Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
how many total questions in current dump? And who has the link?
@syn cheers bro :) Gonna do Switch soon, gonna take a break for a while then hopefully i’ll see you there. Good Luck.
hi all, will be taking the exam next mon , any pointers to look out for?
@teb , all the pointers you need are in previous comments above.. I had IPv6 OSPF Virtual Link Simulator ,EIGRP Stub Simulator and EIGRP OSPF Redistribute Simulator.. kirkavich dumps helped alot, and also the drag and drops also jazzy 407..
i’m off to Tshoot but will keep checking up here to help others till it expires. Good luck everyone
can someone please send me the updated ccnp route pdf and dumps.
email: kazerovixen @ yahoo . com
Thank you.
I could send you what I have.
@chino, thanks gd luck on tshoot
Hi guys,
I failed today with 76x points
I studied about 4 weeks with this page, all labs are valid, but I hat a lot of new questions,
2 new Frame Relay DnD and about 20 new questions I have never seen before.
I had EIRGP Stub Sim, EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Sim and IPv6 OSPF Virtual Link Sim
I had troubled with EIGRP Stub Sim, I configured the router as explained in the lab here, but subnet summary did not work, I wasn’t able to find the error.
So good luck to everyone, I’ll try Tshoot next before I go back to Route, tshoot is supposed to be easier.
No problem. October is a long time from now. I wish you the best.
This site is a great resource. You should be ready before then. Practice the labs and review the concepts behind the MCQs and DnDs.
@Denzel Washington
Good luck on Switch. I am hoping to take T-Shoot really soon. Maybe some time by the end of next week or the week after.
Where I can get a VCE PLAYER for windows to open the ALL in ONE?
Try this .
I got this form page no:- 157.
4 VCE player
download the blue stack
use link
install apk in blue stack
import VCE in blue stack
if anyone have VCE player Keep Sharing & Keep Helping Each Other Out.
just passed- Barely! (812 of 790) but ILL TAKE IT!
there were at least 15/20 questions I never saw before.
some of the things I can remember:
There is a Frame Relay drag/drop that I hadn’t seen. (not the LMI extension one)
virtual link ipv6 lab,
resdistribution ospf/eigrp
GRE feature d/d
question regarding blocking SSH through an ACL
EIGRP summary route
LMI autosenses
default authentication for RIpV2 (plain text)
ip helper-address (interface will receive broadcast)
features added MSCHAP v2
DHCP question regarding the first message -( I just went with DORA) (discover/offer/)
question about entering command to take full advantage of ospf costs -(I went with auto-cost-reference-bandiwdth 10000)
@binib, sorry you failed, I had same experience in the exam last saturday.The exam has truly changed like everyone said. Did you remembered any of 20 new questions. If you remembered any of those new questions or related topics please share with this fourm and helping each other out.
it would really be a great help.
im trying to make new pdf so please share any new questions with us , thats will help you also
Sorry about your exams today. Please do not take this the wrong way but TSHOOT is not easier than route and switch. I have taken this exam and passed and so i know. It is very technical and it can get confusing. No multi choice questions or DND just sims (12 to 15 sims) that you have to troubleshoot and rectify all the problems. You have to take your time and study all the sims really really hard. There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. I wish you the best of luck in your TSHOOT journey, you’ll do good!
congrates @ Persaa
happy to know that ccnp-route is passable :)
@ Perssa Congrats. Did you not see any of the new questions posted in the comment section a few days ago in your exam?
sorry to hear about you. Which dumps did you study?
Hi! does anyone have c3640-jk9s-mz.124-16.bin IOS? Hoping to do some sims here. Thank you very much!
ht tp s : / /doc .l /netw ork/C isco/IO S%20 Collec tio n/c 364 0/ remove the spaces
A oetwirk eogioeer has set up VRF-Lite io twi riuters where all the ioterfaces are io the same VRF.
At a later tme, a oew liipback is added ti Riuter 1, but it caooit piog aoy if the existog ioterfaces.
Which twi ciofguratios eoable the lical ir remite riuter ti piog the liipback frim aoy existog
ioterface? (Chiise twi.)
A. addiog a statc riute fir the VRF that piiots ti the glibal riute table
B. addiog the liipback ti the VRF
C. addiog dyoamic riutog betweeo the twi riuters aod advertsiog the liipback
D. addiog the IP address if the liipback ti the expirt riute targets fir the VRF
E. addiog a statc riute fir the VRF that piiots ti the liipback ioterface
F. addiog all ioterfaces ti the glibal aod VRF riutog tables
A,B oh B,C
A network engineer has set up VRF-Lite on two routers where all the interfaces are in the same VRF. At a later time, a new loopback is added to Router 1, but it cannot ping any of the existing interfaces. Which two configurations enable the local or remote router to ping the loopback from any existing interface? (Choose two.)
A. adding a static route for the VRF that points to the global route table
B. adding the loopback to the VRF
C. adding dynamic routing between the two routers and advertising the loopback
D. adding the IP address of the loopback to the export route targets for the VRF
E. adding a static route for the VRF that points to the loopback interface
F. adding all interfaces to the global and VRF routing tables
Answer: A, B
Is there any link for latest dumps with new questions available?
No more exam passers today ?
@ACK….think people are scared and reluctant to attempt at this point
Some dump says C,D Some dump says A,C Which are corrects answers friends ?
