Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. doka1
    June 13th, 2018

    If device R1 has 1-Gigabit and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, which command do you enter so that it takes full advantage of OSPF costs ?
    a. R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000 <– correct answer
    b. R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000000000
    c. R1(config-if)# ip ospf cost 10000000000
    d. R1(config-if)# ip ospf cost 10000
    e. R1(config-route-map)#set metric 10000
    f. R1(config-route-map)#set metric 10000000000

  2. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    which purpose of the AAA accounting feature is true when you use TACACS+ authentication ?
    a. It prompts users to change their passwords when they expire
    b. it saves a timestamped record of user activity
    c. it controls the activities that the user is permitted to perform
    d. it verifies the user identity.

    Ans: B

  3. doka1
    June 13th, 2018

    Which LAN feature enables a default gateway to inform its end devices when a better path to a destination is available ?

    a. HSRP
    b. ICMP unreachable messages
    c. ICMP redirects <– correct answer
    d. Proxy ARP
    Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/routing-information-protocol-rip/13714-43.html
    "ICMP redirect messages are used by routers to notify the hosts on the data link that a better route is available for a particular destination."

  4. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    Which command configure a default authentication list that uses a local database and a case-insensitive username ?
    a. aaa authentication exec CONSOLE group local-case if authenticated
    b. aaa authentication login CONSOLE group local
    c. aaa authentication login default group local
    d. aaa authentication exec default group local-case

    Ans: C

    If sensitive, it would be aaa authentication login default group local-case which is not an option in the question above.

  5. Ali
    June 13th, 2018

    Guys can you help me! Is the below answer correct for the drag n drop ?

    + network-specific stateful NAT64 prefix: IPv6 prefix assigned by an organization
    + NAT64 : supports application layer gateway
    + NPTv6 : translates 2001:1::/64 to 2001:2::/64
    + well-known stateful NAT64 prefix: supports IPv6 prefix 64:FF9B::/96

  6. doka1
    June 13th, 2018

    Yes, it’s correct

  7. John Cena
    June 13th, 2018

    In which two areas does OSPF send a summary route by default ?
    a. NSSA
    b. Backbone
    c. Totally stubby
    d. Stub
    e. Normal

    Ans D. Stub distributes Connected and Summary Routes by default.

  8. PureSoul
    June 13th, 2018

    Passed with 834. Thanks to God and you guys. Not sure exactly how many are new, most probably 30%…maybe less.
    The rest are from pdfs already shared by guys here. All D&D are old ones, all labs are old ones.Don’t panic! Read carrefuly, new questions are basic stuff mostly.
    One example is eigrp summary AD…which is 5. Not sure if new or not.
    Another is MS CHAPv2 wich brings 2 adds: password can be changed when expires and mutual authentication between peers.
    CPP/MPP is old D&D.
    Some BGP peer questions, old ones.
    Labs: Ospf redistribute, Eigrp stub, Ospf sim..ospf 27 is process number and area 4..numbers are changed only.
    No simlets.
    EVN old ones.
    If you understood the answer from explaining on this site and dumps, then you should not worry.
    Good luck to all of you!

  9. Ali
    June 13th, 2018

    @Doka1 but i’ve seen on one of the dumps the below:

    + network-specific stateful NAT64 prefix: IPv6 prefix assigned by an organization
    + NAT64 : supports IPv6 prefix 64:FF9B::/96
    + NPTv6 : translates 2001:1::/64 to 2001:2::/64
    + well-known stateful NAT64 prefix: supports application layer gateway

    Can someone confirm?

  10. Grateful
    June 13th, 2018

    Good news

  11. boyi
    June 13th, 2018

    I can confirm that the exam has changed

    60qs, labs are the same, but 50-45qs more or less are new, never seen before. 2 or 3 new D&D.

    I have passed with 790, but just before ending the exam i thought i was fail.

    some of the new questions are easy, but others are very difficult even try to figure it out just thinking.

    For all the people who is going to take the exam. you have to make the labs perfectly, you have to know the actual dumps and D&D perfect in order to don’t miss any point in these questions, then, with the new one, just read the questions carefully and try to discard the options that doesn’t match.

    good luck to everyone and thanks for your help

  12. Exam tomorrow!
    June 13th, 2018

    Hi guys.. What are the chance of EIGRP OSPF Redistribute Simulator coming up?

    The only sim i struggle with because of the metric types.

