Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. nneettwwoorrkkiinngg
    July 29th, 2018

    Congrats 😊

  2. nneettwwoorrkkiinngg
    July 29th, 2018

    Hi all
    I will update the files
    Page 179

  3. Billy
    July 29th, 2018


    Why is the answer be A when there is a UDP statement for port 443; HTTPS is TCP. I think the answer should be B.

  4. @muckduck
    July 29th, 2018

    Dont worry i got it! I learnt how to use a crack!
    Thanks @nneettwwrrookkiinnggg and everyone else who has been contributing to make this the best available material

    Ill go study now :D

  5. R’hllor
    July 29th, 2018


    I checked your source, you were right the first time, although there is no mention of an ingress ACL, it makes sense that it will verify if it’s any at least, so should be answer D. ” It checks the ingress access lists”

  6. NWA
    July 29th, 2018


    Where Can I get 9TUT ROUTE PDF questions?

  7. Bonsai
    July 30th, 2018

    Do you guys think we will get new questions in August?

  8. very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    @a-aljubury and hola congrats.
    please tell the networking dump question numbers ? I {email not allowed}

  9. very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    hard working July 30th, 2018
    @a-aljubury and hola congrats.
    please tell the networking dump question numbers ? I cihangungorehm@ g mail.com

  10. Bonsai
    July 30th, 2018

    Reading back I noticed mark posted

    The enterprise network WAN link has been receiving several denial of service attacks from both IPv4 and IPv6 sources. Which three elements can you use to identify an IPv6 packet via its header, in order to filter future attacks? (Choose three)

    A. Traffic Class
    B. Source address
    C. Flow Label
    D. Hop Limit
    E. Destination Address
    F. Fragment Offset

    Verified Answer A, C, D

    But the vce says

    Correct Answer: BCE

    Maybe this needs updating

  11. GNS
    July 30th, 2018

    @ R’hllor

    Thanks for help,

    @ ALL

    Do someone have a queestions to simlets ?, Because, simlets are situated in digitaltut.com, but without questions, only answers…

    Thank you

  12. Nick
    July 30th, 2018

    WHat are the chances of there being new questions in August???

  13. Anon
    July 30th, 2018

    Hey @nneettwwoorrkkiinngg there are many question has different correct answer in refrence. like, Option B is “green line” but in refrences said “Correct answer is A”. I’m confused to choose the correct answer

  14. Bonsai
    July 30th, 2018

    I seem to recall someone saying July is when most new questions are added so I don’t think we will get many new ones, maybe one or two

  15. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018

    I’m so happy. I passed the exam. The content here is authentic.

  16. Katy
    July 30th, 2018

    QUESTION 367
    Which two statements about Frame Relay Point-to-Point connections are true? (Choose Two)
    A. Changing a point-to-point sub interface to a different type requires the device to be reloaded.
    B. They use two DLCls to communicate with multiple endpoints over the Frame Relay cloud.
    C. The device can establish a point-to-point connection to the cloud without a DLCI.
    D. They can operate normally without a DLCI map.
    E. Each physical interface that extends to the Frame Relay cloud can support a single SVC.

    Correct Answer: AB or AD??

    Please answer.

  17. Sarbella
    July 30th, 2018

    Hey guys, quick question if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated :) so basically i have configured IPV6 Virtual Sim in GNS3. Ive followed everything but when i ping from R1 to R4 using Router ID it doesn’t work but when used Loopback Address pings are successful. so i was wondering did i do something wrong & in the exam does it matter or do i have to configure a routing protocol aswell, PLEASE HELP :) Thanks xxx

  18. Mister Router
    July 30th, 2018

    Finally, i passed today.
    Thanks for @nneettwwoorrkkiinngg, his dumps are 100 percent valid!

  19. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018

    @hola , @a-aljubury

    Congrats 😊

    where did the most questions come from the old ones or news questions ?

  20. Katy
    July 30th, 2018

    What are two rules for compacting IPV6 address? (Choose two)
    A.every 16-bits segment that consists of all zeroes can be represent with a single colon

    B.the trailling zeores in any 16-bit segment do not have to be written

    C.the leading zeroes in any 16-bit segment do no have to be written

    D.any single, continuous string of one or more 16-bits segment that consists of all zeroes can be represent with a double ::

    E.the maximum number of time a double colon can replace a 16-bit segment that consists of all zeroes is two F.two zeroes in the middle of any 16-bit segment do not have to be written



  21. A7MEDDD
    July 30th, 2018

    PASS EXAM NOW >>>>>


  22. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    There are so many people who are entering the test but nobody shares the questions please share the exam questions.

