Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
124/227=BCF—-(ACF) ! ABC
1st segment
28/100=BE—(CE) ! CE
64/100= ! AE so its good
68/100= ! C and just like pjsousa said, should be “SNMPv3 authPriv”
2nd 100q segment
10/100 I couldnt find this question
28/100= ! BE so its good
1st 28/100
The most significant network factor in meeting the latency targets for TelePresence is propagation delay, which can account for more than 90 percent of the network latency time budget. Propagation delay is also a fixed component and is a function of the physical distance that the signals have to travel between the originating endpoint and the receiving endpoint.
Reference: Ciso TelePresence Fundamentals Book
Propagation delay is the amount of time it takes for a single bit of data to get from one side of a digital connection to the other. Propagation delay is usually close to the speed of light, depending on the medium over which the packet is being carried (copper, fiber, and so on). The propagation delay over a digital copper or fiber-optic connection is approximately 1 ms per 100 miles. For example, the distance between New York and London is approximately 3500 miles. This means that the propagation delay between New York and London is approximately 35 ms.
Three types of delay are inherent in today’s telephony networks: propagation delay, serialization delay, and handling delay (also called processing delay).
Serialization delay is the amount of time it takes to actually place a bit or byte onto an interface. It is directly related to the clock rate on the interface.
From CCIE Blog (I have found it on 2 different bolgs too.)
Preventing Route Feedback.
How to prevent looping depends on why loop occurred
Metric based loops
-Fixed with ACL, Prefix-List, or tad filtering and AD
Administrative Distance based loops
-Generally fixed only with AD
All the others looks good to me, but I havent found the Q10/100. :(
b r i ghtonm w a b ab at gmail . com
Please share vce file with me
triplecapacity @ gmail . com
could any one share with me the latest dump , and when did you took the exam
my contact is {email not allowed}
Thanks in advance
could any one share with me the latest dump , and when did you took the exam
my contact is {bahaa .mohamed @ hotm .com}
Thanks in advance
could you please add me too
sarahharas789 @ gmail. com
Dear Please find the below link for SPOTO 227 &195+November Q Dumps .VCE
if there is any changes in the answers please inform :
Please inform me after checking answer for Vce file after that i will upload 248 spoto file
Dear @Kamati
Thanks a lot !!!! ~~~~
kamati – vce 203 questions ?
i removed labs and some dnds
Thanks kamati, any plans to upload full spoto vce file with labs and DnD
Nice ! @ kamati
ok Labs seen @kamati Thanks
Which two OSPF network types can operate without a DR/BDR relationship? (Choose Two)
A. Point-to-multipoint
B. Point-to-point
C. nonbroadcast
D. nonbroadcast multi-access
E. broadcast
Please advice answer : B or D
Which Ospf network type use DR ?
A. Point-to-multipoint
B. Point-to-point
C. nonbrodcast multi access
D. point -to-point broadcast
Please advice answer : B or C
Answer: A B
Does anyone know where i can get a crack for VCE exam simulator
VCE Simulator
https : / / / 9TkW3a
Please remove the spaces
Thank u can u plz send me 248 spoto when available my email
ccnp1987 @ gmail . com
answer A,B sure
Which Ospf network type use DR ?
A. Point-to-multipoint
B. Point-to-point
C. nonbrodcast multi access
D. point -to-point broadcast
Please advice answer : B or C
answer C SURE
Thank U
@ Kamati
Thank you
Thanks a million
Thanks @Kamati
helping each other we reach our achievements together I am new in this site I become member on this month but now i decided to contribute well thanks all
@ Kamati how far are you with checking vce file? I am checking your file also many anwsers are already correct in your file.
@22z Questions are super valid aka @227
hi team, I have a question…
“When OSPF is forming an adjavency, in which state the actual state of information in the link?”
The answer is “exstart”, however I was checking this on google and and most of the answers show “loading” as the correct one, could you confirm which the right answer is?
@ all who did exam please validate and let us know if 227 + 195 q is enough to pass. And really you must learn also otherwise you will never know the concepts and study or get your dream job!
Repost from kamati and routerider
SPOTO 227 &195+November Q Dumps .VCE
if there is any changes in the answers please inform :
“With MultiChoice’s permission here is the link to the Q227 dump:
http : // bit . ly / 2U3AxHg
And the questions which have probably faulty answers:
http: // bit . ly / 2RskocJ
Let’s go, try to check them! If somebody know the correct answer, please write to this forum.”
