Home > Lab Challenge 1 – Switch Config

Lab Challenge 1 – Switch Config

In thess labs you will config 4 switches which are interconnected with each other.


Note: These labs are for practicing purpose only.

You can practice these labs at:
Lab 1: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_1 (about RSTP, trunking mode)
Lab 2: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_2 (about MST, Native VLAN)
Lab 3: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_3 (about VTP, Spanning-tree features, Local SPAN)
Lab 4: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_4 (about Private VLAN – This is not an ENCOR topic so you can ignore it)
Lab 5: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_5 (about Port Security)
Lab 6: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_6 (about HSRP)
Lab 7: https://www.digitaltut.com/interactive_labs/practice/Four_Switches_Lab_7 (about AAA Authentication, SNMP, Syslog, RSPAN)

(to be continued…)



You can find the solution for all the labs above here. But we recommend you to try your best to solve them first.

  1. this tuts is great
    May 30th, 2024

    I like this tuts.
    challenge is confirmation that we are know how to solve .

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