Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
So EIGRP stub is not relevant?
Hi @Mac, answers to your questions as you wrote them
1 .
A. Routers will not obtain DHCPv6 Prefixes
C. Hosts will not obtain DHCPv6 addresses
2. that question is definetely not full
3. and What are two limitations when in use of NPTv6 for IPV6 vs IPV6 Address translation – does not make sense, better would be – What are two limitations when in use of NPTv6 for IPV6 address translation ( sorry but small difference makes huge imaact on correct answers with Cisco )
C.lack of overloading functionality
E.1-to-1 prefix rewrite
D.They require the frame-relay mapping command to be configured
E.They require inverse ARP.
Those are answers as I see them, according to me pretty logical, just try to find full question number 2 ( i did not had those questions before )
Hello, I Passed today 9XX.
The sims were PBR, EIGRP OSPF Redistribution, OSPF sim, OSPF evaluation, EIGRP evaluation,
DnD Authentication/Authorization/Accounting, uRPF Loose/Strict mode, Frame Relay components (SVC, PVC, LMI, FECN, DLCI), DHCPv6 Client Site/Server Site. A lot of the section “New Updated Questions”.
In my opinion the VPN questions are not correct because I have most errors there. I though that a lot of questions there were suspicious, but I followed the dump.
So you should study a lot!
@DecPass – cg do you remember any of the VPN questions ? I am going through the dumps, many similar multiple choises differs litlle but – but answers are always different – possibility you just made a mistake ?
is its me 1.5 still valid
@nino, 1.5 is still valid, but in my opinion some questions in VPN section are not correct. You can see in the previous pages as well that these are the questions with the lowest correct rate at the exam. I got 67% there.
However with correct Sims and full dump you CAN PASS the exam at this point, but you probably will have a few incorrect answers.
Good Luck!
i have another question about OSPF Sim
if the ospf process id on the router is 1 like GNS3 lab and it is requested in the question to make all configuration under process id 10 what will be the configuration
So you saying passing the sims and answering the question from the 1.5 will pass the test?
Anyone here can share his cisco images for the gns labs?
@nino, in my exam I had to use one OSPF process on all tree routers. But on the “Portland” router there was no ospf configuration so I was able to configure my process ID as was in the assignment. So I do not think that you will have that case.
One more thing – on the Redistribution LAB R3-R2 and R2-R1 connection were FastEthernet. The configuration is the same as the distance eigrp 90 105
Ok but when you configure the 2 others routers did you use the same process is used on Portland or you configure under the process id that already was configured
Can you please share what you did compare to the answers we have here?
Hey bro thanks for getting back to me on those questions, you are awesome. Have a great day.
Can anyone please make some sense in this : i am trying to understand why people who went to the exam wrote that there is a need to change the area id of portland to 74 instead of 1. can someone please elaborate?
I passed the exam last Friday. my advise to you is that you need to pay attention to what is the scenario asking for and what are your area IDs on the simulation and also OSPF process ID.then do the configurations. You do the practice and make sure you know the material and configuration and apply on your exam. the exam is not that hard and don’t try to pay attention to every single thing that ppl write here. just make sure you learn the material.
Please share me valid dump.
I want to pass exam!!!
I’m attempting the PBR sim using GNS3, the same sim that is available for download on this website. When I enter the verification command “show route-map” do get 0 matches. and before you ask I am using “echo” instead of “www” as the sim suggest and I am 100% sure I am entering the same commands outlined on this website.
Now my question is.
Has anyone gotten this sim to behave that way it should or are you all seeing the same thing?
I think I failed my exam the first time because of this sim so I’m trying to get it right and even in the practice it is not working.
Hi Guys,
How to test PBR sim once configuration is applied?
Do we get access to host on exam to generate some http traffic?
Also does tab or ? work on actual exam?
Apprearing for exam on Friday morning .
Will start reviewing dumps from tomorrow.
Thanks all
Updated the latest ccnp route exam on 19th dec with 450+Q
hi Pros, please help me with this question. BIG HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which type of access list allows granular session filtering for upper-level protocols?
A. content-based access lists
B. context-based access lists
C. reglexive access lists
D. extended access lists
In Procryber Answers, It has mentioned Answer = Extended ACL. But Isn’t the answer is Reflexive ACL? According to the definition of Reflexive ACL “Reflexive access lists allow IP packets to be filtered based on upper-layer session information” Please see the first page of following pdf.
hi Pros, please help me with this question. BIG HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which type of access list allows granular session filtering for upper-level protocols?
