Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. sancho
    August 25th, 2018

    you can subscribe to the RSS feed and if you have a mail client like outlook you can search for terms as the comments will appear as individual entries in the folder.

  2. acme
    August 25th, 2018

    thanks sancho

    anybody has a source for this question, can’t find proof to support answer D. I think it should be A.

    QUESTION 642
    What happends when unicast flood protection is triggered on a VLAN?
    A. The VLAN is shut down
    B. Traffic on the VLAN is load-balanced across multiple links
    C. The VLAN is removed from the VLAN database
    D. Traffic on the VLAN is passed to another VLAN with lower load

  3. ShutNoShut
    August 25th, 2018

    When OSPF is forming an adjacency, in which state, the actual exchange of information in the link?
    A. INIT
    B. loading
    C. exstart
    D. exchange

    what should be the answer?

  4. AllGood
    August 25th, 2018


    It should be D: exchange

  5. funghet
    August 25th, 2018

    no one had experience with SPOTO dump?!?

    please let a feedback

  6. AllGood
    August 25th, 2018

    Hello. Did someone recently give the route exam?
    Could you please share your experiences. Thanks!

  7. Ahmed
    August 25th, 2018


    in my opinion currently networrrrkkkkking dumps is more better then SOPTO dumps . in SOPTO dumps two many answers are wrong so we focus on networkkkkking dumps which is reliable .

  8. Ahmed
    August 25th, 2018


    Which PPP authentication method sends authentication information in clear text?
    A. MS CHAP
    B. CDPCP
    C. CHAP
    D. PAP
    Correct Answer: D

    Which PPP authentication method sends authentication information in cleartext?
    A. MS CHAP
    B. CDPCP
    C. CHAP
    D. PAP
    Correct Answer: D

    Same Question 16 & 86 . please remove one .

  9. funghet
    August 25th, 2018


    can you share ore indicate me where i can find “networrrrkkkkking ” dump?

  10. Ahmed
    August 25th, 2018


    Q20 & Q75 Same please remove one .

  11. funghet
    August 25th, 2018


    can you share also your SPOTO dump ?

  12. KBL
    August 25th, 2018

    I passed with 8xx on 18-08-18
    Networkkkkkkkkkkkkkking is valid

  13. Akkku
    August 25th, 2018


    When OSPF is forming an adjacency, in which state, the actual exchange of information in the link?
    A. INIT
    B. loading
    C. exstart
    D. exchange

    ANS: B

    In this state, the actual exchange of link state information occurs. Based on the information provided by the DBDs, routers send link-state request packets. The neighbor then provides the requested link-state information in link-state update packets. During the adjacency, if a router receives an outdated or missing LSA, it requests that LSA by sending a link-state request packet. All link-state update packets are acknowledged.

    Here is the link:

  14. Akkku
    August 25th, 2018


    First let me appreciate all your hard work!

    Are you coming with with V2.2? Please let me know since i have my exam on Monday.

  15. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 25th, 2018

    hi bro
    You should study v2.1 all Questions please

  16. Nick
    August 25th, 2018

    Hey guys I have the exam soon, can someone tell me which version of the dumps is the best to study? I have read the book and done video course, but I really want to just practise the questions now… Please someone tell me which version is best, I will be very greatful :)

  17. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 25th, 2018

    congratulations bro

  18. Anonymous
    August 25th, 2018

    Hey nneetwrrookkiinng g ..Can you please provide for em the V2.1 dumps??. :)

  19. nneettwwrrookkiinngg
    August 25th, 2018



  20. Nick
    August 25th, 2018

    Hey nneetwrrookkiinng g ..Can you please provide for em the V2.1 dumps??. :

  21. Nick
    August 25th, 2018

    Thank you so much, your a hero :)

  22. nneettwwrrookkiinngg
    August 25th, 2018

    @Ahmed Bro
    Q86 removed
    Q75 removed

  23. Nick
    August 25th, 2018

    Hey Neetwrookkinng, can you make this a hyper link? I’m not sure how to get to that folder ..thanks in advanced :)

  24. nneettwwrrookkiinnggg
    August 25th, 2018


    you’re welcome
    nneettwwoorrkkiinngg dump is created by this forum users!
    so we are hard working to dump

    August 25th, 2018

    Hi everyone, does anybody know if the “write memory” command or the “copy run star” command are enabled on the simulation questions? do you know which group of questions of Nettttwwwwoooorrkkkkiiiiinnnggg´s PDF will appear on the exam?


