Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. XLA
    November 12th, 2018

    What kind of dumps does CHI YEUNG have? please share on ana . bakalarka @ gmail . com? Thanks in advance!

  2. James.p
    November 12th, 2018

    @ Chi Yeung,

    can you please also send me dumps on my email jamesnet178 @ gmail . com

  3. AA
    November 12th, 2018

    @Johango11. Were the dumps on this website enough for your exam?

  4. MED
    November 12th, 2018

    Could anyone share last dumps shared by CHI YO . i will forward for every one i made a group of mail.
    for anyone who need 757Q, feel free to contact me :)
    Send me at mmeedd0509 @ gmail . com

  5. Anonymous
    November 12th, 2018

    Neeetttttwwwrrrkkkkkiiiinnnggg,,,there are new questions and D&D,,,can you please update the dump

  6. nneettwwoorrkkiinnggg
    November 12th, 2018

    Hi all

    New Q
    I don’t have any news
    Please send my mail
    nneettwwoorrkkiinngg @ gmail . Com

  7. fleshgod
    November 12th, 2018

    do you know if the new dumps are ready? thanks

  8. Anonymous
    November 12th, 2018

    Please someone can send me the valid dumps to: com mande rcholos crapy @gmail. com

    I really appreciated

  9. RouteRider
    November 12th, 2018

    I think he is not the real nneettwwoorrkkiinngg!!!

  10. @CHI YEUNG
    November 13th, 2018

    @CHI YEUNG, please send dump to below email:

    the tech snafu @ gmail . com

  11. BIG DUMP
    November 13th, 2018

    I’ve got to take a dump

  12. hgfd
    November 13th, 2018

    QUESTION 690–>WHY D?
    How can you minimize unicast flooding in a network?
    A. Configure HSRP on two routers, with one subnet preferred on the first router and a different subnet preferred on the second router.
    B. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to be the same as the timeout value for Layer2 forwarding table entries.
    C. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to greater than the timeout value for Layer 2 forwarding table entries.
    D. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to less than timeout value for Layer 2 forwarding table entries

    Correct Answer: B >>> Should be D


    QUESTION 743–> WHY B?
    What is the output of the following command:
    show ip vrf
    A. Show’s default RD values
    B. Displays IP routing table information associated with a VRF
    C. Show’s routixng protocol information associated with a VRF.
    D. Displays the ARP table (static and dynamic entries) in the specified VRF

    Correct Answer: A

    hi bro

    QUESTION 693 –> WHY D?
    Company is deploying a multicast applic ation that must be accessible between sites, but must not be accessible outside of the organization
    Based on
    A. FF00:/16
    B. FFOE:/16
    C. FF02:/16
    D. FF08:/16
    Correct Answer: C

  13. ALGB
    November 13th, 2018


    You wrote that you have 77 questions.
    Do you have new information?

  14. precher
    November 13th, 2018

    Guys please beware of scammers and do not pay for any dumps. Once the dumps will be available they’ll be posted here for free.

  15. Onehouse
    November 13th, 2018

    I guess we are all waiting for it as well. Please share if you have the recent dumps.

  16. Tyrone
    November 13th, 2018


  17. Ciscolish
    November 13th, 2018

    @zendar, absolutely right

  18. Ciscolish
    November 13th, 2018

    to verify vrf route table
    #show ip route vrf vrf_name
    #show ip vrf

  19. Emma Louise
    November 13th, 2018

    @NEETTWWWOORRKIING Do you have anything for switch exam??? cheers xxx

  20. Ciscolish
    November 13th, 2018

    A network engineer has set up VRF-Lite on two routers where all the interfaces are in the same VRF. At a later time, a new loopback is added to Router 1, but it cannot ping
    any of the existing interfaces.
    Which two configurations enable the local or remote router to ping the loopback from any existing interface? (Choose two)
    A. adding a static route for the VRF that points to the global route table
    B. adding the loopback to the VRF
    C. adding dynamic routing between the two routers and advertising the loopback
    D. adding the IP address of the loopback to the export route targets for the VRF
    E. adding a static route for the VRF that points to the loopback interface
    F. adding all interfaces to the global and VRF routing tables
    Correct Answer: AB

    in my opinion correct answers-> B,E
    VRF ip addresses and routes can not add to GRT (global routing table)

  21. Anonymous
    November 13th, 2018

    @Cisclolish – You can make a static route which points to a different vrf.. probably to GRT as well. (at least you can do it on HPE routers)

  22. Quantrimang
    November 13th, 2018

    I failed for this exam today.
    Many news question.
    195q dump is not valid!

  23. Drumack
    November 13th, 2018

    @ Quantrimang

    What labs were on your exam?


    Do you remember any of the new questions?

