OSPF is configured on routers Amani and Lynaic. Amani’s S0/0 interface and Lynaic’s S0/1 interface are in Area 0. Lynaic’s Loopback0 interface is in Area 2.

Your task is to configure the following:
Portland’s S0/0 interface in Area 1
Amani’s S0/1 interface in Area 1
Use the appropriate mask such that ONLY Portland’s S0/0 and Amnani’s S0/1 could be in Area 1.
Area 1 should not receive any external or inter-area routes (except the default route).
Answer and Explanation:
First, we configure Portland’s S0/0 interface so that it belongs to Area 1. So, we have to find out which sub-network the IP address (the IP of interface S0/0 of Portland) belongs to. This address belongs to a subnetwork which has:
Increment: 4 (/30 = or 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1100)
Network address: (because 4 = 4 * 1 and 4 < 5)
Broadcast address: (because 7 = 4 + 4 – 1) (It is not necessary to find out the broadcast address but we should know it)
The question requires that only Portland’s S0/0 and Amani’s S0/1 could be in Area 1, therefore we must use a wildcard of (this wildcard is equivalent with a subnet mask of /30) so that there are only 2 IP addresses can participate in area 1 (they are & The full command we use here is network area 1
The question also requires that “Area 1 should not receive any external or inter-area routes (except the default route)”. Recall that if we don’t want the router to receive external routes, we have to stop LSA Type 5. And if we don’t want to receive inter-area routes, we have to stop LSA Type 3 and Type 4. Therefore we have to configure area 1 as a totally stubby area. For your information, here is the definition of a totally stubby area:
“Totally stubb area – This area does not accept summary LSAs from other areas (types 3 or 4) or external summary LSAs (Type 5). Types 3,4 and 5 LSAs are replaced by the Area Border Router(ABR) with a default router. Totally stubby areas protect internal routers by minimizing the routing table and summarizing everything outside the area with a default route.” (CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition)
In conclusion, we have to configure area 1 as a totally stubby area. We do that by configuring Portland as stub and configuring Amani (ABR router) as a stub + “no-summary”suffix.
+ Configure Portland router as a stub:
Portland#configure terminal
Portland(config)#router ospf 1
Allow network to join Area 1, notice that you have to convert subnet mask into wildcard mask:
Portland(config-router)#network area 1
Configure Portland as a stub:
Portland(config-router)#area 1 stub
Portland#copy running-config startup-config
+ Configure Amani router as a “totally stub”:
Amani#configure terminal
Amani(config)#router ospf 1
Amani(config-router)#network area 1
Make area 1 become a totally stubby area, notice that we can only use this command on ABR router:
Amani(config-router)#area 1 stub no-summary
Amani#copy running-config startup-config
Note: Make sure to check the OSPF process ID before typing your configuration. Maybe it is not OSPF process 1 like the configuration above.
Other lab-sims on this site:
EIGRP Simlet
Policy Based Routing Sim
Plz send dumps to adnandaudzai gmail cam
@route rider
NO.53 Which two statements about AAA with the local database are true?(Choose two
Answer B is stand two parts:
It supports a limited number of usemames and passwords Accounting is not supported locally
1- It supports a limited number of usemames and passwords
2- Accounting is not supported locally
is this a simulation question?(like in CCNA)
How can i practice this sim? GNS3?
If you pay for premium member, digitaltut have a simulator where you can practice.
Is possible also in GNS3 and for this particular scenario possible to work in packet tracer.
I am planing to take CCNP exams soon. Can you help me with CCNP dumps please
E: msbtechsolution @ gmail . com
i have scheduled CCNP route exam on Feb 18 any tips guys is appreciated.
Hi Adudz
How was your exam?
