Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Jules Winnfield
    November 19th, 2018

    300-101 11 nov. from chinese forum. Is it correct NEW questions?


  2. Anonymous
    November 19th, 2018

    – the networkinggg dump is enough to pass this exam.
    – this should be your study strategy:
    practice the SIMs using GNS3. You cannot afford to loose points here.
    All my SIMs/evaluations were directly from this website. No changes.
    Networkingg’s 195q section alone is not enough. You need to study networkingg’s whole 7xx question dump. There are questions on the exam that are not even in the 7xx question dump. That’s why it is important that you do not loose points on the SIMs and also on the questions that do come from the 7xx dump.
    (c) I really cannot remember the new questions. As I was taking the exam I was wondering to myself – if I fail this exam how should I study differently? I really don’t have a clear answer! The new questions were just like trivia from all topics that are already covered on the 750q dump. In other words, the new questions were not from some new topic. I did not have any question about how BGP chooses the best route – I guess no need to study the 10+ step BGP route selection process. I had the DnD question about the frame-relay config. However, this question (configs) are not the same as in networkingg’s dump. Study unnumbered interface relative to frame-relay config.

    Big thanks to networkingg – without his help i would have failed this exam. I prefer not use dumps but for this to happfeewefan, the official Official Study Guide that matches the exam content exactly. Unfortunately this is not the case for the 300-101 exam. I am mad at cisco for harging $300 for the exam and not even having a study guide that matches the exam content closely.

    good luck

  3. Anonymous
    November 19th, 2018

    Can any one share with me the last dump for routing 300-101 ?
    ali_luay_92 at yahoo dot com

  4. mancert
    November 19th, 2018

    please assist us with the labs please, were can we download them?

  5. and1lan
    November 19th, 2018

    Hii Guys,

    I just passed the exam with 8xx. Like 70% of the questions are from the 757 netwooorkiiing dumps. Many questions about EVN, FR, SNMP. The Labs were Ospf virtual links, Eigrp eval and Eigrp Stub.

    Here some of the Q’s as I can remember:

    1. Whats VRF-Lite?
    VRF without MPLS

    2. Definition of Area range 192.168.x.x and Area Ospf summary address 192.168.x.x (or something)
    answer here: https://www.freeccnaworkbook.com/workbooks/ccna/configuring-ospf-route-summarization

    3. VRF Hub and VRF spoke configuration (in a graphic)
    My answer: Route TArget community 10:100 is missing in spoke configuration

    4. VRF trunking configuration
    Trunking 802.1q

    5. Routemap with EVN (i don’t remember)

    6. Gre tunnelling (can’t remember)

    Not too much IPv6 q’s regarding addressing or simplification, just stateless and stateful (more the second one)

    Try to prepare concepts and review all 757 dumps and you’ll do it.

    Good luck my friends

  6. Kaktus
    November 19th, 2018


    Can you create a spam email so I can send you a dump file I found on chinese forum? It is in pdf.

  7. Route
    November 19th, 2018

    Can you please share it with me also ?
    mail4abdulmajid @ yahoo . com

  8. Joseph
    November 19th, 2018

    anyone has valid dumps? could you please share the link? I’ll have exam next week!

  9. Anonymous
    November 19th, 2018

    @kaktus, can you provide the link to the Chinese forum?

  10. Klueliss
    November 19th, 2018

    Yes the networking pdf will get you a pass on the exam, paying for premium will also get you a pass on the exam. I like premium as there is an exam simulator, practice labs and of course questions. Not a bad deal for the little they charge. I also have GNS3 setup along with BOSON NETSIM. I wanted to take the exam next week, but darn if I didn’t just get a start date for a new job on 3 Dec!!! So I have to spend this week cramming in new equipment I will be working on. So I guess I will wait end of December to take exam as I have to pay for another month of premium anyways.

    I work on labs every two days. Every other day I work on the most popular question section on this site. The odd days I work on the entire question pool on this site. I browse the networking PDF and other sources folks post here, and based on looking at those sources I keep to my routine of looking over questions on this site. It is just easier and faster to pay the premium cost in the long run. NO BS just the questions and labs. On the labs I use the simulators provided here. I also hand jam the commands in order in notepad. This way I know I have them memorized LABS are an easy give me point!! Memorize them!!!
    Rotating through the material and labs with breaks in between and BAM before you know it you will have the entire site memorized. For problem questions or technical issues look for clarification at cisco sites. Just be careful what IOS version and equipment you are looking at for answer. If you are gonna be in this field you should learn to navigate cisco site anyways.

