Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Kaktom
    November 2nd, 2018

    @Maria Altony
    What do you mean 195q not valid? Did the question change?

  2. CCIEFast
    November 2nd, 2018

    Maria Altony is a spammer.

  3. mcisco
    November 2nd, 2018

    @Mosh all config from digitaltut, all questions from 195. Copy run start wasn´t available. Hurry up everybody til the 195 is stil 200% valid.

  4. Kaktom
    November 2nd, 2018

    I have an exam scheduled next week. Hopefully there will be other people who can confirm that 195q in November is still valid.

  5. perplexed
    November 2nd, 2018

    what command can be used on the sim in place of sh run, show running-config

  6. Anonymous
    November 2nd, 2018

    Hi Guys, passed . Lots of new questions i dint see on the 477 questions dump. New questions that I can remember…you will have to look for the answers

    Labs:virtual link(ipv6) ospfv3 , eigrp stub, ospf/eigrp redistribute
    dnd:copp&mpp—rest are on the dnds on kikavich
    questions i can remember:

    1)eigrp stub advertised routes? connected & summary
    2) question on vnet global…i think bwt what it is
    3)ip sla used for voice simulation?udp jitter
    4)there was a question on pppoe.if you know its configuration u ok
    5)mitigate fragmentation? tcp mss
    6)what technology supports evn trunk?802.1Q
    7)know the functionalities/characteristics of stateful NAT64
    8)question on privilege levels of cisco devices…level where u cant run enable commands
    9)objects for tracking?weight & percentage
    10)ip cef load sharing options?tunnel,packet &destination
    11)prerequisite of stateful nat64?dns64
    12)how bgp selects best path
    13)punt adjacency
    14)question on debuggin chap & pap…choose 2
    15)udp pozrt 123 used for ntp communication
    16)use of adjacency table
    17)causes of latency

    that is all i can remember.x

  7. v
    November 2nd, 2018


    Condarts Bro

    I need you help I have to pass route exam because I fount a job
    HR wantx to CCNP certifacation for me
    I passed switch exam
    Thany you very mutch

    {email not allowed}

  8. Marks
    November 2nd, 2018

    @mcisco the 195 is from nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.1 or v2.2 ? Because I’m studying the v2.2 only

  9. ccnp_man
    November 2nd, 2018


    Anyone could confirm in 100% that 195Questions(Valid-September) is still valid and enough to the pass exam?

    Please anyone share us true info!

  10. ccnp_man
    November 2nd, 2018

    Hi Marks,

    Could you provide me nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.2 ? I have only v2.1 ;/

    Thank in advance!

  11. Help
    November 2nd, 2018

    Guy, I have nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.1 and it has 757 questions. Do I need to study them all? Also, what are these Day 1, 2, 3, …

    Sections Networking – Valid-September = 195
    Networking – Questions DAY-1 = 96 Networking – Questions DAY-2 = 89 Networking – Questions DAY-3 = 89 Networking – Questions DAY-4 = 126 Networking – NEW Questions = 125 Networking – EIGRP & OSPF Simlets = 8 Networking – DRAG & DROP = 29

  12. RouteRider
    November 2nd, 2018

    In my opinion, there isn’t new version. The newest is v2.1 from 12 September

  13. Buy
    November 2nd, 2018

    Where do you buy nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.1 from?

  14. nneettwwrrookkiinnggg
    November 2nd, 2018

    Hi All

    good luck everyone


  15. Sam
    November 2nd, 2018

    Q675 answer c I am 100%

  16. RouteRider
    November 2nd, 2018

    Answer C
    1. enable
    2. configure terminal
    3. ipv6 unicast-routing
    4. interface type number
    5. ipv6 rip name enable”
    Answer C
    “To enable the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and relay agent features on your router, use the service dhcp command in global configuration mode. To disable the DHCP server and relay agent features, use the no form of this command”
    In my opinion the under utilization doesn’t produce latency
    Your answers for other questions are right, I think.

  17. Re Q 736
    November 2nd, 2018

    A packet capture indicates that the ruoter is not forwarding DHCP packets that it receives on the itnerface fa0/0.
    Which command needs to be entered in global conf mode to resolve this issue ?

    If you look at the question carefully you will no that ip helper-address is incorrect as it can only be entered on the interface no in Global config mode. The question clearly asks about the command that can be entered in the global config mode.

  18. yy
    November 3rd, 2018

    Where do you buy nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.1 from?

