Home > Share your ENCOR v1.1 Experience

Share your ENCOR v1.1 Experience

September 22nd, 2023 in ENCOR 350-401 v1.1 Go to comments

The new version of the ENCOR v1.1 has come to replace the old ENCOR version so we create the “Share your ENCOR v1.1 Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new version of the ENCOR 350-401 v1.1 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

+ The ENCOR 350-401 v1.1 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.
+ To get the new CCNP Enterprise certificate, you need to pass this ENCOR 350-401 exam (core exam) and one of the
concentration exam.

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information here!

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  1. MMMexpert
    September 22nd, 2023

    Good luck to all studying. I assume minor topics added.
    Great work 9TUT. All are waiting on new updates and labs.

  2. CCNP-2022
    September 22nd, 2023

    @ All

    Digitaltut started a new thread for version 1.1


  3. Rea
    September 23rd, 2023

    I plan on taking the exam on oct 11 2023,
    are the questions here not valid anymore?? which questions should i review on this website

  4. Anonymous
    September 23rd, 2023

    what does the expired section mean?
    should we still read it?? or just the encor question part 4-11 is valid?

  5. Anonymous
    September 23rd, 2023


    About 15% new content added.
    Look for Kevin wallace YT video on encore 1.1

  6. Rea
    September 23rd, 2023

    Should we still read the ENCOR 350-401 (expired) on this website?? or just the part 4-11?
    i’lll be taking exam this month/october.
    help please….

  7. MMMexpert
    September 23rd, 2023

    Thanks Looks like some ENARSI topics are added to ENCOR v1.1. Not sure about labs.
    Added topics for ENCOR v1.1:
    -Describe client density
    -Configure and verify Root Guard and BPDU Guard
    -EIGRP Stub feature
    -OSPF Area types(Stub, totally-stub, NSSA, totally-NSSA)
    -Describe Policy Based Routing
    -Describe wireless segmentation with Groups, Profiles and Tabs
    -Interpret Precision Time Protocol(PTP) Configuration
    -Describe Multicast RPF check
    -Configure and Verify EAPOL(4-WAY hand shake

  8. MMMexpert
    September 23rd, 2023

    One good MPLS-VPN end to end video link.

  9. A.Obaid
    September 23rd, 2023

    Dear Digitaltut
    I have a premium membership that will expire soon, we need the now update. Or if there is any you can expand my deo date.

  10. Rea
    September 24th, 2023

    which questions here are still valid?? the part 4-11 and the lab sims section?

  11. aaa
    September 25th, 2023

    this encor is expired but there are possibilities to meet some questions of the old pool in exam

  12. Anonymous
    September 25th, 2023


    Yes, all of the content is the same with the addition on the what MMMexpert posted.

  13. ntp
    September 27th, 2023

    I wish Digitaltut will extend our membership for at least 2 weeks for this encor v1.1 transition.

  14. SoCalPnoi
    September 27th, 2023

    @ntp, what’s your stratum? hahahaha

    IKR, I had to extend my membership another 2 months.

  15. Mike
    September 27th, 2023

    How long does it take for the new questions and labs to be available on the site?

  16. aaa
    September 27th, 2023

    it could take up to 1 month

    September 28th, 2023

    I am sure 9TUT is looking to new v1.1. We have to get update from anyone went for exam.

    September 28th, 2023

    Until we get new stuffs:
    Multicast RPF Check:(ENCORv1.1 New Topic)
    -Multicast RPF- Multicast Reverse Path Forwarding.
    -RPF is used in multicast to prevent loops from occuring.
    -RPF is imporatant because it it helps to prevent loops from occuring in Multicast Networks.
    -By default, RPF is enabled on Cisco Router AND Switches.
    -When router receives the multicast packet, RPF will check the routing table and check which egress interface the router would use if it were to send traffic back to mulitcast sender.
    -RPF is worked by checking source IP address(eg: of multicast packet agains the unicast routing table.
    -If the source IP address is found in routing table, the router will check the next hop and outgoing interfacethatis used to reach the source.
    -If mutlicast packet was received on the same interface that is used to reach the source, the RPF check succeeded.
    -If multicast packet was received on a different interface, the RPF check fails and the packet is discarded.

    September 28th, 2023

    Wireless-Client Density:v1.1
    The number of clients in a wireless coverage area.
    All clients need to share the Access-point resources
    If more clients then we can introduce more access-points.

    Selecting number of AP’s:
    -Spec’s of AP’s
    -Wireless standards.
    -Anticipated number of simultaneous
    -communication streams
    -Bandwidth demand of applications.

