Home > IPv6 Questions 5

IPv6 Questions 5

May 1st, 2014 in ROUTE 642-902 Go to comments

Here you will find answers to IPv6 questions – Part 5

Question 1

IPv6 host wants to communicate with IPv4 host, what will occur?


A. router will determine IPv4 address
B. host itself has IPv6-IPv4 mapping
C. IPv6 host can use DNS server to find out IPv4 address
D. ICMP can be used to discover right address


Answer: A

Question 2

What is the difference between the IPv6 addresses ::/0 and ::/128?

A. /0 is the unspecified address, and ::/128 is the multicast address.
B. /0 is the unicast address, and ::/128 is the anycast address.
C. /0 is the unicast address, and ::/128 is the multicast address.
D. /0 is the anycast address, and ::/128 is the multicast address.
E. /0 is the default route, and ::/128 is the unspecified address.
F. /0 is the anycast address, and ::/128 is the default address.


Answer: E

  1. fsdse
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