Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. yoba
    December 13th, 2017

    guys plz send latest procyber to 263016x (a) gmail(dot)com

  2. Pizza
    December 13th, 2017

    All you guys asking for the dump need only to scroll back a few pages to find google doc links or dropbox links. Stop being lazy!…not trying to be a jerk but come on at least try

  3. Johnny
    December 13th, 2017

    @Byakura I got around 4, definitely not 12. IPv6 NAT, Frame Relay, uRPF…can’t remember others

  4. Anonymous
    December 13th, 2017

    Hello Mic and all,

    @Mic: Your link does not open on my PC…
    Can you send me any valid new dumbs? fdarmis -a-t- yahoo d-o-t com

    I failed today and have a few days left to retake.
    Appreciated. Thx

  5. Which Procyber update??
    December 13th, 2017


  6. Which Procyber update??
    December 13th, 2017

    There is no procyber 12/2. Looks like a troll just faked an update for the procyber with no destination to it to scare people that there is an update, so that they can promote their materials with fake passes saying that their materials is most up to date.

    In conclusion, the procyber 1/11 is the most up to date materials right now for the Route Exam.

  7. Which Procyber update??
    December 13th, 2017

    Below is the link to the procyber 1/11:

    h t t p s : / / d r i v e . g o o g l e . c o m / f i l e / d / 0 B 5 O b M 5 n J e h 3 W Z D l P M n U z W V p T R F k (Get rid of spaces)

  8. ceo
    December 13th, 2017

    Passed today with 816.

    I used the material from this website only, there were some questions i dont recall seeing but whatever, i passed.

    The questions for the materials on this site are on the bottom of the ROUTE FAQ & Tips section, its the very last question and it gives a link to download the questions..

  9. Mac
    December 13th, 2017


    “I used to use CertExam. Then moved to the A+VCE based on Andoid. Works well and more portable”

    Thanks, I’ll look into it….

  10. Pummy
    December 14th, 2017

    Hi, I need materials to study CCNP. If anyone has them please email me at {email not allowed},thank you

  11. Orihime
    December 14th, 2017

    guys, does anyone know if the labs accept (question mark)?

  12. Anonymous
    December 14th, 2017

    Yes Labs accept ?

  13. Orute-name
    December 14th, 2017

    ceo hello.
    It’s unavailable to download through the posted link in https://www.digitaltut.com/route-faqs-tips

    Share someone questions from this site.

  14. Nikie
    December 14th, 2017

    Guys ………….could you please check if the networktut.com …for TSHOOT site is down or Am I the only one facing this issue ????

  15. YP
    December 14th, 2017

    Please share me to anyone CCNP route vce and exam files.
    Thanks You

  16. Amr
    December 14th, 2017

    Passed Yasterday, thank god, most of the exam is the dump and all DnD and LAPs are the same.

  17. Addy
    December 14th, 2017

    Passed the Exam today. “It’s me 1.5” version dumps are valid.
    All labs and DnD’s were from the dumps.

    Thanks all.

  18. Amila
    December 14th, 2017

    I want to kn if i pass ccnp route 300-101 i will get my certificate?? Or i have to pass ccnp switch and troubleshoot then i will get certificate ccnp?

    Help me guys?

  19. YP
    December 14th, 2017

    Hi Amila,

    You will get certificate after 3 exams. If you have passed 1 exams you can get passing paper.

  20. Amila
    December 14th, 2017

    Thx YP

  21. Maroun
    December 14th, 2017

    GuYS any dumps for CCNP switching ?
    please send it to id – bejjany at hotmail dot com

  22. Orute-name
    December 14th, 2017

    Hello Addy!
    Could you tell about “It’s me 1.5” version dumps. What are the dumps?
    Share please! or link, where i can download them.

  23. CiscoPath79
    December 14th, 2017

    Dear Friends, I would appreciate if you could share the working dumps to below ciscopath79 AT gmail DOT com

  24. Giddah
    December 14th, 2017

    @Ichigo on R2 you need to add this last command distance eigrp 90 105 to get it right……..

  25. Addy
    December 14th, 2017

    @ Orute-name

    Thank you.

    It’s the same dumps which were updated on 1st November.

  26. Addy
    December 14th, 2017


    Drop your mail id I can share it with you.

  27. DAN
    December 14th, 2017

    hi i have pass 300-101 yesterday
    i had all from digitaltut 100% valid
    lab i had
    1) EIGRP Evaluation Sim,
    2) OSPF Evaluation Sim,
    3) Policy Based Routing Sim,
    4) EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Sim,
    5) OSPF Sim.
    around 5 drag and drop
    my only problem was the show ip interface brief command was not working so i could’t see the loopback ip address of R6 in eigrp evaluation sim.
    the exam is challenging, but if you fell ready do it now is the right time before they bring up new
    good luck

  28. mhr
    December 14th, 2017

    Just passed with 9xx.
    One or two new questions. Don’t worry they are really simple.

