Home > IP SLA Questions

IP SLA Questions

July 11th, 2019 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments

Question 1

Question 2


IP SLA PBR (Policy-Based Routing) Object Tracking allows you to make sure that the next hop is reachable before that route is used. If the next hop is not reachable, another route is used as defined in the PBR configuration. If no other route is present in the route map, the routing table is used.

An example of configuring PBR based on tracking object is shown below:

//Configure and schedule IP SLA operations
ip sla 1
ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
// Configure Object Tracking to track the operations
track 1 ip sla 1 reachability
//Configure ACL
ip access-list standard ACL
permit ip
//Configure PBR policing on the router
route-map PBR
match ip address ACL
set ip next-hop verify-availability track 1
set ip next-hop verify-availability track 2 -> Track 2 is not shown here but it is used if track 1 fails
//Apply PBR policy on the incoming interface of the router.
interface ethernet 0/0
ip address
ip policy route-map PBR

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/sw/6_x/nx-os/IPSLA/configuration/guide/b_Cisco_Nexus_7000_Series_NX-OS_IP_SLAs_Configuration_Guide_rel_6-x/b_Cisco_Nexus_7000_Series_NX-OS_IP_SLAs_Configuration_Guide_rel_6-x_chapter_01000.html

Question 3


The keyword “tcp-connect” enables the responder for TCP connect operations. TCP is a connection-oriented transport layer protocol -> C is correct.

Question 4


The “num-packets” specifies the number of packets to be sent for a jitter operation.

The “frequency” is the rate (in seconds) at which this IP SLA operation repeats. The “tos” defines a type of service (ToS) byte in the IP header of this IP SLA operation.

Question 5


When enabled, the IP SLAs Responder allows the target device to take two time stamps both when the packet arrives on the interface at interrupt level and again just as it is leaving, eliminating the processing time. At times of high network activity, an ICMP ping test often shows a long and inaccurate response time, while an IP SLAs test shows an accurate response time due to the time stamping on the responder.

An additional benefit of the two time stamps at the target device is the ability to track one-way delay, jitter, and directional packet loss. Because much network behavior is asynchronous, it is critical to have these statistics. However, to capture one-way delay measurements the configuration of both the source device and target device with Network Time Protocol (NTP) is required. Both the source and target need to be synchronized to the same clock source. One-way jitter measurements do not require clock synchronization.

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipsla/configuration/15-mt/sla-15-mt-book/sla_overview.html

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8


Depending on the specific Cisco IOS IP SLAs operation, statistics of delay, packet loss, jitter, packet sequence, connectivity, path, server response time, and download time are monitored within the Cisco device and stored in both CLI and SNMP MIBs.

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios/12_4/ip_sla/configuration/guide/hsla_c/hsoverv.html

Question 9


IP SLAs supports proactive threshold monitoring and notifications for performance parameters such as average jitter, unidirectional latency, bidirectional round-trip time (RTT), and connectivity for most IP SLAs operations. The proactive monitoring capability also provides options for configuring reaction thresholds for important VoIP related parameters including unidirectional jitter, unidirectional packet loss, and unidirectional VoIP voice quality scoring.

IP SLAs reactions are configured to trigger when a monitored value exceeds or falls below a specified level or when a monitored event, such as a timeout or connection loss, occurs. If IP SLAs measures too high or too low of any configured reaction, IP SLAs can generate a notification (in the form of SNMP trap) to a network management application or trigger another IP SLA operation to gather more data.

Cisco IOS IP SLAs can send SNMP traps that are triggered by events such as the following:
+ Connection loss
+ Timeout
+ Round-trip time threshold
+ Average jitter threshold
+ One-way packet loss
+ One-way jitter
+ One-way mean opinion score (MOS)
+ One-way latency

Question 10


Round-trip time (RTT), also called round-trip delay, is the time required for a packet to travel from a specific source to a specific destination and back again.

An ICMP Path Echo operation measures end-to-end (full path) and hop-by-hop response time (round-trip delay) between a Cisco router and devices using IP. ICMP Path Echo is useful for determining network availability and for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.

Note: ICMP Echo only measures round-trip delay for the full path.

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipsla/configuration/xe-3s/sla-xe-3s-book/sla_icmp_pathecho.html

Question 11


The default route command (at the last line) must include the “track” keyword for the tracking feature to work.

ip route track 10

Question 12

Comment pages
1 2 1406
  1. Anonymous
    January 15th, 2017

    Please send dumps to telgin1980 -at- gmail – dot – com

  2. Anonymous
    February 1st, 2017

    Is the 183q worth looking at, or stick to TAGWA and 149q????

  3. sanler
    February 3rd, 2017

    If you just want to Highest score the exam go buy a practice test from a site like https://www.examsbuzz.com/300-101-exam.html. I’m sure it will be success to everyone

  4. Anonymous
    February 5th, 2017

    Not getting question 1. Both VRRP and HSRP can also automatically detect a WAN primary link failure and failover to the secondary link (by using a track statement). Why is the answer IP SLA?

