Home > Share your ENCOR Experience

Share your ENCOR Experience

January 7th, 2020 in Share Experience Go to comments

The new ENCOR 350-401 has come to replace the old CCNP exams so we create the “Share your ENCOR Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new ENCOR 350-401 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

+ The ENCOR 350-401 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ To get the new CCNP Enterprise certificate, you need to pass this ENCOR 350-401 exam (core exam) and one of the concentration exam.

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information here!

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  1. Lilly123
    April 4th, 2023

    Can anyone tell me what is the pass score?

  2. MR.P
    April 4th, 2023

    CAn enyone confirm is it the true that there are NO SIMS in the exam and is it same for the testing sietes and remot ?

  3. ???
    April 4th, 2023

    i have my exam in a few days and I have been doing the big composite quizzes and I keep getting around 88% on average… just under 90% that the site is recommending. I know passing score is 82.5% but its just too close for comfort for me. I suppose ill keep doing the quizzes and studying, I’d feel much better with getting 90-95% consistently but unfortunately that is not the case.

  4. Re-CertCCNP
    April 5th, 2023

    Hi Everyone
    I passed today. I took exam from home and there were still 3 Sim:- OSPF config, OSPF Auth and EEM. I believe there were 1-2 new questions, otherwise all questions were as in this blog.
    Thanks Digital Tut team, my membership worths a lot!!!

  5. ???
    April 5th, 2023

    For the folks saying there are still Sim’s, are you taking this test remotely or at a testing center? This is the first I have heard of SIM’s being on the exam in awhile. I assumed given all the mass feedback that they removed the SIMs… guess I’ll practice these again as well

  6. skitzo
    April 5th, 2023

    took the exam 2 days back and no sims, but looks like they are active now again and need to grind it. all the best to all exam takers.

  7. !!!
    April 5th, 2023

    Hey all .. Please can you advise if we can use “tab” when we have SIMs in the exam? many thanks,

  8. ixpsyko
    April 5th, 2023

    Hi. Just passed an hour ago. 3 sims (SPAN & NetFlow, GLBP, Looging & NetFlow). Everything according to DT, except for one questions. I’ll post about that one in the appropriate section.

  9. MR.P
    April 5th, 2023

    Hi everyone,
    I passed Today. I took exam in Test Center and there were 3 sims: HSRP, Etherchanel and NetFlow with egrees trafic. All question from DT are still valid, 2-3 new question.
    Thanks to DT and Good luck :)

  10. Mr.X
    April 5th, 2023

    Hi, Just passed the exam at home. There were 3 labs: OSPF with network and authentication using keychain, SPAN-Netflow(Top-talkers)-IP SLA, EMM Applet. You can use ”?” and ”tab” on the labs just like a real router/switch. Remember to save the config!. I think there were like 2-3 new questions.

  11. @M@nu
    April 6th, 2023

    Hello Everyone! I have just passed on the exam. I had BGP, EEM and OSPF Auth. All question are from DT. 1 o 2 new questions. Thanks a lot DT. Good luck for everyone!

  12. TodayWin
    April 6th, 2023

    Hi! 98% today. 3 Lab: OSPF/BGP/GLBP. 3-5 new question. You can use “?” and “tab” on the lab like just real device. Write/wr/copy-run start/ working and use it. Thx DT, and GLHF everyone.

  13. Cheetah
    April 6th, 2023

    7 New questions just added in Part 11

  14. Yuki
    April 7th, 2023

    On the exam labs, does it reject if your command is incorrect just like in real switch?

  15. ???
    April 7th, 2023

    I took my exam at the test center and passed!!! I got 3 sims, OSPF config without using network commands, BGP R2 was only configured with as-override, and HSRP. I remember seeing 1 question I haven’t seen anywhere on here about configuring Multicast within IP SLA, a few of the drag and drops had options I don’t remember seeing on here too. Had a bunch of drag and drops in general but all the rest of my questions I recognized from here.

    Some people on here claimed they didn’t get any SIM’s on their exams but this appears to only have been a temporary thing, because I had 3 SIM’s on mine! To be fully prepared just practice all the SIM’s posted here (seems like they all have online sims you can practice with on this website as a premium member now) I built all the SIM scenarios on GNS3 and practiced them that way. Also you need to study all the new ENCOR questions 4-11 as well as all the subject specified links (wireless, automation, etc on the right). I then took the big composite quiz like 15-20 times until I was consistently getting 90% or higher. You only need 82.5% to pass real exam but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Doing this method you will run into the same questions a lot so it’s important to still go and read all the questions yourself as well.

    As for the scoring/results, they don’t give a total amount anymore, it’s just what % you got in all 6 categories. Are you guys taking your average on those 6 categories and calling that your total score? I tried this with past exams and it didn’t reflect what they gave me as my final total score, so not sure what my actual score was for this, but a pass is a pass!!!