  13. doka1
    June 13th, 2018

    Which task you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    a. Configure the encapsulation type <– correct answer
    b. Disable inverse ARP
    c. Enable inverse ARP
    d. Configure static address mapping
    We don't need be to enable/disable inverse ARP and don't need be to configure static address mapping on p2p subinterfaces

  14. doka1
    June 13th, 2018

    Which task you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    a. Configure the encapsulation type <– correct answer
    b. Disable inverse ARP
    c. Enable inverse ARP
    d. Configure static address mapping
    We don't need be to enable/disable inverse ARP and don't need be to configure static address mapping on p2p subinterfaces

  15. Al
    June 13th, 2018

    Ok here is the deal. I have passed today there is few new questions but all the dumps shared here are still valid. A lot of the questions are re -worded so read them carefully. One new question i remember is what is default authentication for ripv2 another one was about access lists with weird subnet mask change at the end. Labs: eigrp stub, ospf virtual link and eigrp redistribution. Few dnds all covered in dumps

  16. boyi
    June 13th, 2018

    @Exam tomorrow!

    i have EIGRP OSPF redistribue lab in my exam today, is very easy.

    firts, display the interfaces and take note of the values (be carefull, the interface in the exam is fasthernet not ethernet, so the BW and delay changes)

    in the exam, the link between R2 and R3 is fast ethernet not serial, so you have to configure in R2#conf t
    R2# router eigrp 100
    R2# distance eigrp 90 105 (this make redistrubutes routes be preferred to OSPF routes) then the traffic is going from R1 to R2 to R3 to R4.

    practice the lab in GNS3 several times and try to understand what are you doing.

  17. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    @boyi @Al @puresoul did all of you encounter the same list of questions that Relax got on the test?

  18. Grateful
    June 13th, 2018

    @Exam tomorrow!
    The chance is very high, but it’s easy as @boyi said. Just follow the solution in this site and you will be ok,
    wish you luck

  19. Grateful
    June 13th, 2018

    Oh @Mario, those guys of the last day were not lying.

  20. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    @Grateful thanks for the heads up. I was planning on taking yet this week but, I will have to prepare more and take it next week. Any more pointers of what you encountered on the exam, please share. Thx

  21. Al
    June 13th, 2018

    @mario yes those are the questions

  22. ROUTE
    June 13th, 2018

    In which two areas does OSPF send a summary route by default ?
    a. NSSA
    b. Backbone
    c. Totally stubby
    d. Stub
    e. Normal

    answers: c and d

  23. stub
    June 13th, 2018

    hello Guys…
    Just checked the comments on this page and got to know that exam has been changed does anyone know what will be the best material to study for the new exams are the old dumps still valid ?? pls help have exam next week

  24. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    Thanks @Al

  25. Abdul
    June 13th, 2018

    @Anonymous Thanks!

    This makes sense. I have my exam tomorrow!

    I will update you all.

  26. zz
    June 13th, 2018

    mayten kda

  27. Abu Zainab
    June 13th, 2018

    Thanks god… I just did the test and Pass.
    There is some few questions ( that I cannot remember).
    But DnD and SIM same. Except DnD and one SIM about simple OSPF configuration ( like CCNA config)
    In general if you read questions and answers (tut and others) you will pass
    Good luck to everyone

  28. ninja
    June 13th, 2018

    shut up pitch @Tech spammer**

  29. Alright
    June 13th, 2018

    Which DnD were on the new exams, can someone confirm them?

  30. Anonymous
    June 13th, 2018

    who knows answer to this question?
    IP CEF load-sharing options (Choose three)
    A. Tunnel
    B. Universal
    C. Include-ports
    D. Source
    E. Destination
    I know only two CEF load sharing options and it is per-destination and per-packet sharing…..

  31. Mario
    June 13th, 2018

    anyone else has taken the test? I am taking it Tuesday. Any pointers help. thx

  32. Ghauri
    June 13th, 2018

    According to Kikavich all in one pdf file the answers are ABC

  33. Anonymous
    June 13th, 2018

    I saw these answers, and thats why im asking… those answers does not make sense and so question does…

  34. Quin
    June 14th, 2018

    When the exam is updated is it done all over the world? I have an exam on June 19.

  35. Madmartigan
    June 14th, 2018


    what have you been studying, do you know of anyone else has taken the exam?

  36. Syn
    June 14th, 2018

    I was supposed to take the test Friday in Honduras. I rescheduled until next Wednesday to see if any more questions come out. There isn’t a mention of MS-CHAPv2 in the Official Cisco Guide or the CCNP videos I used to study. I hope the new test isn’t released world wide but I am preparing like it is. Since it is downloaded from Cisco/Pearson Vue I don’t see why it wouldn’t be the new test.

  37. MMI-Route
    June 14th, 2018

    Anyone who wrote the exam today pls share your experience

  38. CCJ
    June 14th, 2018

    Hello All,

    I just finished CCNP switch and fairly new to this thread. Can anyone help me in finding the correct materials.

    Thanks guys.

  39. Muraji
    June 14th, 2018

    Hello, anyone can u share me exam experience and currently status within this week? i will take an exam the day after tomorrow.

  40. MMI-Route
    June 14th, 2018

    @Anonymous congrats. What’s the answers for Q1-3?