A. content-based access lists
B. context-based access lists
C. reflexive access lists
D. extended access lists
In Procryber Answers, It has mentioned Answer = Extended ACL. But Isn’t the answer is Reflexive ACL? According to the definition of Reflexive ACL “Reflexive access lists allow IP packets to be filtered based on upper-layer session information” Please see the first page of following pdf.
Can we use debug ip policy command for PBR sim for testing?
@ Tom
C. Reflexive
Stupid spammers, we are not going to click your stupid links!
hi, guys. Anyone who has written may you please confirm if this is the correct wording for this question because it is dependent on whether an access list is configured or not
Question 8
What’s uRPF checking first when the packet enters the interface?
A. It checks the ingress access list
B. It checks the egress access list
C. Route available in FIB or it verifies a reverse patch via the FIB to the source
D. It verifies that the source has a valid CEF adjacency
Answer: A
or maybe C
thanks in advance!
In the exam you will get access to host to generate http traffic.
You will a tab(Generate HTTP Traffic) click on that you will be able generate the traffic and you can verify the same by the command sh route-map on the router.
@ Young Cisco
Answer is C.
In Procryber updated version(“It’s me 1.5”) Answer is C. Reflexive access list. I don’t know which version of dumps you have the answers might be wrong in your dumps. Check the latest one.
In GNS3 try to do telnet ip_add port_no(80).
than go back to the ASBR and type sh route-map, you will see packets matched with PBR.
Thanks Addy . Much Appreciated.
Have you cleared your exam mate?
I have got one more query regarding BGP private as :-
Valid range for BGP private ASNs?
A. 64512-65535
B. 1-64000
C. 64512-65534
@ addy
Can you please email me its me 1.5 pdf?
email address is hemlunchid @
exam next week i need help regarding this ques can some one explain thanks in advance.
Q150. iIf the total bandwidth is 64 kbps and RTT is 3 seconds , what is the bandwidth delay product?
a) 8000 bytes
b) 16000 byts
c) 24000 bytes
d) 32000 bytes
e) 62000 bytes
answer is c but i dont know how can someone explain thanks in advance :)
Can you write down the command you put in the host for testing to see if there are packets flowing in the PBR sim?
unable to post
mac and joe for the pbr sim make topology in packet tracer
you need to click on the workstation and open web browser and type the address
(as the traffic is http traffic not your normal traffic) for the ping to work if it worked you will get an output in the web browser and you can check this by show route-map command and the match packets will increment
How i make the topology in the packet tracer , i have sim for GNS
@ joe download packet tracer netacad . com /courses / packet-tracer-download packet tracer works the same but there is no copy paste option in this like we have in gns we can use notepad to write configuration. packet tracer is cisco software remove the spaces for the link to work.
* Passed today with 895 score.
* Digitaltut + procyber are still valid
* Same labs as usual: OSPF ev, EIGRP ev, Redistribution, PBR, OSPF sim
* Be carefull with interfaces and IPs, they are mixed. In PBR sim s0/0/0 (HTTP traffic) had and the other interface
* In EIGRP ev. show ip eigrp topology command is not implemented, use sh ip eigrp 1 topo
* Some VPN dumbs are not valid, but don’t know which ones, I got 67% of VPN questions
Thanks Addy & Mac . Much Appreciated.
Question. Is the questions/OCT_2017 pdf the same as the 1.5 cyber ace file?
the Premium member PDF download.
Hi all, fo who took the exam already it is true that in VPN section everybody had 67% ??
maybe we can cooperate to analyze and answer all togeter for every single question..
Dear ALL,
Is there a 1.5 dump in pdf format?
Congrats!! is it possible we can talk in private? i have some questions.
I think that’s a good idea. can anyone gather here all the questions so we could answer them one by one?
@ Joe
These are commands I entered for testing I started a ping because I used “echo” instead of www
amani#ping repeat 1000
then on Portland I did
Portland#show route-map
@ Joe DISREGARD my last post
On host for testing I started a ping to repeat 1000
one BorderRouter I did a show route-map
I did not get any matches in the output of the show route-map command
You cannot build the PBR topology in Packet tracer, since packet tracer does not support PBR.
This is exactly what i am doing. i have opened the host for testing router and did the ping. nothing shows when i do show route-map on border router. WTF?