  26. nneettwwrrookkiinngg
    August 25th, 2018

    are you sure :)
    copy the link and past your browser
    nneettwwrrookkiinngg @ gmail.com

  27. Nick
    August 25th, 2018

    Ah! haha got it :P ..Thanks bro :)

  28. hussein
    August 25th, 2018

    hello guys,
    my exam is tomorrow, please can you confirm if the network dumps still valid or not?

  29. nneettwwrrookkiinnggg
    August 25th, 2018



    KBL August 25th, 2018
    I passed with 8xx on 18-08-18
    Networkkkkkkkkkkkkkking is valid

  30. CCNP_2017
    August 25th, 2018

    few wrong in the 2.1 dump!
    Spoto Q54
    “which adverse circumstance can the TTL feature prevent”
    Marked answer is “DDOS Attacks” surely it should be “Routing Loops”?

  31. CCNP_2017
    August 25th, 2018


    A network engineer has left a NetFlow capture enabled over the weekend to gather information regarding excessive bandwidth utilization. The following command is entered: switch#
    show flow exporter Flow_Exporter-I.
    What is the expected output?

    Marked answer is “current status of the specified flow exporter” should be “configuration of the specified flow exporter”

  32. hussein
    August 25th, 2018

    thank you networkkkking, I hope to pass tomorrow

  33. Graydog
    August 25th, 2018

    Hey all just took test and failed Networking august question and spoto are on point. I failed due to not knowing the labs….the labs in spoto will most likely
    in the exam

  34. supdog
    August 25th, 2018

    Is just the August section enough for the exam? I have my test in 2 days. I’m worried that I won’t have enough time to memorize all 700+ questions. So, I’m freaking out right now! Also, you’re saying the labs in Spoto are on the exam?

  35. CCNP_2017
    August 25th, 2018

    Q610 incomplete duplicate of Q656
    Both have no marked answer, in Spoto the same Q its marked as DoS Attacks, but i would suggest (as said above) answer is “Routing Loops”

  36. hussein
    August 25th, 2018

    from where can i get spoto dumps???
    please someone answer me

  37. supdog
    August 25th, 2018

    @hussein hey man, I don’t know the exact page but if you scroll far enough back, someone posted the link. I think it’s around the 180-189. Not sure though man. It’s probably not needed. I think only the August section is needed from networkkkkking but I can’t find a solid answer.

  38. Akkku
    August 25th, 2018


    Page 195

  39. supdog
    August 25th, 2018

    @hussein top of 195. I was wrong.

    I still think you only need August section but I am not sure.

  40. husein
    August 25th, 2018

    thanks y’all for help

  41. sancho
    August 25th, 2018


    q54 in august questions.

    what two features does radius combine

    it says answer CE which is authentication and authorization which is correct.

    IT then says in the explanation correct answer is AB ssh, telnet.

    That is not correct and doesn’t make sense, radius does not combine SSH and Telnet. It differs from tacacs+ in the sense that radius combines authentication and authorization where as tacacs+ has them separated which is why you can control things far more granularly with tacacs+ because you can do per command and per user auth where as with radius you can only control access by whatever group the radius server is set to permit.

    SSH and Telnet can use radius for auth, but it does not combine the two.

    August 25th, 2018


  43. sancho
    August 25th, 2018


    if you look in the dumps by nneettwwrrookkiinnggg there is a section called august with 195q.

    August 25th, 2018

    hi @supdog
    I took the exam last tuesday, and I saw many questions from august section, unfortunately I failed :( because I studied day 1, 2 and 3 questions… my mistake… I will retake exam next monday, butI dont feel sure that august questions still appears on that exam… anybody knows if questions can be modified to other section?

    August 25th, 2018


  46. sancho
    August 25th, 2018


    Yes there is.

    @shinoda literally said the same thing

    “I saw many questions from august section”

    it says Questions-August and its got 195. I cant be any more clear than that since i cant put a screen shot here

    August 25th, 2018


    August 25th, 2018

    you can see post of August 15th or 16th.. Im not sure, but you can find the nneettwwoorrkkiinngg PDF.

    August 26th, 2018


  50. AllGood
    August 26th, 2018


    There are some questions which are repeated from v1.2 to v2.1 and have different answers. Which version answers should I consider right? (the answers from v1.2 or v2.1)


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