  41. helloworld
    June 14th, 2018

    what is correct answer

    router eigrp 65535
    no auto-summary
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    passive-interface loopback0
    redistribute eigrp 65535

    If this configuration is applied to a device that redistributes EIGRP routes into OSPF. which two statements about the behavior of the device are true? (Choose two)

    A. EIGRP routes appear in the routing table as E2 OSPF routes
    B. The device router ID is set to Loopback0 automatically
    C. The device redistributes all EIGRP networks into OSPF
    D. EIGRP routes appears in the routing table as N2 OSPF routes
    E. The device redistributes only classful EIGRP networks into OSPF
    F. EIGRP routes appears as type 3 LSAs in the OSPF database

  42. doka1
    June 14th, 2018

    Q1 B
    Q2 C IMHO
    Q3 A
    Q4 A
    Q5 C,D
    Q6 C

  43. Mario
    June 14th, 2018

    all, those who took the test today and yesterday can you confirm the following question and if the answer was an option. very much appreciated:

    What is the default authentication for RIPv2

    Answer: Plain text

  44. @helloworld
    June 14th, 2018

    @helloworld AE

  45. HooKah
    June 14th, 2018


    should i study the 600 questions or just the Most Popular Questions 94 question on the below link.


    please advice

  46. Abdul
    June 14th, 2018


    Which questions are those answer for?

  47. doka1
    June 14th, 2018

    New questions

    which purpose of the AAA accounting feature is true when you use TACACS+ authentication ?
    a. It prompts users to change their passwords when they expire
    b. it saves a timestamped record of user activity
    c. it controls the activities that the user is permitted to perform
    d. it verifies the user identity.
    Which command configure a default authentication list that uses a local database and a case-insensitive username ?
    a. aaa authentication exec CONSOLE group local-case if authenticated
    b. aaa authentication login CONSOLE group local
    c. aaa authentication login default group local
    d. aaa authentication exec default group local-case
    Which two mask you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    a. Configure the encapsulation type
    b. Disable inverse ARP
    c. Enable inverse ARP
    d. Configure static address mapping
    If device R1 has 1-Gigabit and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, which command do you enter so that it takes full advantage of OSPF costs ?
    a. R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
    b. R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000000000
    c. R1(config-if)# ip ospf cost 10000000000
    d. R1(config-if)# ip ospf cost 10000
    e. R1(config-route-map)#set metric 10000
    f. R1(config-route-map)#set metric 10000000000
    In which two areas does OSPF send a summary route by default ?
    a. NSSA
    b. Backbone
    c. Totally stubby
    d. Stub
    e. Normal
    Which LAN feature enables a default gateway to inform its end devices when a better path to a destination is available ?

    a. HSRP
    b. ICMP unreachable messages
    c. ICMP redirects
    d. Proxy ARP

  48. June14
    June 14th, 2018

    @ doka1 Thanks for your 6 answers .
    today i passed with 8xx. 60 questions. old labs. few new questions i have remembered

    1.Which three methods can a network engineer use to fix a metric based routing loop in the network.
    a. Implement offset lists at network boundaries
    b. Filter routes manually using distribute lists
    c. Filter routes manually using prefix lists
    d. Implement proper network summarisation on key routing points
    e. Filter routes based on tags
    f. Utilise root database filters

    2.Which two features ara added in MSCHAP Version 2
    a. Backwards-compatibility with MSCHAP version 1
    b. Using the MD5 hash for stronger security
    c. Ability to change an expired password
    d. using 3 way handshakes for authentication
    e. mutual authentication between peers

    3. What does the following access list, which is applied on the external interface FastEthernet 1/0 of the perimeter router accomplish.
    # access-list 101 deny ip any log
    # access-list 101 deny ip any log
    # access-list 101 deny ip any log
    # access-list 101 permit ip any any
    #interface fastEthernet 1/10
    #ip access-group 101 in

    a. It filter incoming traffic from private address in order to prevent spoofing and logs any intrusion attempts
    b. It prevents private internal address to be accessed directly from outside
    c. It filters incoming traffic from private address ranges,, and logs any intrusion attempts
    d. It prevents the internal network from being used in spoofed denial of service attacks and logs any exit to the internet

    4.What is the default authentication in RIPv2 when authentication is enabled
    a. SHA1 authentication
    b. Enable password authentication
    c. Plaintext authentication
    d. MD5 authentication

    5.Which command sequence can you enter on a router to configure Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding in loose mode
    a. Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    Ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
    b. Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    Ip verify unicast source reachable-via loose
    c. Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    Ip verify unicast source reachable-via all
    d. Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    Ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx

  49. Hello
    June 14th, 2018

    Well what are the answers?

  50. doka1
    June 14th, 2018

    2.Which two features ara added in MSCHAP Version 2
    a. Backwards-compatibility with MSCHAP version 1
    b. Using the MD5 hash for stronger security
    c. Ability to change an expired password
    d. using 3 way handshakes for authentication
    e. mutual authentication between peers

    Answres C,E

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