  23. hola
    July 30th, 2018

    I will advise you study the whole file. But mostly the new questions. But the best bet is to study the whole file.
    for the simulations, I subscribed to digitut premium to get the configurations and i installed gns3 with @nneettwwrrookkiinngg gns3 files to practice with real simulation.for people still asking for other files, dont waste your time. Concentrate on @nneettwwrrookkiinngg file study it hard

  24. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    @hola , @a-aljubury , @A7MEDDD

    Please Share The Questions In The Exam With Us .

  25. A7MEDDD
    July 30th, 2018

    i have use ALL in one and nnnneeeetworrrrking most of question form those tow dumps

    eigrp stub — ipv6 — redistributed .. DND same

  26. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    @ A7MEDDD
    thanks for the answers but you can share the questions in the networking dump like Q300, Q345 etc. to cihangungorehm@ gmail . com please !!

  27. GNS3 Inquiry
    July 30th, 2018

    Which Routers have been used for GNS3 labs ? so one can add them.

  28. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018

    Which Routers have been used for GNS3 labs ? so one can add them.

  29. Sarbella
    July 30th, 2018

    Hey guys, quick question if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated :) so basically i have configured IPV6 Virtual Sim in GNS3. Ive followed everything but when i ping from R1 to R4 using Router ID it doesn’t work but when used Loopback Address pings are successful. so i was wondering did i do something wrong & in the exam does it matter or do i have to configure a routing protocol aswell, PLEASE HELP :) Thanks xxx

  30. kot
    July 30th, 2018

    What are two rules for compacting IPV6 address? (Choose two)
    A.every 16-bits segment that consists of all zeroes can be represent with a single colon
    B.the trailling zeores in any 16-bit segment do not have to be written
    C.the leading zeroes in any 16-bit segment do no have to be written
    D.any single, continuous string of one or more 16-bits segment that consists of all zeroes can be represent with a double ::
    E.the maximum number of time a double colon can replace a 16-bit segment that consists of all zeroes is two F.two zeroes in the middle of any 16-bit segment do not have to be written

    Answer: C,D

  31. GNS
    July 30th, 2018


    Please, check discussion below configuration in this link: http://digitaltut.com/route-ipv6-ospf-virtual-link-sim, regarding discussion, you should add loopbacks on R1 and R4 to the OSPF proccess.

  32. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018

    Hi Guy which drag and drop most corrected in the exam digitaltut or prince, jazz or kikavich

  33. kot
    July 30th, 2018


    Which three NTP features can be deduced on the router? (choose three)
    A. only accepts time requests from
    B. only handle four requests at a time
    C. only is in stratum 4
    D. only updates its time from
    E. only accepts time requests from
    F. only updates its time from

    Ans: A,C,F

    1) Peer – permits router to respond to NTP requests and accept NTP updates. NTP control queries are also accepted. This is the only class which allows a router to be synchronized by other devices.
    2) Serve – permits router to reply to NTP requests, but rejects NTP updates (e.g. replies from a server or update packets from a peer). Control queries are also permitted.

  34. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    Answer Router # show ntp associations

    Which of the following is true?
    A.All NTP packets are droped
    B.Master is syncing and exchanging NTP packets successully
    C.Master is not syncing but exchanging NTP packets successfully
    D.Master is not syncing and not exchanging NTP packets

    Correct ??

  35. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    Which next hop is going to be used for
    Router(config-if)# do show ip bgp

    Correct ??

  36. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    Dear Friends 300-101Friends in the exams please share your question numbers according to the networking dump.

    example Q300,Q305 etc.

  37. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018


    Which three NTP features can be deduced on the router? (choose three)
    A. only accepts time requests from
    B. only handle four requests at a time
    C. only is in stratum 4
    D. only updates its time from
    E. only accepts time requests from
    F. only updates its time from

    Ans: A,C,F

    1) Peer – permits router to respond to NTP requests and accept NTP updates. NTP control queries are also accepted. This is the only class which allows a router to be synchronized by other devices.
    2) Serve – permits router to reply to NTP requests, but rejects NTP updates (e.g. replies from a server or update packets from a peer). Control queries are also permitted.

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Answer Router # show ntp associations

    Which of the following is true?
    A.All NTP packets are droped
    B.Master is syncing and exchanging NTP packets successully
    C.Master is not syncing but exchanging NTP packets successfully
    D.Master is not syncing and not exchanging NTP packets

    Correct ??

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Which next hop is going to be used for
    Router(config-if)# do show ip bgp

  38. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018


    Which three NTP features can be deduced on the router? (choose three)
    A. only accepts time requests from
    B. only handle four requests at a time
    C. only is in stratum 4
    D. only updates its time from
    E. only accepts time requests from
    F. only updates its time from

    Ans: A,C,F

    1) Peer – permits router to respond to NTP requests and accept NTP updates. NTP control queries are also accepted. This is the only class which allows a router to be synchronized by other devices.
    2) Serve – permits router to reply to NTP requests, but rejects NTP updates (e.g. replies from a server or update packets from a peer). Control queries are also permitted.