    Thank you digitaltut so much for this content, if you all are reading these comments GET THE PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. It’s 200% worth it!! Thank you all for the feedback as well, I’ll see y’all in 2.5 years!

  16. Tony Pi
    April 7th, 2023


    Two errors exist in this Python snippet:
    exam = [“350-401”, “91 Qs”, “3 Sims”, “Failed”, “”]

    Please find the corrections below:
    exam[3] = “Passed”
    exam[4] = “Thanks DT-team!”

  17. Tony Pi
    April 7th, 2023

    @???: Congrats and thanks for sharing.

    My OSPF sim had 3 routers with loopbacks, in area 1, area 0 and area 2. (From left to right).
    All to be set-up with network statements (ospf process 1) and loopback IPs as Router-IDs.
    As a bonus also md5 auth was required on the ethernet interfaces between the routers.

    The local SPAN and Netflow sim with top talkers to be set-up was there.

    And the EEM applet popped up to re-enable Loopback 0 if shut.

    Question about the TLV w.r.t. DHCP Option 43. Type: 0xf1

    Some of the new questions added in section 11 overhere were there too.

  18. Tony Pi
    April 7th, 2023

    Looks like my Python snippet to thank the DT-team didn’t make it through whatever filter is used on this site.

    Well, then I just have to do it like this:

    Thank you, DT-team!

  19. Master of Puppets
    April 7th, 2023

    Recently passed @ exam location. The Sims are back so prepare to meet and beat them.
    Studied: CBT / SDWAN / Python videos, Cisco Press Book, DigitalTut Premium.
    All Q’s / Explanations / Sims @ DigitalTut are valid study material.

    @DigitalTut-team: THANKS!

  20. Miyawan
    April 9th, 2023

    I passed the exam today.
    VRRP with “preempt delay 20”,
    OSPF with 2 routers, no DR/BDR,
    SPAN – NetFlow and IP SLA

    Drag & Drop
    No new questions

    1 new question

    Thanks for DigitalTut Family!

  21. Marsha
    April 10th, 2023

    Hi, what is the correct answer on this drag and drop. Is it the 1st one or the 2nd one?

    Configuration Management:
    – Puppet is used for this type of technology
    – This type of technology enables consistent configuration of infrastructure resources.
    – This type of technology provides automation across multiple technologies and domains
    – Ansible is used for this type of technology

    Configuration Management
    – this type … enables consistent configuration of infrastructure resources
    – ansible
    – this type … across multiple technologies and domains
    – puppet

  22. For Marsha
    April 10th, 2023

    The answer to your Q is posted in the comments section of Part 11 (new Q) on this site

  23. richter
    April 10th, 2023

    Is the part 4-11 enough for the mcq? or do I also need to review the questions on the specific topics?

  24. Expo
    April 11th, 2023

    @richter, part 4-11 mcq is not enough. You also need to review all the specific topics

  25. PadRhodes
    April 11th, 2023

    How can I get the latest questions as I have my exams at the end of the month? Can someone pls share at pademba55 at gmail .com
    Thank you.

  26. Anonymous
    April 11th, 2023

    How can you pass the 350-601 Exam? My last exam was a failure.

  27. boom123
    April 11th, 2023

    Are there still problems with keyboard layout?

  28. @free
    April 11th, 2023

    @sam dumps

  29. GG81
    April 11th, 2023

    Passed the exam yesterday. Hands down, this is the best place to study for CCNP ENCOR, and way more less cost than other so called dumps sites which are not updated/explained. I think this is my last time I will renew Cisco, this is too much for me at over 40 years old. This is my 5th renew so I want to thank you all digitaltut (and other sites related) whoever you are!!!

    I took the exam online and yes the sims are back. Which for me was so great because these sims are easy points. I had BGP, GLBP and SPAN/netflow. Also the Qs are all from here, only 1 new q about virtualization but was easy. I studied about two months 3-4 hours per day with CBT for concepts explaining/configs and all material from here. And about 25 big composites passed with more than 90%.

    Good luck to all!

  30. Nobody
    April 12th, 2023

    Hi, please advise how many automation questions appear on the real exam? Thanks.

  31. Somebody
    April 12th, 2023

    @Nobody: Around 95 incl. 3 or 4 sims.

  32. Anybody
    April 12th, 2023

    My guess: 10-15 automation questions, the EEM sim included.

  33. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2023

    I passed the test last week. Just waiting on the official score. had 3 sims (BGP R2, OSPF, and GLBP). dose anybody know how long it takes to get the official score? Needing proof of passing so that I can submit reimbursement paper work. Anyway, site help tremendously.

  34. Anonymousse
    April 12th, 2023

    According to Cisco blogs it could take several (up to 10?) days before an exam result / score is processed in their cert tracking system. Until then certifications will still show as ‘about to expire’. The preliminairy score report should have been handed to you (printed copy) after completing the exam and later that day by email. That is, if you take/took your exam at a Test-center.

