Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here. |
The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.
Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.
Your posts are warmly welcome!
Using new backup router in spite of faulty one in ospf domain but relationship with neighbor in one
interface only not working , what is the reason of this problem? (Choose Two)
A. area Id match
B. authentication mismatch
C. process id of ospf not match
D. ospf timers not match
E. MTU mismatch
Correct Answer: DE
Shouldn’t this be A and D?
@Ghauri thanks I thought you have already taken the test.
Congrates! Can you recall those some new questions for us. Thanks
ignore my previous question.. It mentions only one interface not working so D,E are correct answers.
IPv6 has just been deployed to all of the hosts within a network, but not to the servers. Which feature
allows IPv6 devices to communicate with IPv4 servers?
B. NATng
C. NAT64
D. dual-stack NAT
E. DNS64
Please I need answer for this?
NAT64 I think.
Thank u very much @Anonymous!
One more Question what about this Q belowWhich two reasons for IP SLA tracking failure are likely true? (Choose Two)
A. The source-interface is configured incorrectly.
B. The destination must be for icmp-echo.
C. A route back to the RI LAN network is missing in R2.
D. The default route has wrong next hop IP address.
E. The threshold value is wrong
@Ghauri, yes I took the exam 2nd of June. and yes if he take the exam today he is the most updated.
Which statement about Stateless and Stateful IPv6 autoconfiguration are true?
A. Both Stateless and Stateful autoconfiguration require additional setup
B. Stateless autoconfiguration requires no additional setup, whereas Stateful autoconfiguration requires
additional setup
C. Stateless autoconfiguration requires additional setup, whereas Stateful autoconfiguration requires no
additional setup
D. Both Stateless and Stateful autoconfiguration require no additional setup
Correct Answer: B
Correct answer is A or B
What are two limitations when in use of NPTv6 for IPV6 vs IPV6 Address translation?
A. stateful address translation
B. a limit of 32 1-to-1 translations
C. lack of overloading functionality
D. identify all interfaces NAT inside or outside
E. 1-to-1 prefix rewrite
F. mismatched prefix allocations
Correct Answer: CF
correct answer CE or CF
it is C and E
Q382 IMO B. In Statefull need to configure prefixes etc, whereas in stateless not
Q398 confirm. IMO C&E
F and C for sure
explain why F?
managed to extract images of dnd’s from kikavich v4
dropbox .com/s /7dj0u7 yifj72puw/DandD.pdf?dl=0
Guys I’ve done 477 , 557 , kikavich
Is that enough ??
Can i take the exam now
kikavich v4 june update
dropbox .com/s/f5q qnq4mj18cgvo/ki kavich%20v4%20june.vce?dl=0
apologies I have pasted the wrong lin in my previous post..
here is kikavich v4 vce
dropbox .com/s/duety 2iooisny2x/kika vich%20v4%20June.vce?dl=0
Hello everyone,
I want to make a small contribution.
Pass my 300-101 exam with 8xx, I share my experience.
As my language is Spanish, the development of the contribution is available in Spanish. You can use the translator of your choice to accommodate your language.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Referente a las simulaciones o laboratorios.
*EIGRP Stub Sim tal cual lo encuentran en 9 tut, la solución es la misma que aquí mismo explican.
http ://www. route-eigrp-stub- sim#more-30
* OSPF Evaluation Sim tal cual lo encuentran en 9 tut, la solución es la misma que aquí mismo explican.
http ://www. ospf-evaluation- sim#more-1016
* EIGRP Evaluation Sim tal cual lo encuentran en 9 tut, la solución es la misma que aquí mismo explican.
http ://www. eigrp-evaluation- sim#more-1014
NOTA: solo quiten los espacios
Hello everyone,
I want to make a small contribution.
Pass my 300-101 exam with 8xx, I share my experience.
As my language is Spanish, the development of the contribution is available in Spanish. You can use the translator of your choice to accommodate your language.
Thanks everyone for your help.
En cuanto a las preguntas, la mayoría es de el Dump “300-101-91q-Prince-v1” el cual lo pueden encontrar en los comentarios de esta página.
Para los DnD use el Dump “jazzy dumps V3” en cual en los comentarios de esta página encuentran.
Para las nuevas preguntas algunas las pueden encontrar en el Dump “Kikavich v4 June Update” a partir de la pregunta 92 hasta la 135, que a pesar de que no están completamente escritas en el Dump, si que te dan una idea de las preguntas nuevas del examen.
Hello everyone,
I want to make a small contribution.
Pass my 300-101 exam with 8xx, I share my experience.
As my language is Spanish, the development of the contribution is available in Spanish. You can use the translator of your choice to accommodate your language.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Encontré un nuevo DnD en cual es parecido al siguiente:
DnD 1
*interface Serial0*
no ip address
*encapsulation frame-relay*
*interface Serial0.1 point-to-point*
ip address
*frame-relay interface-dlci 140*
DnD 2
*interface Serial1*
no ip address
*encapsulation frame-relay*
*interface Serial1.1 multipoint*
ip address
*frame-relay map ip 150 broadcast*
NOTA: Lo que esta en medio de los simbolos “*” es lo que tienes que arrastrar y soltar
I hope this will be helpful for those who plan to take their exam this week.
I present it in MEX and at the moment these sources are very valid, we just do not know until when.
I do not recommend that you learn the questions by heart, because some questions are written differently but in essence it is the same.
Good luck to everyone.
Thanks guys.
@Lion Puedes subir todos los archivos que usaste a google drive y compartirlos. Gracias
@Ghauri @Mustafa
This is the right answers Because in description is write which two limitation NOT to use , so please make the difference about that before You start discus
I add and the other scenario which in the description is write TO USE then the answers will be CE, but this question is included in kikavich v4 update June researche in precious page to find the link.