What are two rules for compacting IPV6 address (Choose Two)
A) Every 16-bits segment that consists of all zeroes can be represent with a single colon
B) The trailling zeores in any 16-bit segment do not have to be written
C) the leading zeroes in any 16-bit segment do not have to be written
D) any single, continuous string of time of one or more 16-bits segment that consist of all zeroes all zeroes can be represent with a double
E) the maximum number of time a double colon can replace a 16-bit segment that consist of all zeroes is two
F) two zeroes in the middle of ant 16-bit segment do not have to be rewritten
Which dumps did you study?
is the KIKAVICH dumps still valid?
I think still valid + questions on this forum.
Determinate answer is C,D
Passed today with good marks.
3 Labs : EIGRP/OSPF redistribution – same lab
EIGRP Stub – Same Lab – Summarized with /16
OSPF Sim – Same Lab
DND : Adverse network conditions, DHCPv6 Server/client, AAA, ACL, Question 90 (from popular questions), Question 91, Variation of Question 92. (All dnds have seen before)
I got about 10 new questions, haven’t seen earlier.
Most from AAA (it was bit touch in the start so couldn’t remember all). Most of them from Local AAA, how local AAA work along with tacacs+
Couple of SMNP server/agent
Unless for digitaltut, I wouldn’t have passed.
I personally feel CCNP is little more than dumps. Make sure you know/study the basics.
All interfaces on each router are participating in the EIGRP 100 process. Interface Loopback 2 on HQR2 is currently in shutdown mode. An engineer issues the eigrp stub command on router BR1. Which statements about the query messages sent from router HQ-R2 for a route to reach the network is true?
A. Router HQ-R2 sends a query message to the feasible successor for a route to network.
B. Router HQ R1 receives query messages from HQ-R2 for a route to network.
C. Router HQ R1 receives query messages from HQ-R2 for a route to network.
D. Router HQ R1 and BR1 receives query messages from HQ-R2 for a route to 12.12.12/32 network.
hi guys, i passed the exam today 83x
3 labs: OSPF EIGRP redistribution, IPv6 OSPF Virtual-link,EIGRP stub(i coud not verify summarization).
DND; framerelay (a new one), AAA,MPP and CoPP,ACL
good luck
which dumb you have studied …. @tut_user
congrates @tut-user
with regards to EIGRP stub, do you happened to remember what summary address did you used in the lab ?
@ghost … which dumb please ?!!
i used the the following command unter interface s0/0:
ip summary-address eigrp 123
i studied with Jazzyv3, DND and Updated Questions from Digitaltut. Please take a closer look to Framerelay.
From this site, check page 153. I got lot from that batch.
ip summary-address eigrp 100
* I tried the /20 as well, but it’s not summarizing any
Dexter dump + page 153 new questions would do. But make sure you verify the answers and regularly check the updates from other guys 👍
Don’t spend any money on dumps. I would rather donate to a site like this.
I spent today
60 Q, many questions I didn’t know (10 or more)
3 labs: OSPF EIGRP redistribution, IPv6 OSPF Virtual-link,EIGRP stub
DND; framerelay (a new one), AAA,MPP and CoPP
several questions from Frame Relay, AAA,MPP and CoP
study by tut (I think it’s worth paying for membership if only to practice the Sim), Prince 91q and Kikavich
Important to know well ospf, eigrp, frame relay, cpp, mpp, nat64 etc.
good luck to all
Translated with
hello everyone i passed the exam it was not so hard, all the new Qs in the last few pages I think I had just 5 or 6 I didn’t see it anywhere.
just try to read carefully Qs and labs.
DnD was almost the same .
best luck
Failed the ROUTE exam today :-( 694 /790
Problem is I know where I when wrong
3 Labs / EIGRP Stub / OSPF EIGRP redistribution / OSPF Stub (valid – I messed up in two of the labs)
3 Drag and Drop
Plenty of new questions
IPv6 DHCP, EVN, Frame-Relay, AAA, IP SLA, NAT64
Please where did you guys see the D&D? the ones from KIVACH PDF that I have are not clear enough. They are mostly cut on the edges.
The D&D Questions I got are in KIVACH PDF
Frame-relay lmi
I actually got 4 D&D
D&D are also in ALL DRAG AND DROP PDF not sure who posted it though
Things are starting to come back to me a little
New Question (along these lines)
Two routers are configured with RIPng but can’t form neighbors as traffic traverses a firewall
Which port does the firewall need to permit to form neighbors
TCP Port 521
UDP Port 521
TCP Port 520
UDP Port 520
IP Protocol 520
IP Protocol 521
Answer is UDP port 521
Guys congrats to all passer but may i know in the sim labs ? do still need to copy running startup-config / wr in the privelege mode or not ?
hopefully you answer this questions
and with regards with eigrp stub. whats the issue in ip summary address ?
Not to sure on saving configuration in labs
For EIGRP stub if you try to summarize all the provided routes using the VLSM formula you get 255.255.240 as subnet mask
I applied this in the exam but it didn’t summarize the routes into one. People are saying use “ip summary-address eigrp asn
Another question that came up for me was enable password v enable secret (select three answers)
Refer to the Notes in the following
Enable Secret is prefered over enable password
If neither is applied and a password is applied to the line console this will default and become password for any vty attempts made
Backward compatible for older version of Cisco IOS
Which OSPF sim you got? Normal OSPF sim or IPV6 virtual-link?
Which D&D you got for your exam?
The 5-6 new questions about which topic?