Could you share your experience?
pls I need current ROUTE 300-101 dumps email cletworld @ yahoodotcom
Hello Guys about the OSPF Sim I think the most specific wildcard mask we should use since the question ask “ONLY Portland’s S0/0 and Amnani’s S0/1 could be in Area 1” so why /30 on OSPF? I think it should be /32, then something like: network area 1 and so on. It’s generally recommanded to use the most specific widlcard subnet. What do you think about?
You are right. It could be done on that way and it is better to do it like that. Well done!
If you are looking for latest dumps just email me antaresccnp @ outlook . com.
I have also latest Switch and T-SHOOT.
When I attempted in my first test, it mentioned using area 5.
Passed ccnp route today. got 3 labs.
1. tshoot OSPF
2. PBR
3. Redistribution
100% same as 9tut. in redistribution the eigrp 90 105 command is needed because there is a fast ethernet conneciton
if anyone has any questions let me know on this page today. I will be checking it multiple times today and i can try and answer that for you . dont ask for dumps as i dont have them
@khan and @anonymous
how are the multiple choice and DND? Are most popular questions and new updated question 5 still valid? Thanks!
Pass today
Thanks digitaltut
Chinese dump valid
thanks 9tut and all!
Labs PBR, EIGRP OSPF redistribute, IPv6
email: philipsmeloo @gmail .com
pls share to my email: samuelityz @gmail .com
thanks in advance.
what if i configured Portland router area type as stub-no summary like the ABR (Amani) would it be wrong configuration ?
Who needs lasted dump in JUNE can contact me for sharing: juniper4career @ gmail . com
Who needs lasted dump in JUL can drop email i will help ,,,,,,,,,its totally free ………..
LAB – PBR , REDISTRIBUTION ,OSPF VERIFICATION (all from tut but ip and int change even reprsentaion also change )
D&D AAA features uRPF point-to-point connection COMMAND ,NAT64 Vs NPT Frame Relay ( all from
NEW Question …….command for dmpvn state 3
could you please share your dumps with vce and advise how was the exam you wrote
congraaats mate. here is my mail”mikescofield791ATgmail.com”
@Scofield ok . if any one else want drop email
Congratulation dude, what u mean about ospf verification , did you mean ospfv3 lab or ospf sim?
He means the bullshit OSPF evaluation sim. Cisco has included that bullshit and when you look at it, the serial links are swapped. It looks from the drawing that R1-R3 and R2-R3 are on certain ports but when you look at the serial interfaces in the router console, they are actually swapped…I’m sick of this trickery crap that Cisco is trying to pull.
One hint for the dreaded PBR simulation:
From home GNS3 lab you can test before going into exam as below:
On border fa0/0 set access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 23
On border set debug ip policy
Then from testing host router do telnet
Debug will show what is happening
Route-map (if it works) will match on telnet port 23
This proves that it is working
If not, just create http traffic to test.
On the OSPF evaluation sim, make sure to look at the actual interfaces and not just the drawing. Some tests have the interfaces swapped between R1, R2 and the ABR R3.
You guys want real dumps with real summarized notes of all 3 major books:
apkey (tech) at gm@!l . com
I have summarized the 3 major books: How to Master, Official CCNP Guide, and Chris Bryant
Would you send me the latest dump please. Google account janekurr1995
Huge thanks in advance
I pass my test the last monday i study the MPQ and NUQ sorry for my english i from Mexico :) thank you digital tut :)
Congratulation… could you please send me your dumps on this email asterix524(at)gmail(dot)com
Hello friends,
Would you send me the last dump 300-101? My exam will arrive soon and ask me if you can share it, please. Thank you
extreme_z3r0 @ hotmail . com
How is possible that Lynaic’s lo0 has assigned
I can’te replicate it on gns3:
Lynaic (config-if)#ip address
Not a valid host address.
Do anyone solved it?
Can you please also have the last valid ccnp 300-101 dump plan for the month October?
