Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Happyness
    April 6th, 2018

    If 477q is kinda “long” for you to study, I think most questions came out from 100-200 and 350-477. Most if 400-477. Few from 1-50.
    Still, if your exam is far away, must study all to increase your passing chance.

    I think, passing is much harder now compared 10 years ago where you can perfect the exam. Again, the question pool is huge and they rephrase questions in most cases.

    I admit I failed on my first attempt. But further studying makes a lot of difference.
    BTW, if you are retaking, only about 50% of the q will repeat!

  2. chuks
    April 6th, 2018

    I Just passed my exam, 867. not bad even though I craved 1000/1000 lool or atleast 900+

    Now here is my take starting with the labs. I had eigrp eval,ospf eval, eigrp stub

    – Frame relay component
    – AAA authorization
    – acl types
    -one new frame relay drag and drop (very easy)

    Ospf eval was crazy.
    The timers between one of the options were different.
    At the same time, one of the network typr was point-ppint and the other non broadcast.

    I was confused if Hello timers are mandatory between ospf routers, if not then I go for the other option that says configure neighbour command. Its crazy scenario.

    Eigrp stub lab was also crazy.
    No matter what I did or none of the summarized my networks into 2 subnets. It looked stupid that I basic Ccna summarization was giving me hard time. I choose one of them tho.

    The other labs were just like digitaltut.

    Now for the questions, boy!!!
    Conflicting answers ,lol
    – QST 450. Chose TCP mss coz the other option was pmtu not PMTUD
    – Q452 Its C
    – 453 is A E, command redistributes not all eigrp but only eigrp 65535
    – bout ipv6 traffic filter.
    I chose generate ICMP destination unreacheable.
    Q455 I went for A
    – Effect of logging console 7
    – Where assynetric routing can be found (in active/active setup of course, not vrrp)
    – sustainability of VoIP( like I wrote in other pages its UDP jitter not echo)
    – 190 (picked A,D)
    – where to configure ripng timer. and -rtr
    – Q 390 not sure. Chose An
    – Q409 is BCD

    I got some new questions, I can remember only one.
    if you have two IP default static vrf route.
    and u type the show IP route command. what will u get?
    will the first route be the gateway of last resort or will u find nothing. I picked I won’t see anything.

    because to see IP vrf route the right command should be
    show IP route vrf x (I could be wrong tho)/

    And what the heck, no single question on BGP, not even one! didn’t do so well in VPN techniques (Dmvpn and co)
    and the subject isn’t in the textbook so had to rely on digital tut and Ccna books for the missing topics in the syllabus.

    Study hard guys, otherwise you will memorize wrong answers found in the 477dumps. Cheers onto ccnp switch asap!

  3. Vince
    April 6th, 2018

    @ chucks, congrats. But most of those questions from 477 were corrected and discussed in previous comments, such as Q390 Ans: A,B.

  4. thanks111
    April 6th, 2018

    congrats chuck :))

  5. chuks
    April 6th, 2018

    @Vince; yea I answered some of them in the previous pages.

    Show IP eigrp 1 topology worked. although had to verify the eigrp number from the running – config.

    Effect of logging console 7, lool
    this question left staring at the screen for minutes, stayed 5minutes on this.

    I know debugging could cause high CPU impact, but at the same time the command activates debugging message on the console. Cisco is one trickster.

    The summary eigrp command got me frustrated tho. No matter what I did, or or I still had one subnet!


  6. anus
    April 6th, 2018


  7. poor boy
    April 6th, 2018

    Hi guys. this is bad.

    i attempt to cheat in the exam. i bought my mobile phone into the test center and got caught by the staff. The staff immediately voided my attempt. Can i still able to retake the cisco exam?

  8. Instant Download
    April 6th, 2018

    New April MCQS + D&D + Ticlets

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    All tickets , MCQ and D&D are valid

    Instant DOWNLOAD @ 20 bucks

    Copy Below Link:

  9. Vince
    April 6th, 2018

    @poor boy,

    you are in the wrong forum.

  10. Happyness
    April 6th, 2018


    New DHCPv6 relay DND?

    Not this one? (I got this from previous pages of this forum – last month’s)

    ip dhcp relay information option –> automatically add the circuit identifier sub-option and the remote ID sub-option
    ip dhcp relay information check –> check that the relay agent information option in forwarded BOOTREPLY messages is valid
    ip dhcp relay information policy–> Configures the reforwarding policy for a DHCP relay agent
    ip dhcp relay information subscriber-id–> enable an ISP to add a unique identifier
    ip dhcp relay information trusted-sources–> configures interfaces on a router as trusted sources
    ip dhcp relay information–> configured in global configuration mode applies to all interfaces

  11. josue
    April 6th, 2018

    please can you explain to me what ospf eval sim, eigrp eval sim are? people posted here they had those sim.
    Thanks so much.

  12. Happyness
    April 6th, 2018

    Easy. Need to study and practice all of these labs:

  13. thanks111
    April 7th, 2018

    Q314. answer is A, agree Ip next hop addres should be (E1 of R3), but why they applying route-map policy on Serial0 interface of Router B? i think it should be E0 interface of Router B? any ideas guys ?

  14. thanks111
    April 7th, 2018

    (E1 of Router C)****

  15. Anonymous
    April 7th, 2018

    Passed 5Apr with 8xx
    8-9 New Question don’t remember
    2 new D&D DHCP relay, IPv6 other D&D from 501Q dumps
    2 Labs (OSPF Sim and Redistribution) and EIGRP simlet are same from Digital tut

  16. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @ Anonymous
    I saw this exact same post as Abhi on another site. What were the topics for the new DND?

  17. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @thanks111, for Q314: The interface don’t really matter, it might be the default gateway, the answer to the question reside in the next-hop router,; only option A has the correct router ip address for Router C.