  19. Saji
    November 3rd, 2018


    Sorry for the Delay answer
    Which two causes of latency are true? (Choose two)
    A. High bandwidth on a link
    B. Split horizon
    C. Propagation delay
    D. Serialization delay
    E. Under-utilizaion of a link

    Best choice would be C & D

    “Latency is a Round trip delay, which means propagation delay + delay of processing the packet at receiving end that is serialization which it has to put the data at narrow channel”

  20. King_CCNP
    November 3rd, 2018

    Hi Guys,



    – DnD WAS FROM 195Q.



  21. Yamen
    November 3rd, 2018

    @Makreem Thanks for answer, please, can u write me mail, I im in yamenmehdizade at gmail dot com , please write me, i am waitin for your responce, i am alsi preparing for tshoot

  22. CCNP_q195
    November 3rd, 2018

    Hi King_CCNP,

    Please share your email address, I have a few questions about exam.

  23. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2018

    can u tell us something about LAB you’ve found ?

  24. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2018


    Q.641 Drag and Drop;

    Answer: are the sentences between ()

    interface Ethernet0
    ip address

    interface Serial0

    ! Serial interface config
    no ip address

    (encapsulation frame-relay)

    frame-relay lmi-type ansi
    ! subinterface config

    (interface Serial0.1 multipoint)

    ip address

    (frame-relay map ip 100 broadcast).

  25. JAJA
    November 3rd, 2018

    hi bro thanks

    QUESTION 690–>WHY D?
    How can you minimize unicast flooding in a network?
    A. Configure HSRP on two routers, with one subnet preferred on the first router and a different subnet preferred on the second router.
    B. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to be the same as the timeout value for Layer2 forwarding table entries.
    C. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to greater than the timeout value for Layer 2 forwarding table entries.
    D. Set the router’s ARP timeout value to less than timeout value for Layer 2 forwarding table entries

    Correct Answer: B >>> Should be D


    QUESTION 743–> WHY B?
    What is the output of the following command:
    show ip vrf
    A. Show’s default RD values
    B. Displays IP routing table information associated with a VRF
    C. Show’s routing protocol information associated with a VRF.
    D. Displays the ARP table (static and dynamic entries) in the specified VRF

    Correct Answer: A

    hi bro

    QUESTION 693 –> WHY D?
    Company is deploying a multicast applic ation that must be accessible between sites, but must not be accessible outside of the organization
    Based on
    A. FF00:/16
    B. FFOE:/16
    C. FF02:/16
    D. FF08:/16
    Correct Answer: C

    ans must be D, same as q 543

  26. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2018

    QUESTION 720
    Which two commands do you need to implement on a router to support the pppoe client? (Choose Two)
    A. peer default ipaddress pool
    B. mtu
    C. bba-group pppoe
    D. pppoe enable group
    E. pppoe-clientdialer-pool-number
    Correct Answer: BE
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 379
    Which two features does RADIUS combine? (Choose Two)
    A. Telnet
    B. Accouting
    C. SSH
    D. Authenticaiton
    E. Authorization
    Correct Answer: DE
    Section: Networking – Questions DAY-4

    QUESTION 477
    Which two features RADIUS combine? (Choose two)
    A. telnet
    B. SSH
    C. Authentication
    D. Authorization
    E. Accounting
    Correct Answer: CD

    QUESTION 658
    Whcih two features does RADIUS combine?(Choose two)
    A. authorization
    B. authentication
    C. ssh
    D. accounting
    E. Telnet
    Correct Answer: AB
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

  27. rena
    November 3rd, 2018

    Hi nneettwwrrookkiinnggg,,,, thanks for all your affords which are appriciated by everyone here.
    Did you try to update the dump the new questions aforementioned here lately???

  28. bucky
    November 3rd, 2018

    hello guys,
    do anyone have the labs, 195q are sure to pass, but labs are not there. can you please advise how to get the labs

  29. Yank
    November 3rd, 2018

    So, I am a CCNP currently but I need to renew within 3 months. How is the 300-101 test? how many questions and how many labs? Can these questions I’m seeing be confirmed on the test?

  30. Coo
    November 3rd, 2018

    Passed exam just now ,195q is still valid .

  31. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2018

    just passed 9xx, TUT sims and 195q is ALL i got, not even older 124q’s on my exam. srsly, this test should take you a week to prep and pass, just study 195q and the sims and GO TAKE IT, they say it’s a hard one IT”S NOT. At some point they will change the q’s so HURRY UP.

    Not trying to sell you anything unlike these other chumps, trust me and don’t waste a bunch of time studying old dumps

    AND DON’T PAY THESE JERKS FOR DUMPS, nnneeetttwwwooorrrrkkkiiinnggg 195q is ALL YOU NEED

    OSPFv3, LACP/STP, All DnD’s from 195q. Almost too easy….

