Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. CCNP-Route
    April 23rd, 2018

    Hi guys, is anyone trying to updates the 477Q as prince is leaving the page??

  2. Serphen
    April 23rd, 2018

    I was studing official cisco guide and was tracking all stuff from questions on cisco.com
    but if knowledge about this is not needed in your job i would suggest to try with questions and labs from tut.

  3. Doom
    April 23rd, 2018

    hello all. kindly share the latest dumps you have. here is my email address:
    mandomandorukot @ gmail .com


  4. Doom
    April 23rd, 2018


    can you share to me the 477q? here is my email address: mandomandorukot @ gmail .com


  5. cany
    April 23rd, 2018

    Could you share to me the 477q? my email address: huangchen222@ gmail .com

  6. Alex
    April 23rd, 2018

    just passed the exam with 900+ marks, nothing unexpected, 99% of questions were from 477Q (or maybe even 100% but i was nervous so i didn’t remember much, lol),

    labs – EIGRP evaluation , OSPF evaluation, EIGRP stub,

    3 D&D’s – the same ones that @peach had today but without GRE

    moving to tshoot, i hope to see you there guys, good luck.

  7. airon
    April 23rd, 2018


    Where is the link for the 91q?


  8. monty
    April 23rd, 2018

    help me to pass juniper 647 exam

  9. CCNP Boy
    April 23rd, 2018

    @ Alex Where can I get updated 477Q? Please help

  10. Tata
    April 23rd, 2018

    Hey guys! Just finishing my ROUTE preparation… can anyone please send me the latest dump available? They’re kind hard to find…. tatanieps at ymail . com . Thanks a lot in advance! :D

  11. 1000
    April 23rd, 2018

    @ Alex Where can I get updated 477Q? Please help

  12. Prince
    April 23rd, 2018


    I like to communicate for T-Shoot but i don’t put my email here.

    Do you have telegram?
    There are cisco telegram groups

    This is the link for T-Shoot


  13. Alex
    April 23rd, 2018


  14. airon
    April 23rd, 2018

    @alex or @prince

    Which page has the 91Q??


  15. Prince
    April 23rd, 2018

    Alex +1

  16. 1000
    April 23rd, 2018

    please can you add it in this page
    i couldnt find them

  17. dcdalmeida
    April 23rd, 2018

    Hi all, I just did the test, passed with 823

    … there are new questions, I dont how many
    … the dump the I posted is enough to pass I think, but recommend to study

    see you in the tshoot…

    tks all

  18. Mr.Nobody
    April 23rd, 2018

    forum page 100 -> other materials -> at dropbox link
    forum page 108 -> corrected by Prince 477q (v31) -> at dropbox link
    forum page 111 -> 91q the most valid :-) made from 477q by Prince ->-> at dropbox link
    Forum page 115 DND (from Jazzy – link there)
    for SIMLET use 300-101.by.Casey.82q vce at exam-hub(dot)com (or use google). There are more outputs, so you know what they want from you.
    Enjoy and many thanks to guys above like Prince etc. for sharing information with us! Thx

  19. airon
    April 23rd, 2018

    @Mr.Nobody Thanks a lot. I was not able to find it.

  20. IQ
    April 23rd, 2018

    Hello Prince,

    If you want assistance first you need to put your post in T-Shoot comments. This is for routing only. I hope this helps you out.

  21. Prince
    April 23rd, 2018


  22. funghet
    April 23rd, 2018


    i’ve already passed the TSHOOT, just buy the premium member. i passed it with 1000/1000. :)

    waiting for new from RouterHSN :)

    hope in 91q !!

  23. khaled
    April 23rd, 2018

    Guys when i go to the questions i only see explanation without the answers.

    where can i find the questions ?

  24. RouterHSN
    April 23rd, 2018

    Hi Everyone, Passed 834/1000

    Special thanks to Prince!!

    I got both EIGRP Stub and PBR Labs, EIGRP Eval sim and DnDs were exactly what Prince suggested on previous page.

    For Questions I will be honest i got 6-7 Question that i have not seen in 477q, 2q on IP SLA, 1 on BGP with exhibit that is not in the dumps , and lastlyi practised 91q thoroughly and I would say its 60% valid..But Special thanks to Prince for that otherwise i would have got hard time.

    Overall i would suggest 477q +91q from Prince is valid to pass this exam!!!

    Now to TShoot!!

    Thanks to everyone in this forum,I will be able to answer any questions for next coupe days.

  25. funghet
    April 23rd, 2018


    do you remember the “new” question?

  26. Prince
    April 23rd, 2018

    Gratz!!! RouterHSN

    And Thanks!! See you at T-Shoot

  27. Vince
    April 24th, 2018


    Other than a working EIGRP configuration, which option must be the same on all routers for EIGRP
    authentication key rolleover to work correctly?

    A. SMTP
    B. SNMP
    C. Passwords
    D. Time

    ANS: D

    ANS: C

  28. RouterHSN
    April 24th, 2018

    New question I remember

    1) what is an IPV4 equivalent of IPV6 Neighbor Discovery protocol?
    a) cdp
    b) arp
    c) ICMP

    2) Question about VRF
    3) 2x Question about IP SLAs

    Sorry I cant remember them as i didnt cover IP SLA properly during my studies.

