excessive length of time to transverse a

    asymmetric routing | potential effect of excessive udp traffic on the link
    latency | potential result of disabling fifo

    ans is pending in dumps need help

  43. Dave
    December 21st, 2017

    Anonymous, no change in the sim and the labs, just different IP’s, process id, area ID and in that eigrp sim, show ip eigrp topology does not work but show ip eigrp 1 topology worked. If you have studied this web site well and are doing well in composite quiz’s and new updated question, you are good to go for test. Wish you all the best!

  44. LR
    December 21st, 2017

    not able to comment anything

  45. LR
    December 21st, 2017

    Do you use the same configs for all labs as digitaltut?

  46. LR
    December 21st, 2017

    Mac, share you dumps with me at moonjee83 @ yahoo, I will be grateful. Thanks

  47. Mohammed
    December 21st, 2017

    Today i failed to pass the exam because i depends on pass4sure dumb I payed 88 Usd for this dumb an I got nothing, my ccna will expire on 24 December I think Come back to the zero, I studied the lab questions by digitaltut and all the labs is exactly as expected

  48. frank
    December 21st, 2017

    can you share dumps for good? i don’t have enough dumps and source to study exam. Thanks for your support in advance.

  49. Joe
    December 21st, 2017


    Can you please give the examples for the different ip and area id in the lab/sim?

  50. LR
    December 22nd, 2017

    Anyone, please share the dumps. The exam is near. moonjee83 at yahoo dot com

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