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Answer Router # show ntp associations

    Which of the following is true?
    A.All NTP packets are droped
    B.Master is syncing and exchanging NTP packets successully
    C.Master is not syncing but exchanging NTP packets successfully
    D.Master is not syncing and not exchanging NTP packets

    Correct ??

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Which next ho142

    Which three NTP features can be deduced on the router? (choose three)
    A. only accepts time requests from
    B. only handle four requests at a time
    C. only is in stratum 4
    D. only updates its time from
    E. only accepts time requests from
    F. only updates its time from

    Ans: A,C,F

    1) Peer – permits router to respond to NTP requests and accept NTP updates. NTP control queries are also accepted. This is the only class which allows a router to be synchronized by other devices.
    2) Serve – permits router to reply to NTP requests, but rejects NTP updates (e.g. replies from a server or update packets from a peer). Control queries are also permitted.

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Answer Router # show ntp associations

    Which of the following is true?
    A.All NTP packets are droped
    B.Master is syncing and exchanging NTP packets successully
    C.Master is not syncing but exchanging NTP packets successfully
    D.Master is not syncing and not exchanging NTP packets

    Correct ??

    Very hard working July 30th, 2018
    Which next hop is going to be used for
    Router(config-if)# do show ip bgp
    D. is going to be used for
    Router(config-if)# do show ip bgp

  39. Sarbella
    July 30th, 2018

    @GNS thanks for replying x :) i followed everything from that link in the first place. I’ll add the loopbacks on OSPF Process so hopefully i can ping both ROUTER ID & Loopback.

  40. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    You are configuring the R1 Serial 0 Ä°nterface for a Multipoint connection.
    Drag and Drop the required configuration statements from the left onto the corresponding locations from the diagram on the right.
    –Ä°nterface Serial 0
    –encapsulation frame-relay
    –interface Serial0.1 multipoint

    –Frame relay map ip 100 OR frame-relay interface dlci 100

    Which Correct Answerr ?

  41. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2018

    @ Very hard working
    You don’t sound “hard working” at all. People have given you pointers as per the dumps to go through for the exam and you still expect them to give you the specific questions they got from the dumps…like really? I hope you know that the exams questions are pulled from a lot of questions and so two people might not have exactly the same question in the real exam per time and that is why some dumps have up to 400 questions to study from.
    You better study all

  42. Everest 74
    July 30th, 2018

    So, of those who have taken the test, are the DND strict about order? I have been able to know what goes where but not always the order of what is in “networks” dump.

  43. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    @ Anonymous
    I have worked on 600 questions( kikavich 135q networking dump, jazzy 91Q and networking dump) i am working. $ 300 is not getting easily :)
    I don’t need to make Cisco rich, they can share the questions
    It’s not hard to do :)
    just look at the networking dump and the questions will come out :) exam : Networking dump Q300,Q305,Q600 etc.

  44. Very hard working
    July 30th, 2018

    What happens when a router receives a route with an administrative distance of 255??
    A.The router installs the route as the most preferred path in the routing table
    B.The route installs the route as the least preferred path in the routing table
    C.The route becomes the feasible successor for the route
    D.The router is unable to install the route into the routing table

    Correct Answer ?
    Thanks Answer for now :)

  45. Everest 74
    July 30th, 2018
  46. Dani
    July 30th, 2018

    Hi guys when i was preparing for my Routing exams a few years ago i had a really difficult time getting VCE suite software since i was running on a low budget operation so i did some research and found out how to get this out of the way. Follow these simple instructions to know how to get this done…*enjoy*

  47. kot
    July 30th, 2018

    In a point-to-multipoint Frame Relay topology, which two methods ensure that all routing updates are received by all EIGRP routers within the Frame Relay network? (Choose Two)

    A. Use statically defined EIGRP neighbors on the hub site.
    B. Create separate address families.
    C. Disable split horizon.
    D. Use sub interfaces.
    E. Disable EIGRP auto summary.

    Ans: C,D or A,C?

  48. kot
    July 30th, 2018

    @Very hard working

    What happens when a router receives a route with an administrative distance of 255??
    A.The router installs the route as the most preferred path in the routing table
    B.The route installs the route as the least preferred path in the routing table
    C.The route becomes the feasible successor for the route
    D.The router is unable to install the route into the routing table

    Ans: D

  49. Everest 74
    July 30th, 2018


    My knee jerk reaction is C,D

    A. Use statically defined EIGRP neighbors on the hub site. (This to me would negate the whole need for dynamic protocols like EIGRP)

    But this is just my opinion

  50. kot
    July 30th, 2018

    @Everest 74

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