  24. Emma Louise
    November 13th, 2018

    @apsi what you on about mate????

  25. Seven
    November 13th, 2018

    Today, I passed an exam with 87x points.
    Labs were EIGRP Evalution SIM, OSPF SIm, EIGRP Stub SIM.
    Netttwwwworking dumps valid, but at exam has 20-30 new question.

  26. Zamtaker
    November 13th, 2018

    i just remembered a part of a question:

    hostname1# 6 14:13:57.666 IND: %TCP-6-BADAUTH: No MD5 digest from to (RST)

    and then you needed to select the lines of config to correct this on both routers

    the clue was in to finding who is the desintation and who the source of find the correct answer. I dont know if this question is in the dumps, i hadnt seen it before

  27. GayLord
    November 13th, 2018

    Hi, guys!
    I collect some new questions from this forum.
    Here is file. https :// dropmefiles . com/NJSXz
    section: NEW Q.
    Can anybody share other new qestions?

  28. Onehouse
    November 13th, 2018

    @GayLord, please do you have the pdf version of this collected questions? If yes, is it possible you share it here as well?

    November 13th, 2018

    Do you remember any news question? Please share it with me

  30. GayLord
    November 13th, 2018
  31. Onehouse
    November 13th, 2018

    @Gaylord, please can you send me an email? That link requires some form of payment. I have a vce installer with more recent version. please send me an email via : bazighk at yahoo . com

  32. GayLord
    November 13th, 2018

    I haven`t got pdf

  33. Kaktus
    November 13th, 2018

    I just checked these questions (there are 3 sections) and all of them are from NNeettwoorrking dumps. Not a single new question.

  34. Med
    November 13th, 2018

    Please share last dumps with me .
    mmeedd0509 @ gmail . Com

  35. RouteRider
    November 13th, 2018

    @ Kaktus
    You are right! Those aren’t new question, they were in the q757

  36. Anonymous
    November 13th, 2018

    Guys be careful,, NNeettwoorrking is not here anymore,,there is someone else makes enter whatsup to ask for money,,there is no one updating the dumps here.

  37. MED
    November 13th, 2018

    Can anyone send to me last DUMPS
    @RouteRider , @Kaktus ?
    What is the new D&D ? have u any idea about it ? !

  38. Kaktus
    November 13th, 2018

    As far as I know the new D&D is about NAT64 (stateful and stateless). Nobody knows it yet :(

  39. Velmont
    November 13th, 2018

    @Gaylord, thank you for the effort in making the NEWQ dumps. I will confirm its still part of 757Q, but still arranged for easy review.
    Also, its been a collection of “shared” Q from recent test takers.

    Again, thank you GayLord!

  40. MED
    November 13th, 2018

    @Velmount ,

    Please , Can u send me last question in format PDF , i cannot do the translator of the file from VCE to PDF.
    mail : mmeedd0509 @ gmail . com

    Thxx :)

  41. RouteRider
    November 13th, 2018

    @ Kaktus
    I think it is not new and there is a mistake in it (stateless is twice), but I think may be this is…
    https : // vceguide . com /drag- and-drop -each-nat64 -description- from-the-left -onto-the-corresponding -nat64- type-on -the-right /

  42. Kaktus
    November 13th, 2018

    Yes, this is it I think. But according to website this D&D is from 400-101 which is CCIE O_o
    Anyway, bottom im stateful.

  43. Kaktus
    November 13th, 2018

    Maybe Cisco took some questions from CCIE exam and included them in CCNP Route?

  44. Kaktus
    November 13th, 2018

    Someone who took the exam should go thru this questions on vceguide website and check if they encountered more…

  45. Anonymous
    November 13th, 2018

    Where can I go to take a dump

  46. RouteRider
    November 13th, 2018

    @ Zendar
    All question are from CCNA 200-125…
    Were they on a CCNP exam?

  47. Anonymous
    November 13th, 2018

    Where can i find the 750q? taking the test in 2 days. and need help. took the test last week and failed with a 772 have to get a 790. have to pass this time or lose my ccnp/ccna, my time is up. THANKS

  48. RJC
    November 14th, 2018

    there was a guy one page before offering to send the dump 757.

    see page 247…
    MED November 12th, 2018

  49. Feeew!!
    November 14th, 2018

    Passed today by not much. As per other posts, there are about 20-30% new Qs. Some that i remember:
    What is VRF-lite?
    A, VRF without mpls
    B, VRF without VPN
    C, VRF without independent route tables
    D, other option

    A question on rate-limiting with ACLs and how to configure them.

    A question that had some AAA config. When the user logs in, the show run command is automatically executed and then logs them out (or similar).

    Other than that nneetworkking will help you

  50. Feeew!!
    November 14th, 2018

    and thats the 757qs i mean. No need to pay any mofo.

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