  5. CCNP Route Exam prep – what is the status on the updates?
    February 9th, 2017

    CCNP Route Exam prep – what is the status on the updates?

  6. MMMM
    February 11th, 2017

    Which to reason for IP SLA tracking failure are likely true (Choose 2)
    The threshold value is wronga. A
    route back to the R1 LAN network is missing in R2b.
    The source-interface is configures correctlyc.
    The destination must be for icmp-echod.

  7. Almond
    April 1st, 2017

    ***HELP PLEASE**Please send me latest dumps. I’ll be taking the exam this week. I promise to give back when I passed. I promise to share it. Just help me for now. For those who just recently took the exam please help us. Thanks

    Send here the dumps and some advices:

  8. bbbb
    May 14th, 2017

    Please send me latest dumps. I’ll be taking the exam this week. I promise to give back when I passed. I promise to share it. Just help me for now. For those who just recently took the exam please help us. Thanks
    Send here the dumps and some advices:
    nsfive at mail dot ru

  9. RishiRich
    May 19th, 2017

    I came across 7-8 new questions. “sh ip routing VRF” was one of them, I think someone has posted it here before.

    -In OSFP Evaluation Q:Which of the following statements is true about the serial links that terminate in R3?
    A. The R1-R3 link needs the neighbor command for the adjacency to stay up
    B. The R2-R3 link OSPF timer values are 30, 120, 120
    C. The R1-R3 link OSPF timer values should be 10,40,40
    D. R3 is responsible for flooding LSUs to all the routers on the network.

    Correct Answer was C if you check “sh ip ospf interfaces” command

    what does show ip route VRF CISCO provide?
    A. Routing table of VRF CISCO
    B. Global routing table
    C. Directly connected routes of CISCO VRF
    D. All routing table starting with CISCO
    Answer: A

    IP SLA Question was like : Why default route is not removed or something like that:

    A. The source-interface is configured incorrectly.
    B. The destination must be for icmp-echo.
    C. A route back to the R1 LAN network is missing in R2.
    D. The default route has wrong next hop IP address.

    How to set up IP SLA to monitor Bandwidth between the certain limits

    A. Timer
    B. Frequency
    C. Threshold
    D. Queue-limit – I’m not sure

    I’ve chose threshold

  10. Aerin
    May 30th, 2017

    Passed last week, 851. Sims are valid, but several questions are completely new and not on this site. Lots of VPN, redistribution and IP SLA. No questions on BGP at all. Not even one.

  11. Anonymous
    June 30th, 2017

    can u guys please send me the latest dumps on miguelfilipe_20_01 @ hotmail . com

  12. olu_ideal@yahoo.com
    July 12th, 2017

    Please guys, I need 300-101 dumps

  13. olu_ideal@yahoo.com
    July 12th, 2017

    i need current dumps
    olu_ideal at yahoo dot com

  14. science
    July 14th, 2017

    I need current dumps please
    arnaud.teug at gmail dot com

  15. Anonymous
    July 18th, 2017

    I have the latest 300-101 dump 423q. update July 13.. let me know – iastate80 at yahoo dot com

  16. farid
    July 19th, 2017

    Hi Anonymous,

    I have sent you mail regarding new dump 423q to your mentioned mail(iastate80 at yahoo dot com). Waiting response from your side.


  17. not_my_real_name
    July 23rd, 2017

    can someon send the latest dumps to LCEICH(@)GMAIL(dot)COM

  18. dapo
    August 23rd, 2017

    Hi there,

    How come there is no question title or description?


  19. Anonymous
    August 27th, 2017

    Question 12 is not very clear. As according to the Cisco’s own reference, the answer could also be IP-route tracking.

  20. Steffy
    August 28th, 2017

    Hello friends, for latest valid dump with continuous update, please contact me at steffyshirls @ gmail .com

  21. kuishman
    September 12th, 2017

    can u guys please send me the latest dumps on makuish @ hotmail .com

  22. kuishman
    September 12th, 2017

    or marco . hq90 @ gmail . com

  23. cl
    September 29th, 2017
  24. msantanaribeiro
    October 2nd, 2017

    Hello friends, for latest valid dump with continuous update, please contact me at m.santanaribeiro @ gmail . com

  25. Peter Pan
    October 7th, 2017

    Q6 – answer A or B ?

    B seems the better answer.

  26. learner
    October 13th, 2017

    Q 11:
    D. missing of track feature on default static route command – correct

    IP SLA Tracking with Configuration Example


    <ip sla 1

    timeout 500
    frequency 3

    ip sla schedule 1 start-time now life forever

    track 1 rtr 1 reachability

    now for the routing, we need to change the default route and associate it with the tracker

    no ip route

    and then put it back with the tracking

    ip route track 1


  27. Shawn
    November 9th, 2017

    Smashed my route exam today, 9xx used the dumps from it libraries and tut.