So the correct answer for Q398 CF
So what is NPTv6? NPTv6 is simply rewriting IPv6 prefixes. If your current IPv6 prefix is 2001:db8:cafe::/48
then using NPTv6 it would allow you to change it to 2001:db8:fea7::/48 – that is it.
It is a one for one prefix rewrite – you can’t overload it, have mismatching prefix allocations sizes, rewrite
ports or anything else. Importantly, it doesn’t touch anything other than the prefix. Your network/
host portion remains intact with no changes.
Passed with 8XX.
most of it are from Prince 91Q. Couple of new questions and new Frame Relay DnD. 91Q is enough
Passed with 8XX.
most of it are from Prince 91Q. Couple of new questions and new Frame Relay DnD. 91Q is enough
@Ghauri, lala take the exam and pass. I think the “i dont remember the name” not telling the truth.
Question 202. LSA type 8
May be You are right about this LSA 8 has link local scope and LSA 9 has area flooding scope
Thanks for Your detection man :)
@Ghuari and @Mustafa
Q398 the right answer is CF
F because in the description WE HAVE LIMITATION NOT USE if we have USE in description then the right answers would be CE
I have provide explination in kikavich ALL IN ONE for this read carefully
@Lebron James
His name was eng could be a misguider I guess.
“ExamChanged” told us that he/she failed becos the exam changed. Is it possible that when people give us feedback they must also specify from which country did they take the exam from just to help each other out
No CHANGES Just some people is not prepare enough and they hurry to pass the exam in short period of time , for this exam must be master prepare to pass, so read read read. and Labs is very important to master them with all possible command to verify
@Someone17 thanks for all the info
Do you confirm exam is not changed yet?
many thanks for your efforts.
would you be kind enough to create separate pdf for all Labs/Sim reported by recent exam takers please ?
including eigrp case/eigrp & ospf eval/ pbr/ eigrp stub/ ospf sim/ route-map/ frame-relay/ ospf eigrp redistribution.
3 people already confirm this they are @en @lala @lion so DONT WORRY
All Labs in here in digitaltut
Just for OSPF evulation if R2-R3 link is nonboradcast link with timer 30 seconds then answer is R2-R3 have 30 seconds; but if R2-R3 link is broadcast and timers is 10 40 second then anwer
will be R1-R3 must add neighbor statement Just be carefull about that
For EIGRP Stub Sim just add to interface ip summary-address eigrp … NOT to work in real exam
For EIGPR evulation lab in question that ask about bandwidth percentage on interface on R1
enter this command if show running-config is not working show ip eigrp interface detail to see bandwidth percentage on the links
For PBR add second statement route-map PBR 20 permit because as we know at the end of any acl we have deny statement and we must add this just for sure
You can verify with show route-map ;debug ip policy;
All the other Labs are the correct added here in digitaltut
That’s it for the Lab
Exam have not changed,i’ve just passed with good score.91q has most questions.
Frame-relay config(new) dnd
Frame-Rely LMi
Frame-relay component
The is also a dnd that has options like “none,krb5,radius and other options dat I forgot but it’s there on Jazzy dnd.
When a packet is denied by an IPv6 traffic filter, which additional action does the device perform?
A. It scans the rest of the ACL for a permit entry matching the destination.
B. It generates a TCP Fin bit and sends it to the source.
C. A creates a null route for the destination and adds it to the route table.
D. It generates an ICMP unreachable message for the frame.
Correct Ans: A or D ? Plz
Many thanks @Someone17
@Mlonywa, could you share all 3 Fram-relay D&Ds pls? as am little uncertain to distinguish b/w them.
@Warren Eksteen
sure this dumps is valid ?????????????????????
Passed today with 867.Questions still valid and enough to pass.Ospf eval,eigrp eval,eigrp stub,old frame relay dnd,aaa dnd,new frame relay dnd(multipont) as per above the spanish comment, old access-list dnd,netflow 9,new syslog q (2 chouces start with ios ,as per kikavich),vrf yellow,vtr red/blue gateway last resort.
Oh europe, and thanks for everyone and good luck!!!
Which two configurations can a PPPoE client support? (Choose Two)
A. Eight clients are configured on a single CPE.
B. The client is connected to multiple hosts over DMVPN
C. The client is installed on the same network device as the server.
D. The client is connecting over an ATM PVC
E. The client is installed on a native IPv6 network.
Is the Correct Answer CD or AB?
One long question something like router get IPv6 information from ISP.
Now it have to distribute name server and other options to hosts (how do routers distribute prefixes
obtained from ISPs using DHCPv6)?
A. PPPv6
C. Stateful Natv6
D. NPTv6
E. IPv4
Correct Answer: C
i believe that should be D not C
hello guys ..i took route exam today and i pass
total #,53 Q,
#lab:-EIGRP stub,PBR, ospf evaluation
#Most Multiple choices are in juzzy477
huhu….looking for T-shoot
Good Luck all,
hi guys,
passed today after second time with 9XX score:
9 MCQS same on digitaltut (new ones)
1 D&D same on digitaltut (new one)
1 simlet HSRP the same
1 BGP the same
8 IPV4 tickets:
2 IPV6 tickets:
Used SAM method to find out the error and you will not fail.
I think some of the new questions (answers) need to be reviewed.
Anyway thanks to digitaltut and thanks to all of you without your comments I probably failed again. You are the best!!!
thanks again.
@exam pass You wrong the section here is ROUTE exam not TSHOOT
I could not find the 91q pdf. Please, anyone to be so kind to share?