  29. RouterHSN
    April 24th, 2018

    @Vince: C) Passwords

  30. sakote
    April 24th, 2018


    Answer for number 1 should be CDP (cisco discovery protocol)

  31. checking
    April 24th, 2018

    @ Vince –

    Cisco wording – “Other than a working EIGRP configuration, which option….”

    Reading: https: // http://www.cisco.com/ c/en/us/support/docs/ip/enhanced-interior-gateway-routing-protocol-eigrp/82110-eigrp-authentication.html

    There are two Requirements:
    The time must be properly configured on all routers.

    A working EIGRP configuration is recommended.

    If you read the actual configuration, they do not say “password” but they say Key-Chain. If this was on the certification, this is a Cisco do you know my vendor naming convention question. Hate to argue with RouterHSN on this one, but the answer is Time (or at least what I would select)

    I would have chosen C if it said Key Chain; but clearly this document was written back in 2007 and it would be expected that a network engineer knows the difference between a “password” on the device and when to use a “key chain” for authentication.

  32. Vince
    April 24th, 2018


    Thanks!! I was also thinking Time because there is no Password Configuration in EGIRP, only Key Chain.

  33. Dan_2_One
    April 24th, 2018

    the corrected 477Q says its C\.Password but it is D im sure… Was there any other errors anyone came across in the corrected 477Q?

  34. Rustam
    April 24th, 2018

    1) what is an IPV4 equivalent of IPV6 Neighbor Discovery protocol?
    a) cdp
    b) arp
    c) ICMP

    i think ARP correct answer

  35. hunter
    April 24th, 2018

    any one can you email me the both the dumps please!! parkunee @ gmail.com

  36. monty
    April 24th, 2018

    anyone having juniper 647 dumps pls share

  37. Prince
    April 24th, 2018

    1) what is an IPV4 equivalent of IPV6 Neighbor Discovery protocol?
    a) cdp
    b) arp
    c) ICMP

    I’ll go for ICMP

  38. Prince
    April 24th, 2018

    IPv6 Neighbor Discovery is a protocol which replaces IPv4 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) that locates the hardware address for a host only when the network layer address is identified. IPv6 also adds new networking features to an infrastructure making it capable of recognizing a new standard of IPv6 addresses and technologies.

    IPv6 Neighbor Discovery uses Internet Control Message Protocol or ICMPv6 which is a new version of the ICM protocol that is integrated with IPv6 architecture. ICMPv6 offers a framework for integrating future changes in addition to performing the standard functions of ICMP for diagnostics and error reporting.

  39. 1w4n
    April 24th, 2018

    anyone managed to convert corrected 477q in to vce? formatting is all over the place when I try to do it…

  40. sakote
    April 24th, 2018

    I see. Thanks Prince. ICMP it is

  41. hunter
    April 24th, 2018

    @prince do, can you provide the dumps ??

  42. Rustam
    April 24th, 2018

    To Prince. Question is about what equivalent of ND, not what ND using. So ARP answer )))

  43. rrr
    April 24th, 2018


    can someone convert the 91 q pdf into a vce file and send to ccnp7410 gmail com?


  44. Prince
    April 24th, 2018


    Yep you’re right. Was reading the question wrong.
    Arp it is.

  45. rrr
    April 24th, 2018

    @1w4n: ur the best, thanks!

    can you do that with the corrected 477 as well?
    i ran into problem with that, it has many “alien words” in the vce :)

  46. funghet
    April 24th, 2018

    hi to all….

    i think that Prince VCE it’s a valid start… but it need to be integrated.
    Anyone other feedback with this dump?

  47. monty
    April 24th, 2018

    montymohan25@gmail i urgently need juniper 647 dumps

  48. JJ
    April 24th, 2018

    477Q version31 corrected by prince.
    question 186 the answer should be BE or AC?
    Which twi reasios fir IP SLA trackiog failure are likely true? (Chiise Two)
    A. The siurce-ioterface is ciofgured iocirrectly.
    B. The destoatio must be fir icmp-echi.
    C. A riute back ti the R1 LAN oetwirk is missiog io R2.
    D. The default riute has wriog oext hip IP address.
    E. The threshild value is wriog

  49. Sensitive Munda
    April 24th, 2018

    Guys what is the answer to this question

    Refer to exhibit. A user calls from another branch office with a request to establish a simple VPN
    tunel to test a new router’s tunneling capability.
    Based on the configuration in the exhibit, which type of tunnel was configured?

    R1(config-if)#interface tunnel1
    R1(config-if)#tunnel source
    R1(config-if)#tunnel destination
    R1(config-if)#ipv6 address k:k:k:k::1/64
    R1(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1
    R1(config-if)#tunnel mode ipv6ip

    R2(config-if)#interface tunnel1
    R2(config-if)#tunnel source
    R2(config-if)#tunnel destination
    R2(config-if)#ipv6 address k:k:k:k::2/64
    R2(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1
    R2(config-if)#tunnel mode ipv6ip

    A. PPTP
    B. IPsec site-to-site
    C. 6to4
    D. EZVPN

  50. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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