    April 7th, 2018

    HI @Vince



  19. spice
    April 7th, 2018

    Good luck to those who are giving exam on 9Apr

  20. Vince
    April 7th, 2018


    I dont now the specific question but I posted a link earlier similar to what he has, showing a variation of the question. The definitions that he posted are correct.

  21. Mark
    April 7th, 2018

    Hi Guys, I thought I will just update on my preps. I’m taking the exam on the 9th.

    Below percentages are only related to topics covered at the CCNP level. Each protocol in itself is a bigger topic and no one will know every detail about the protocol.

    EIGRP – 100%
    OSPF – 80%
    IPv6 – 80%
    VPNs – 60%
    BGP – 50%
    Route Redistribution – 50%
    Frame Relay – 100%
    Security – 30%

    I have been labbing some of the topics I covered. I haven’t started with 477q which Im not sure if that’s the latest. The plan is still to do it tomorrow or later today.

    I have been preparing only for a week now burning the midnight oil. I’m not very confident for know but will let you guys know how I get on.

    All the best for the guys who are taking the exam on the 9th.

  22. Vince
    April 7th, 2018


    Good luck; seem like a very short time to prepare for a test like this.

    How long have you been following the forum?

  23. Mark
    April 7th, 2018

    Not long Vince, its been a week. One of my friends pointed me here. I didn’t have the time to read through the forum. Have you taken the exam ?

  24. Alex
    April 7th, 2018

    Question 203 from 477

    why C?

  25. Dell
    April 7th, 2018

    Mark you must be kidding me. Such a short frame you are giving yourself a big risk and I believe you still don’t understand ROUTE well. It took me around 8 months to study through every single element and I plan to take it after 1st May. Mostly is IPv6 and BGP EVN frame relay route Redistribution. Whatever is it, I wish you good luck if you still on 9th April

  26. Alex
    April 7th, 2018

    Q216 -> A,C

    from 477Q

    (in my opinion)

  27. Anus
    April 7th, 2018

    Hi my name is Anus. I am new to cisco. How to book an exam?
    What questions will they ask in exam? What exam are you all talking about?

  28. Man
    April 7th, 2018

    Anus shut up. F u c k you

  29. Khron
    April 7th, 2018

    congrats chuck :))

  30. Anus
    April 7th, 2018

    Man, why?

  31. cihan
    April 7th, 2018

    Hi ,
    I’ve taken a long break I’ve given other exams and I’ve only stayed this one and I’ve been in the route test fail.
    if there are friends prepared we can prepare together???

  32. Drimblemoore
    April 7th, 2018

    Did you happen to know if the 515 ete file contains all of the questions from the 477?

  33. Vince
    April 7th, 2018


    Not it doesn’t; I only used it to cement the concepts; most questions have explanation.


    I have not taken the exam yet.

  34. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @Alex, Q203 is C; based on the periodic keyword and the time frame.

  35. Vee
    April 7th, 2018

    Dumps 100% Valid. Moving on to SWITCH.

    1000/1000 TSHOOT

    1000/1000 ROUTE

  36. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @ Alex,

    The answer is correct


    Alex, my recommendation is that if you spot a question that you think is not correct, based on other post, please provide supporting documentation so that the forum is not confused.

    Just saying, in my opinion is not enough.

  37. chuks
    April 7th, 2018

    no Vince that’s not enough reason

    It says Blocks Outbound traffic, A is the only viable option because the access group references the keyword OUT while the rest options uses IN (inbound) so Q203 is A

  38. bug
    April 7th, 2018

    Q203-question asked between hours of 1:00AM -11:59PM.
    11:59PM is 23:59 and because its extended access list, it needs to apply on nearest source ‘any’ thus IN. Option B is my answer.

    Q216 is so tricky though, “prevent fragmentation” is throwing me off.

  39. Dan_2_One
    April 7th, 2018

    we need a corrected version of the 477Q can anyone be kind enough to post it?

  40. chuks
    April 7th, 2018

    @Vince again and thanks11l.

    regarding question 314, You are permitting a host from a network thats connected to the router on Serial0. You can’t place the PBR statement on other interfaces because when traffic comes through it won’t match your access list statement.

    PBR typically works on INGRESS/INCOMING traffic except its a route that’s generated by the router then we use the
    #Ip local policy route-map command

    but since its an incoming traffic that s0 is connected to that’s where we apply the PBr routemap statement to

    P.S: That connected route should be 172.16.10.x, must have been a typo error


  41. chuks
    April 7th, 2018

    @BUG the question is written wrongly!!!
    It says BLOCKS outbound traffic.

    But then all the access list uses the word PERMIT instead of DENY.

    so maybe the right word would have been PERMIT outbound traffic
    which makes A correct because all other access group commands says IN rather than OUT.

  42. IndiaIsAwesome
    April 7th, 2018


    Yes exactly! Thats the one! I hadn’t seen it before!

  43. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @Chucks, thanks as always. God bless you.

    April 7th, 2018

    @Vince @IndiaIsAwesome

    Once again thank you all for your update!

    Much appreciated.

  45. salee
    April 7th, 2018

    can anyone share the latest dump for ccnp routing ?

  46. Vince
    April 7th, 2018

    @ Eagle_Eye,

    You have inspired me with your generosity. When do you take the test?

  47. Ccna certs
    April 7th, 2018

    Is there a 9tut site for CCNA Data Center?

  48. thanks111
    April 8th, 2018

    By default, which type of IPv6 address is used to build the EUI-64 bit format?
    A. unique-local address
    B. IPv4-compatible IPv6 address
    C. link-local address
    D. aggregatable-local address

    any ideas please?

  49. Vince
    April 8th, 2018

    @ thanks111

    C. Link-local address

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