  32. Sam
    November 3rd, 2018

    I took exam today. Got 95x . 195q 100% valid but some answers was wrong.

  33. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2018

    Which answers was wrong?

  34. James
    November 3rd, 2018

    Hi guys, please share to me the latest dumps. I am about to take the exam in 1 month time. Thank you!

    james_llaneras_lindo “@” yahoo com

  35. MOMO
    November 3rd, 2018

    hi all, any one can share the latest dumb please

  36. PleaseHELP
    November 4th, 2018

    Guys, I know my question is not related to what are you working on, but please if anyone knows how to find something for CICD 210-060 same like here people share their experience please shot me the name or the link of the website. please please please will be a big favor.

  37. Saji
    November 4th, 2018

    @ JAJA

    I would vote for answer D Q690.
    There will be an unicast arp request for each entry in the ARP table when it reaches the half the ARP aging time so that Layer 3 devices can refreshes its ARP table. So L2 devices get know the ARP traffic and updates its mac. When Asymmetric traffic return via L2 device, now it knows the mac so no more unicast flooding

  38. saji
    November 4th, 2018

    is comments are working ?

  39. Saji
    November 4th, 2018

    How do I get the 195 questions ?
    please guide me

  40. Saji
    November 4th, 2018

    how do i get the 195 questions that you guys are referring about ?

    thanks in advance

  41. Saji
    November 4th, 2018


    Which two methods of deployment can you use when implementing NAT64? (Choose two)
    A. stateless
    B. stateful
    C. manual
    D. automatic
    E. static
    F. functional
    G. dynamic
    Correct Answer: AB ?
    Should be Manual (Stateless )& Automatic (stateful) ?

  42. Sajit
    November 4th, 2018

    for the question 64 please refer the wiki pedia /wiki/NAT64 it will give the deployment methods

  43. MH
    November 4th, 2018

    Hi All,

    Taking the exam this Friday but am uncertain to the lab name correlation to this site from those who have taken the exam

    eigrp case = ? (what is the lab name on Digital TUT)
    eigrp stub = eigrp stub sim
    route-map = ?
    REDISTRUIBUTE = EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Sim
    OSPF STUB = ?
    IPV6 = ? (I assume it is IPv6 OSPF Virtual Link Sim)

    thanks a mill

  44. Saji
    November 4th, 2018

    The enterprise network WAN link has been receiving several denial of service attacks from both IPv4 and IPv6 sources.
    Which three elements can you use to identify an IPv6 packet via its header, in order to filter future attacks? (Choose three)
    A. Traffic Class
    B. Source address
    C. Flow Label
    D. Hop Limit
    E. Destination Address
    F. Fragment Offset
    what is the correct answer ? BCE

  45. RouteRider
    November 4th, 2018

    The official name of NAT64 methods is stateless and stateful not automatic or manual.
    The correct answer AB

  46. RouteRider
    November 4th, 2018

    @Saji, @ JAJA
    There are different approaches to limit the unicast flooding due to asymmetric routing:
    – An easy approach is normally to bring the ARP timeout and the forwarding table-aging time
    close to each other to limit the length of unicast flooding. This will cause the ARP packets to
    be broadcast. Relearning must occur before the L2 forwarding table entry ages out.
    – Another approach is to use the unicast blocking feature.
    – A better approach is to implement the network with HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol)

    This description says “close to each other”. It may be lesser or equal.
    So are there two correct answers?

  47. sameer
    November 4th, 2018

    is 195q still valid for this week. i have exam on 6th nov.

  48. RouteRider
    November 4th, 2018

    I think I found another fault.
    What is the role of a route distinguisher via a VRF-Lite setup implementation?
    A. It extends the IP address to identify which VFP instance it belongs to
    B. It manages the import and export of routes between two or more VRF instances
    C. It enables multicast distribution for VRF-Lite setups to enhance EGP routing protocol capabilities
    D. It enables multicast distribution for VRF-Lite setups to enhance IGP routing protocol capabilities
    The correct answer is A (as it is signed in dump), but what is the VFP? VFP is the Virtual Forwarding Plane. I think the correct word should be VRF…

  49. and1lan
    November 4th, 2018


    Please, can someone share the 195q dump with me? or tell me where i can find it.


  50. Mammdou
    November 4th, 2018

    Passed yesterday (3rd of November) with score 96x
    195Q still valid…Labs were (EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Sim, OSPF Sim & EIGRP Stub Sim)

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