    Increasing Density of AP’s:
    -Increasing number of AP’s
    -Reducing Tx power of AP’s
    -Reducing number of bonded channels.
    -Use Wi-Fi 6E(if supported by clients)

    Wireless Network Segmentation:
    -Segment the wireless network with profiles, Tags and Groups.
    -Profile: Collection of settings and parameters about a characteristics of a wireless VLAN.
    eg: WLAN profile, Policy profile, AP join profile, Flex profile, RF-Profile
    -Tag: Collection of profiles
    eg: Policy Tag, Site Tag and RF Tag.
    -Tag’s can be applied to Group(one or more AP)

    September 28th, 2023

    ############ PBR-Policy Based Routing: ############### Encore v1.1
    -Overriding Routing table
    -Two types of PBR, Traffic generated by the router– in (config) mode
    Traffic coming to an interface. — in (config-if)# mode

    ip route
    ip route

    -Any traffic generated by the router(from router console) it has to go to
    -Any web traffic coming to e2, it should go to

    -Any web traffic coming to e2, it should go to
    config t
    (config)#access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 80
    (config)#interfac e2
    (config-if)#ip policy route-map IN-PBR

    (config)#route-map IN-PBR permit 10
    (config-route-map)#match ip address 101
    (config-route-map)#set ip next-hop
    (config)#route-map IN-PBR permit 20
    -Any traffic generated by the router(from router console) it has to go to
    (config)#ip local-policy route-map LOCAL-PBR
    (config)#route-map LOCAL-PBR permit 10
    (config-route-map)#set ip next-hop

    September 28th, 2023

    i thought information will be useful for all until we wait for new exam questions.

  22. CCNP-2022
    September 29th, 2023


    Hwere is the new 520 question pool? I see the same content when logged in

  23. Howaythelad
    September 29th, 2023

    @aaa where are you seeing the 520 wuestions

  24. Rea
    September 30th, 2023

    How many new question?

  25. Anonymous
    September 30th, 2023

    Has anyone passed v1.1 of ANY exam since the updates a week ago?

  26. dripdrop
    September 30th, 2023

    dang the composite quizzes are missing and i was just about to take the exam this coming week too :/

  27. @dripdrop
    October 1st, 2023

    me also… on october huhuhu

  28. aaa
    October 2nd, 2023

    i told you on spoto

  29. rea
    October 2nd, 2023

    Should we still read the ENCOR 350-401 (expired) on this website?? or just the part 4-11?
    i’lll be taking exam this month/october.
    help please….

  30. Ela
    October 2nd, 2023

    my voucher will expire on oct 11, so i need to take it on oct 11.
    i didn’t know there will be an update.
    What should i do :(

    i hope @digitaltut can post the new questions before oct 11 :(

  31. @rea
    October 2nd, 2023

    I recommend you take the exam in November

  32. Ela
    October 2nd, 2023

    voucher can’t be extended :(
    expiration date is on Oct 11.

  33. @ELA
    October 3rd, 2023

    Take your exam then, can you provide me your email i can share you material from spoto

  34. Ela
    October 3rd, 2023


    hi this is my email

  35. dkccie16
    October 3rd, 2023

    Hey @ELA, can you share with me as well My email: {email not allowed}


  36. lui nutz
    October 3rd, 2023

    Does anyone have the good stuff for the new v1.1 …. I used this site for CCNA years ago but I need to know what to do now. L U I N U T Z @ Y A H O O . C O M

  37. akash
    October 3rd, 2023

    hello @Ela @rea

    Can you please share the material from spoto on my mail, as I am taking the exam this Thursday.

    remove space: akash 115 @ msn.com

    Thank you

  38. ELA
    October 3rd, 2023

    Shared also to akash and luinutz

  39. ELA
    October 3rd, 2023

    when can the updated dumps be uploaded in this website?

    October 3rd, 2023

    ELA please sent to my name @ yahoo dot com
    SPOTO. 9TUT, I am sure you are compiling questions and lab
    Please make it fresh so all will be happy.

  41. Anonymous
    October 4th, 2023

    Hoy aprobé … 87 preguntas y 4 laboratorios. De las 87 preguntas más o menos unas 10 son nuevas.. el resto son del material de digitaltut. Labs: ( vrf draft (en el enunciado de aquí está mal explicado), OSPF DR BDR ( la task 2 cambia (summarization )), port-channel (new), BGP Draft.

  42. Chalmisco
    October 4th, 2023

    Hi All, I am already qualified as a CCNP but wanted to recertify as my certs expire on 24th Oct. I have been studying the 350-401 but didnt realise it was going to change version. Is there an easier professional exam I should take in order to recertify – for example the 350-415 only seems to have around 300 questions – would I be better taking this exam to recertify? Any advice much appreciated.

  43. Subo_MO_Titi_Ko
    October 4th, 2023

    Hi Guys,
    New materials uploaded.
    Check it out

  44. Chalmisco
    October 4th, 2023

    Where are the new materials Subo? I checked Encor page and it still says waiting on update??

  45. Howaythelad
    October 4th, 2023

    Subo were are the new updates

  46. Ace
    October 4th, 2023

    Hello ,when will there be new updates? Would like to know to schedule the exam.

  47. Jimo
    October 4th, 2023

    @Chalmisco, to get recertified you have to pass ENCOR or 2 specific exams like 350-415 + 300-430, just one is not enough for re-certification

  48. Anonymous
    October 4th, 2023

    when can the updated dumps be uploaded in this website?

  49. Chalmisco
    October 4th, 2023

    Thanks for clarifying that Jimo – decided to stick with ENCOR anyway as Ive already done loads of studying.

    I also had a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVybLg0k4G0&t=1606s

    I will try to do some reading on the new topics before I sit the exam next week and hope that the majority of the questions are still ones I have studied via Digitaltut – I will post my exam feedback on here next week.

  50. Dave
    October 5th, 2023

    Hey guys,
    I took my exam today, at least 25-35 new questions, I never seen under premium area. I got failed with score of 640. My CCNP is expired and couldn’t renew it.

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