    DnD and lab set was usual.

    There was no ethernet link in redistribution lab. So I didn’t use distance eigrp.
    There is copy run start in OSPF lab. I successfully used it.
    There is no any priority or something like that in OSPF lab.

    Thank you all and good luck. The exam is not difficult.

    Please feel free to ask your questions.

  29. jigre66
    December 14th, 2017


    Congrats… I will do mine on 19th any suggestions of what I need to focus at the most… labs or MCQ or DD

    I appreciate

  30. mhr
    December 14th, 2017

    From my point of view DnD and LABS are very important. Good luck!

  31. Sheepto
    December 14th, 2017

    Passed three day ago, 9xx/1000…
    All the same, same labs, no new questions; all from procyber v1.5 and from last few pages…

    Redist OSPF/EIGRP – FastEthernet link, so “distance” command must be entered
    OSPF Evaluation – link R1-R3 was NON_BROADCAST, and R2-R3 was POINT_TO_POINT (with 10,40,40 timers) when sh ip ospf interface command is entered so my answer was A – neighbor command must be entered for link to be up. BUT BE CAREFUL FOR ONE THING – on R3, on image, left link to R1 was named S1/0, and right link to R2 was named S0/1, but in config it was obvious that intf S0/1 is toward R1, and S1/0 was toward R2. SO BE CAREFUL and check with sh ip ospf int commands ond all three routers.

    Rest was the same. Only in one sim copy run start was enabled so do it on all…

    Good luck to all!

  32. Wailanpay
    December 14th, 2017

    Guys, i passed the exam, i got 88X!!

    be careful with the (ospf sim) lab, it brings a draw that says area 101, but what matters is the area and ospf id that the routers have, you can use (show run) and question mark.

    all besides that went well, for me the easiest exam ever taken.


  33. LR
    December 14th, 2017

    Hi, please share the latest Route dumps at moonjee83 @ yahoo Thanks!!!

  34. Sompret
    December 15th, 2017

    Passed with 8XX.

    All the questions in my exam came from:
    1. Procyber 1.5 vce that consist of 415 MCQ and 31 DND.
    2. Premium membership that consist of 7 labs questions.
    So, all the material in this site is still valid.

    The only questions that I encounter but doesn’t exist in procyber vce:

    ip access-list 1 permit xx xx
    ip nat inside source list 1 int fa0/0 overload
    What is this an example of ?
    A. static NAT
    B. something about the ACL
    C. PAT
    D. dynamic NAT

    What from the following is an issue for URPF?
    A. assymetric routing
    B. split horizon
    C. CEF

    But this “new” questions already shared in previous page. Make sure you read all comments here.


    1. I will not shared what DND & LAB that I encounter in my exam. I already forget it, because I don’t care anymore after I pass the exam. Learned them all, don’t be lazy.

    2. I will not email or shared any vce or pdf of the dump. Find it yourself in previous page, don’t be lazy.


    Just FYI, it took me around 6 weeks to prepare, memorize, & learning everything in here. And around 60 minutes to finish the exam.

  35. arknox
    December 15th, 2017

    hi guys..
    can you help me to give download link 1.5 dump version?

  36. arknox
    December 15th, 2017

    hi guys..anyone know to convert vce to pdf free?

  37. Exam CCNP
    December 15th, 2017

    Dear all Guys,

    Tomorrow, I will joined an exam CCNP Route.

    Do you any update or any share and recommend me?

    If any new question update pls share me.


  38. Kalapani
    December 15th, 2017

    Hi all,

    I had exam today. Passed.

    All ques from the dump and digital tut. Thank you all friends for posting the materials. Cheers.

    Stumbled a bit in sim, so practice — at least type it.

    OSPF sim, OSPF EIGRP redistirbution , PBR , EIGRP evalutaion, OSPF evaluation.