@anonymous.. could you send me latest CCNP 300-101 dumps please =>({email not allowed})
@anonymous, kindly send here please markl2134 @ gmail.com
Guys, a friend of mine took Route today and passed; for some labs, copy run start/wr works, while some does not (involved config change). If it does not work, you marks won’t get deducted (as they meant the exam to be like that). ‘Pipe’ does not work. Thankfully ‘tabbing’ works. For some commands that does not work, you have to find another way to verify (sh run etc – Cisco did this to ensure you know how to verify thru configs instead of IOS command). There’s one command ‘sh ip eigrp topology’ does not work, but ‘sh ip eigrp 1 topology’ works. So please state the process id if it does not work. He said labs are fine, the objectives quite hard.
Below is his comments;
But please do not memorize dumps cause some questions they changed something – please ensure u understand it.
If some commands does not work and you were not meant to use it, the error message will say ‘Command not implemented etc…’ when you executed the IOS command.
There’s always another way to verify/troubleshoot it (sh run etc…)
13th Oct; Passed with 839/1000
EIGRP Evaluation Sim – comments below;
-command ‘sh ip route’ on R6 does not work; i can only do ‘sh run’
-why do i need to use ‘sh ip route’? Because there’s 2 loopback configured at R6, i need to know
which one should i choose
-so i guess Cisco purposely disable it to make my life hard; they want us to verify routing via configs
-from ‘sh run’ at R6, i can see that is configured, but it was not advertised out because there’s
‘distribute-list 1 out’ being configured, where the ACL denied loopback IP
-another simpler way to verify is that ‘’ loopback is not shown in R1 routing table (sh ip route); thus we can say that loopback ip that we should use is
-another thing to take note is that ‘show ip eigrp topology’ command does not work in R1 (not sure on other router, i haven’t tested it out) – per suggested on Digitaltut, we should use the EIGRP process ID. Then it works like charms. I’ve executed ‘sh ip eigrp 1 topology’ and it works. Luckiliy i read this part from Digitaltut. However, if this happens and you don’t have any idea on this, i guess ‘tab’ or ‘tabbing’ will give you an idea (tabbing works in Exam labs)
OSPF Sim – comments below;
-everything the same except the IP. no surprises here. easy.
-tabbing works, and copy running-config startup-config works. I did ‘wr’ command too and it works.
IPv6 OSPF Virtual Link Sim – comments below;
-copy run start/copy running-config startup-config/wr does not work – so just ignore it (you marks won’t get deducted)
-everything is the same
-in this scenario, i can see the loopback ip from R1 after added and remove virtual links, so i don’t have to make any changes on the
loopback ip (that has to be in area interfaces)
who wants updated dump and materials can email me: cisco4career @ gmail . com
Good luck!
show ip protocols dont work in the exam. Any suggestion?
what is NUQ every talking about here?
If some one can share me the updated CCNP route Dumps
if you share me the updated dumps to {email not allowed}.
E-mail me : {email not allowed}
hemakumarrg @ gmail. com
This was on exam today, I failed. I forgot to do the “Area # Stub” commands so I lost marks for that.
IP addresses / OSPF ID / Area # are different on the exam, do not blindly remember commands
Copy run start works on all routers.
You MUST ping loopback interface and it should succeed.
show ip route works
I have passed CCNP Route yesterday 11/11/2019.
Labs were OSPF Virtual-link & OSPF sim (stub )
4 to 5 Drag & drop
others questions related to
passed yesterday. I had this sim with few changed. The OSPF Process ID was different, the Area between two routers was also different. I had to configure the OSPF from the beginning on the Portland (Seattle in exam). Slight change there.
OSPF VL was almost the same. EIGRP Evaluation exact the same.
Few new questions which I havent see here.
Not expected, but I had one or two IPv6 related questions.
in exam, you do not have router ospf xx defined in R1, but you can check on R2 where it is created.Ping is working and saving config is working. Address is the same with wildmask
as it specifically asks to use network command with ‘appropriate mask’ would it be wrong to use interface configuration command ‘ ip ospf 1 area 1’ instead?