Special thanks for Maya and his (or her) friends who made this dump.
We mainly corrects the questions and I will posted our list about them here.
Repost from kamati
Dear Please find the below link for SPOTO 227 &195+November Q Dumps .VCE
if there is any changes in the answers please inform :
https:// we .tl/t- gKSIvVKFxT
VCE FILE please check and confirm right answers! Dont wait for others to clean your A**s and go study for once!
Contact me on a n a s . b e n y a ya @ g m a i l. c o m to get your CCNP route VALID DUMP with only 10$
Hi friends
From my pont of view
2/227= D
3/227= D
18/227= D
64/227= CE
78/100= AD
80/227= ?
90/227= C
99/227= A
120/227= B
124/227= ACF
128/227= A
1st segment
10/100= DE
28/100= ?
2nd 100q segment
91/100= A
14/27= CE
18/27= E
filter location (ctl + f)
Scenario 3: Dedicated Router Scenario
Often a dedicated SLA router (or shadow router) can be used as the source of measurements. The dedicated router is used when the number of operations is extremely high (for example, thousands of measurements). Dedicated routers are often deployed in large hub and spoke networks at the hub site, and spokes just respond to the measurements. Many dedicated routers are also used in large service provider networks for point-of-presence (POP)-to-POP measurements or from the POP to the customer premises equipment (CPE) routers. This dedicated router topology allows scalability with a large number of endpoints. A dedicated router provides the benefit of polling a central source location
Loading is the right answer
Exstart state the router select Master and Slave using by router with highest ID
I went to the exam today. I passed 89x/1000
About 60% were from Q227 and Q757. 20% were familiar question, but Cisco rewrote them. For example, they change some answers or they convert them from single choice to multi-choice. Or rewrote the question (add something which change the right answers).
20% were new questions which I didn’t see any dump.
I had 2 labs and 1 simlet.
I think the Q757 and Q227 fairly valid, but you have to understand the questions and the topics. To memorize the questions and answers not enough!
@route ider- what about LAB questions, same as digital tut?
Please more details about the 2 Labs and simlet
could you share some questions about the 20% news?
Please if you remember new question suggest me
tomorrow is my exam
Q68 /227 – A I’m not sure but probably correct answer is B
EIGRP stub lab was totally same, OSPF too, but there the data (IP address, OSPF proc number, area number, and hostnames) were changed.
Sim was EIGRP Evaluation which was totally same.
I don’t remember exactly the new questions, but tomorrow morning I will write about them some words. I left my memo on my workplace…
66/227 D
68/227 A
UDP Jitter – Probably the most used operation in all of IP SLA. This IP SLA generates UDP traffic and measures Round-trip Delay, One-way Delay, One-way Jitter, One-way Packet Loss, and overall Connectivity.
ICMP Path Jitter – Hop-by-hop Jitter, Packet Loss, and Delay.
UDP Jitter for VoIP – Enhanced test for VoIP monitoring. It can simulate various codecs and spits out voice quality scores (MOS, and ICPIF). Also shows us Round-trip Delay, One-way Delay, One-way Jitter, and One-way Packet Loss.
UDP Echo – Round-trip Delay for UDP traffic.
ICMP Echo – Round-trip Delay, full path.
ICMP Path Echo – Round-trip Delay and Hop-by-hop round trip delay.
HTTP – Round-trip time using simulated http traffic.
TCP Connect – Allows us to sample the time to connect to a target using TCP.
FTP – Round-trip time for file transfers.
DHCP – Round-trip time for dynamic host configuration.
Frame-Relay –Round-trip Delay, and the Frame Delivery Ratio. Mostly used for circuit availability.
Q52/227 New Spoto
Answers AB , for me correct are BE
Chapter 16: Fundamental Router Security Concepts
“Lower stratum values are considered more authorita-
tive than higher stratum values, with a stratum value of 0 being the most authoritative.
Stratum calculations work much like a hop count. For example, an Internet-based time
source using a cesium clock might have a stratum value of a 0. If one of your routers
learns time from this stratum 0 time source, your router will have a stratum level of 1. If
other devices (for example, servers, switches, and other routers) in your network get their
time from your stratum 1 router, they will each have a stratum level of 2.”
@ RouteRider and @ Kamati
If any one have Q757 share me abdiqanipd @ gmail com