    If you don’t have $$$ Memorize the network pdf (nneettwwoorrkkiinngg_v2.1 ) If you skip redundant questions and such there really is not that many to study. If you have the 22$ or whatever they charge a month here PAY IT and study here. The site can be viewed on a PC or any mobile device, The exam simulators are awesome and the lab sims are more than enough to pass. Good Luck!!!!!

  11. Anonymous
    November 19th, 2018

    JUST and FYI. when I did the EIGRP stub sim. I used summary address and that made it into 1 subnet. Instructions said they wanted 2 subnets. so i probably go that wrong.

  12. RouteRider
    November 19th, 2018

    I have this output:
    “R3#show ip route
    Codes: C – connected, S – static, R – RIP, M – mobile, B – BGP
    D – EIGRP, EX – EIGRP external, O – OSPF, IA – OSPF inter area
    N1 – OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 – OSPF NSSA external type 2
    E1 – OSPF external type 1, E2 – OSPF external type 2
    i – IS-IS, su – IS-IS summary, L1 – IS-IS level-1, L2 – IS-IS level-2
    ia – IS-IS inter area, * – candidate default, U – per-user static route
    o – ODR, P – periodic downloaded static route

    Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
    C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks
    D [90/2195456] via, 00:00:18, Serial1/0
    C is directly connected, Serial1/0”
    And I configured same ip summary-address as you…

  13. ALV
    November 20th, 2018

    12. What will be shown when you do the “show track 1”?
    A. Information statistics
    B. Information of track list 1
    C. Information of track list object 1
    D. information about the IP route track table
    must be C??

    show track

    To display information about objects that are tracked by the tracking process, use the show track command in privileged EXEC mode.

    show track [object-number [brief] | interface [brief] | ip route [brief] | resolution | timers]

  14. From Hawaii!
    November 20th, 2018

    Can someone please help I just paid the 9tut membership also got 3 months of studying using CBT nuggets, Kevin Wallace Training and rene molenar.

    Are the questions from this site valid and enough to pass. What is the 757q. Somebody help me ATTENDING my exam on friday!

  15. Mark
    November 20th, 2018

    Hi Guys,

    does anybody know why IPTut is gone? There is no recent update either. I just want to check if anyone has recently took 642-889 (CCNP SP Edge) exam?

  16. Ciscoguy
    November 20th, 2018

    Hi Guys, I created a group in FB for us.

    You can search and join to “Cisco Certified Community”

  17. CCNP
    November 20th, 2018

    Hi Anyone,

    Can any one share with me the last dump for routing 300-101 ?
    dipen underscore 6085 at yahoo dot com


  18. CCNP
    November 20th, 2018

    @Kaktus, please can u share with me?
    dipen_6085 at yahoo dot com

    i cannot dwonload

  19. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    Please share latest dumps as I tried that link not working .plz send to adnandaudzai at gmail com many thanks

  20. emank
    November 20th, 2018

    new D&D guys

    Network–Provides information for all PPP, SLIP, or ARAP sessions, including packet and byte counts.

    EXEC–Provides information about user EXEC terminal sessions of the network access server.

    Command–Provides information about the EXEC mode commands that a user issues. Command accounting generates accounting records for all EXEC mode commands, including global configuration commands, associated with a specific privilege level.

    Connection–Provides information about all outbound connections made from the network access server, such as Telnet, local-area transport (LAT), TN3270, packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), and rlogin.

    System–Provides information about system-level events.

    Resource–Provides “start” and “stop” records for calls that have passed user authentication, and provides “stop” records for calls that fail to authenticate.

  21. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    Where is the questions on this website? can someone share please..,

  22. sagitraz
    November 20th, 2018

    Dear Guys,
    Hope you all are doing good.Can anyone of you please share the latest valid dumps that are currently in market as i am my CCNA is going to expire soon and am planning to attempt router exam.Thanks for understanding.

  23. Camp
    November 20th, 2018


    Thank you for the new DnD, looks good. :)

  24. Camp
    November 20th, 2018


    Nice writing and I agree with all of it. I do the same and have my exam scheduled on the 13th of December so I am sure I will be more then ready when the time comes, with the help of the exam takers who share their new experiences, questions, DnDs here, just like emank, and1lan…. and all the others… :)

  25. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    Can you please share the latest dumps which you have gone through in the last.