  35. Anonymous
    April 12th, 2023

    I passed the exam yesterday, not sure on the score though as I have no received it yet. Everyone else’s reports are correct regarding the sims. I had the bgp sim (no access to middle router), GLBP, and a third sim that I can’t recall. I think it had IP SLA monitoring on it. I read the cisco official cert guide, watched all the videos on CBT nuggets, and went over every single question on this site twice. I went over the new questions 7-11 a couple times extra, I feel like most of the questions were probably from those batches of questions.

    Good luck everyone and thanks to all the folks at digital tut! Premium membership is certainly worth it.

  36. richter
    April 13th, 2023

    Drag and drop the REST API authentication method from the left to the description on the right.


    + public API resource: secure vault
    + username and password in an encoded string: HTTP basic authentication
    + API-dependent secret: token-based authentication
    + authorization through identity provider: OAuth

    Can anyone verify if this is correct? The answer token-based and OAuth doesn’t match the explanation.

  37. Anyone
    April 13th, 2023

    @richter: See D&D questions (part 1) for the correct answers (premium access)

  38. richter
    April 14th, 2023

    @Anyone: That came from D&D part 1, and the explanation for the bottom two are different from the answer.

  39. Alpha-M
    April 14th, 2023

    @digital tut
    when are EVE files will be available for all labs?

  40. Cornholio
    April 15th, 2023

    There’s a pdf with all the labs somewhere. I can’t find it now.

    Anyone know what I’m talking about? I want to use it to build the labs in EVE.

  41. carlosriverajeancarlosgonzalezjhoao
    April 15th, 2023

    Task 1. Configure OSPF without using the “network” statement under the “router ospf” configuration section.

    R1(config)#interface e0/0
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0
    R1(config-if)#interface lo0
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0
    R2(config)#interface e0/0
    R2(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0
    R2(config-if)#interface lo0
    R2(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0
    R3(config)#interface lo0
    R3(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0

    More on R2, R3:
    R2,R3(config)#interface e0/1
    R2,R3(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0
    R3(config)#interface e0/1
    R3(config-if)#ip ospf 1 area 0


    R1,R2#show ip ospf neighbor

    Task 2. Ensure that all networks are advertised between the routers.

    R1,R2,R3#show ip route (or “show ip route ospf” if possible) to check all advertised routes.

    Task 3. Configure a single command under each Ethernet interface to prevent OSPF neighbors from participating in a DR/BDR election and ensure that no extra host routes are generated.

    R1,R2(config)#interface e0/0
    R1,R2(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point
    R2(config)#interface e0/0
    R2(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point

    More on R2, R3:

    R2,R3(config)#interface e0/1
    R2,R3(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point
    R3(config)#interface e0/1
    R3(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point

    Note: Setting OSPF to point-to-point mode results in advertised routes containing the actual subnet mask instead of the default behavior of advertising /32 for a loopback interface.

    Don’t forget to save the configuration

    R1,R2,R3#copy running-config startup-config

  42. Anytwo
    April 15th, 2023

    @richter: on that D&D page (comments section) there is a discussion w.r.t. that Q. To me the explanations seem to match, but let’s agree to disagree on that. The link to the documentation (in the mentioned discussion) is no longer working unfortunately.

  43. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2023

    I have passed exam on 9th April.most of questions are form here ..dumps are valid…got 3 SIM …EEM script, Ospf configuration, ip sla and netflow.
    My certificate is not yet reflected on Cisco site…can anyone know how much time it took after clear exam to reflect certificate on site

  44. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2023

    What score were you having in the dump to be approved? I’m at 80% and I think that’s enough. +10000 questions is too many to record them all.
    Is it true that in the test we already started with 300pts?

  45. er
    April 17th, 2023

    is there any pdf FOR ALL the questions together ??

  46. Jeankcarlosriverjhoao
    April 17th, 2023

    Any report about the exam today? someone that I applied the exam today?

  47. Kitty69
    April 18th, 2023

    Please I am struggling to study I am using CBTNuggets, the la s from well Odom, the OCG and some labs in EVENG can you guys please email me with your study methods or some motivation been studying for 5 months and I never feel prepared enough! And I really need to get this cert to start applying to remote jobs! Thank you so much for your answer for real I really appreciate it! Kitty 1120 at hotmail . Es

  48. Sh Sh
    April 18th, 2023

    @ Kitty69
    The problem with CBT nuggets is that it does not have documentation to review
    I really prefer Udemy
    Check those they are very practical , with Labs and very good pdf’s


    Also for Lab I prefer PNETLab over EVE-ng

  49. Sh Sh
    April 18th, 2023

    Are the 11 Labs in Digital Tut exact the same as the ones in the real exam ?

  50. Kitty69
    April 19th, 2023

    @sh sh thank you so much for your answer! I really do appreciate it and I’ll follow your tips! :)

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