  39. fercastaway
    December 15th, 2017

    Passed today… my CCNP license renewed :)

    – eigrp ospf redistribute simulator
    – policy based routing simulator
    – ospf simulator
    – ospf evaluation simulator
    – eigrp evaluation simulator

    Multiple Choice:

    Which NetFlow version supports MPLS?
    – version 9

    What is the minimum log level for the event generated when an ACL drops a packet?
    – 6

    What other action does an IPv6 filter do when it drops a packet?
    – generates an ICMP unreachable message

    What is the NHRP role in DMVPN? (Choose two)
    – Obtains the next-hop to be used for routing
    – Can authenticate VPN endpoints

    What from the following can cause an issue for uRPF?
    – Asymetric routing

    Which two routers can do OSPF route summarization? (Choose Two)
    – ABR
    – ASBR

    What is supported RADIUS server? (Choose two)
    – authentication
    – authorization

    Which two commands do you need to implement on a router to support PPPoE client?
    – MTU
    – pppoe-client dialer-pool-number


    Step 1: The packet is routed to an NVI
    Step 2: The packet is assigned a dynamic or static binding
    Step 3: The IPV4 source address is translated to IPv6
    Step 4: The translation information is used to create a session

    IPv6 Traffic Filter
    + It filters traffic on the interface level
    + It supports tagged ACLs
    IPv6 Access Filter
    + It controls traffic to and from the router
    + It requires the destination address for inbound traffic to be a local address
    + It filters management traffic

    + Use Network-specific prefix
    + Modify session during translation
    + Modify IP header in transit
    + Map one IPv6 address prefix to another IPv6 prefix

    + OpenSent: wait for an OPEN message
    + OpenConfirm: wait for a KEEPALIVE or NOTIFICATION message
    + Established: UPDATE, NOTIFICATION and KEEPALIVE messages are exchanged with peers
    + Idle: refuse connections
    + Active: listen for and accept connection
    + Connect: wait for the connection to be completed

    + Target 1: When the LCP phase is complete and CHAP is negotiated between both devices, the authenticator sends a challenge message to the peer
    + Target 2: The peer responds with a value calculated through a one-way hash function (MD5)
    + Target 3: The authenticator checks the response against its own calculation of the expected hash value if the values match the authentication is successful. Otherwise, the connection is terminated

    + supports a local database for device access
    + supports encryption
    + specifies a user’s specific access privileges
    + enforces time periods during which a user can access the device
    + not supported with local AAA
    + verifies network usage

    + network-specific stateful NAT64 prefix: IPv6 prefix assigned by an organization
    + NAT64 : supports application layer gateway
    + NPTv6 : translates 2001:1::/64 to 2001:2::/64
    + well-known stateful NAT64 prefix: supports IPv6 prefix 64:FF9B::/96

    + SVC: A circuit that provides temporary on-demand connections between DTEs
    + LMI: A signaling mechanism for Frame Relay devices
    + DLCI: A locally significant ID
    + FECN: An indicator of congestion on the network
    + PVC: A logical connection comprising two endpoints and a CIR

    Loose Modes:
    + Supports using the default route as a route reference
    + Requires the source address to be routable
    Strict Modes:
    + Able to drop legitimate traffic
    + Permits only packets that are received on the same interface as the exit interface for the destination address

    * Read the new updated questions here… all nfo’s here are valid, no need for other dumps :)

    All the best, thank you very much Digitaltut.

  40. Madhu
    December 15th, 2017

    My previous comments did not appear why?

  41. Ali
    December 15th, 2017

    to renew the license, did you need to pass all the three exams of CCNP.
    i am just CCNA.. asking out of curiosity.

    thanks in advance..

  42. Andy
    December 15th, 2017

    Guys.. i heard from my friend that even few show commands aren’t working on lab topologies.. prepare well..even i’m preparing

  43. 690/1000
    December 15th, 2017

    Yes I have the same experience, unable to show eigrp topology and ospf interface.

  44. nino
    December 15th, 2017

    Dear All
    is there any news when the route exam will be changed

  45. Joe
    December 15th, 2017


    What you suggest to focus on the labs?

  46. Lunchi
    December 16th, 2017

    Congratulations to all who passed exam recently. Good to read positive comments.

    Can someone please answer below question with reason for answer?

    Other than a working EIGRP configuration, which option must be the same on all routers for EIGRP authentication key role over to work correctly?
    A. SMTP
    B. SNMP
    C. Passwords
    D. Time

  47. Dexter
    December 16th, 2017

    @Lunchi In some cases its Time (mostly when in the question is mentioned authentication or protecton or…) but when it isnt its time, by my logic it will be Passwords by default but cisco logic its complex… what if we are not using key chains…

    answer is C. Passwords (keyword: authentication key, in question)

  48. joey
    December 16th, 2017

    love the “ya cant use show eigrp topology or ospf interface” comments.. but no one says what they did….

    So what did you do instead to gether information for the exam? If this site says you can use it.. and then you cant… wouldnt you say so and replace it in these comments?

  49. CCNPdip
    December 16th, 2017

    Hi Procyber,

    Can you please send me updated PDF and VCE files included exam lab simulations Files for 300-101 CCNP routing email dip$$$en$$$$@gmail$$$$.com.

    please remove dollar sign.


  50. Anonymous
    December 16th, 2017


  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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