  26. Kaktus
    November 20th, 2018

    How activate the Multiprotocol for BGP on a router?

    A) no bgp default ipv4-unicast
    B) bgp default ipv4-unicast
    C) bpg-mp enable
    D) no bgp default ipv6-nexthop
    E) bgp default ipv6-nexthop
    F) ???
    D) ???

    Answer : A


  27. Klueliss
    November 20th, 2018

    You will pass!! And when you get time could you post a summary back here.
    I followed that routine on the switch exam just a few weeks ago, passed easy enough.
    BUT!! Wouldn’t you know, one of those questions that had different answers on the “free pdf dump that everyone swore by” vs the certprepare site appeared on my exam. LOL I stated at that question and laughed and laughed and laughed. That question had been thoroughly discussed in the share your comments. Stubborn I answered like I thought it should be, it was probably a wrong answer, but darn it I stood my ground and knew I had already passed based on the previous questions. Point: if you stump on a technology here, rest assured it may be on the exam so study those points a little deeper. That way you can laugh when you see the question!!

  28. ali osman
    November 20th, 2018

    hey guys, I need to take exam by 7 December, otherwise I will lose my NA, NA Sec, NP, DA, DP certs. That being said, I’m thinking to get route or tshoot exam. Route makes more sense to me as I’m familiar with topics.. I got premium acc here, and get chinese forum pdf file, but it only has 189 questions. can someone pls send me networking 7xx? fakealiosman @ gmail com

    as I said, I’m super familiar with OSPF, BGP and routing but cisco asks ridiculously detailed stuff. I’m also open any recommendations.


  29. Kaktus
    November 20th, 2018

    @ali osman
    I sent you a link. Can you provide me in exchange the things I asked in email?

  30. francussss
    November 20th, 2018


    The 189 q came from actualt**ests dot com and he can see 189 Questions & Answers Updated: Sep 26,18. It’s old, it’s not a valid dump

  31. RouteRider
    November 20th, 2018

    This question about BGP multiprotocol came from an real exam?

  32. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    @ali and the others who dont have the nneettwwoorrkkiinngg dumps 757

    https: // files . fm/u / 2wjk8677

  33. Camp
    November 20th, 2018

    ah, it was me with the upload, but it doesnt really matter… I also uploaded the VCE for windows and MAC

  34. Kaktus
    November 20th, 2018

    Yes, I saw it here twice on digitaltut.

  35. sagitraz
    November 20th, 2018

    @Anonymous…..Much Appreciated dear.Bundle of thanks

  36. Mido
    November 20th, 2018

    I will pass on 29 Nov 2018

    I’m revising the 757 Q Dump + Labs from another dumps (old Passleader dumps).

    Is it valid ?

  37. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    @Anonymous…..Muc h Appreciated dea r.Bundle of thanks

  38. Anonymous
    November 20th, 2018

    Kaktus plz send latest dumps to adnandaudzai at gmail com

  39. SYS
    November 20th, 2018

    Guys kindly send updated and 100% valid dumps on my email: sysdigi001 at gmail com

  40. BabyAma
    November 20th, 2018

    Spoto released 227Q as of today. Need to validate it.

  41. khoi22
    November 21st, 2018

    Hi Babyama can you please share it?

  42. nick
    November 21st, 2018

    i have checked with spoto, they say its valid. how to validate it

  43. shinji
    November 21st, 2018


    share it here so that the people who just took the exam can view it and confirm

  44. nick
    November 21st, 2018

    before that we need to purchase from spoto

  45. nick
    November 21st, 2018

    so how will share the money to buy. its 130$

  46. Summer
    November 21st, 2018

    Can someone tell me how to buy these dumps and how much they cost?

  47. nick
    November 21st, 2018

    they cost 130$, who will take risk and confirm

  48. Rif
    November 21st, 2018

    Hi Digital tut,

    Could you please confirm what are the options available in premium member

    Thank you

  49. shinji
    November 21st, 2018

    Spoto says they dont provide pdf or vce. if you pay 130$ they will give you remote access to a computer that has the vce application running and you can review from there. If we pool our money only one person can login. how can you make a copy of the dumps?

  50. nick
    November 21st, 2018

    dumps snapshot

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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