  28. durshen
    November 11th, 2017

    Hello everyone, I have the valid dump with me and I’m wiling to share. Please contact me via durshen81 @ gmail .com

  29. durshen
    November 11th, 2017

    Hello buddies, I have the valid dump with me and I’m wiling to share. Please contact me via durshen81 @ gmail .com

  30. Alphonse
    November 21st, 2017

    Smashed my route exam today, 9xx used the dumps from it libraries and tut.

  31. Cyrus
    November 28th, 2017

    Confirming the 440q dumps are valid.

  32. Nick
    November 29th, 2017

    DO NOT USE http://www.myexamcollection.com/ ITS A FAKE

  33. durshen
    December 13th, 2017

    Hi guys, I’m willing to share valid dumps that guarantee you pass. Please contact me via durshen81 @ gmail .com

  34. AdoJay
    February 8th, 2018

    Hey, passed route exam today. I can confirm a lot has changed. No more than 20-30% of Qs came from valid dumps like tut, 480Q, 454Q, 149Q. On the bright side, all 3 SIM questions were valid. Please study harder

  35. renewer
    April 9th, 2018

    Q6 @dgtut: Please correct the answer, should be A, not B. As per Cisco documentation:

    ” For state, if the return code is OK, the track state is up; if the return code is not OK, the track state is down. For reachability, if the return code is OK or OverThreshold, reachability is up; if not OK, reachability is down.”

    E.g Reference:

  36. CiscoGuy
    April 19th, 2018

    agree with renewer
    when tracking state only then only an OK means up anything else means down
    When tracking reachability then OK or overThreashold means up anything else means down


  37. USrower
    June 3rd, 2018

    Q6 is wrong. According to Cisco’s website, the answer should be “A”.

    State = ok is up. all other return codes are down

    Reachability = ok or over threshold are up. all other return codes are down


    NOTE: I found that some of the composite quizzes have the correct answer.

  38. Brendan
    June 22nd, 2018

    Confirming the 539q dumps are valid.

  39. Luca
    July 21st, 2018

    @brendan where did u get the dump?

  40. M2
    August 3rd, 2018

    Two aspects of an IP SLA operation can be tracked: state and reachability. Which statement about state tracking is true?

    A. When tracking state, an OK return code means that the track’s state is up; any other return code means that the track’s state is down.
    B. When tracking state, an OK or over threshold return code means that the track’s state is up; any other return code means that the track’s state is down.
    C. When tracking state, an OK return code means that the track’s state is down; any other return code means that the track’s state is up.
    D. When tracking state, an OK or over threshold return code means that the track’s state is down; any other return code means that the track’s state is up.

    Answer: B

    Digitut please confirm this answer as in the Composite Quizzes the answer is different.
    Please confirm as I am planning to give the exam

  41. Hagar Koriem
    August 21st, 2018

    Hello all,

    any help with Q.169

    Which two reasons for IP SLA tracking failure are likely true? (Choose Two)
    A.The source-interface is configured incorrectly.
    B.The destination must be for icmp-echo.
    C.A route back to the RI LAN network is missing in R2.
    D.The default route has wrong next hop IP address.
    E.The threshold value is wrong

    Correct Answer: AC

    Why A is correct answer and not E?

  42. original_zomby
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi @Hangar,

    E. is not correct bc the threshold value ranges from miliseconds. That means the command Threshold 500 is correct.

  43. Cyrax
    September 11th, 2018

    Which two reasons for IP SLA tracking failure are likely true? (Choose Two)
    A.The source-interface is configured incorrectly.
    B.The destination must be for icmp-echo.
    C.A route back to the RI LAN network is missing in R2.
    D.The default route has wrong next hop IP address.
    E.The threshold value is wrong
    Correct Answer: AC

    why C? i dont get it i use to work for isp, why would isp want to set up route to customers lan, and of course firewalls would not allow connection originated from outside – on untrusted interface, also when i deployed ip sla as a local admin i did not have to call isp… what the hell, can anybody explain that?

  44. John Smith
    September 28th, 2018

    How to set up IP SLA to monitor Bandwidth between the certain limits ?


    The correct Ans: D or C

  45. Sorlags
    November 11th, 2018

    Q6 : Answer is A

    The table 1 on this link give the answer : https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipapp/command/iap-cr-book/iap-t1.html#GUID-63B1F5E7-1963-4F87-B04A-1EA16A049B4A

    Tracking || Return code || Track State ||
    State || OK || Up ||
    || All other || Down ||
    Reachability || Ok or over threshold || Up ||
    || All other || Down ||

  46. Dany1
    December 7th, 2018

    Q6 answer A. According to CISCO
    “Object tracking of IP SLAs operations allows clients to track the output from IP SLAs objects and use this information to trigger an action. Every IP SLAs operation maintains an SNMP operation return-code value, such as OK or OverThreshold , that can be interpreted by the tracking process.
    You can track two aspects of IP SLAs operation: state and reachability.
    For state, if the return code is OK, the track state is up; if the return code is not OK, the track state is down.
    For reachability, if the return code is OK or OverThreshold, reachability is up; if not OK, reachability is down.”

  47. Lime
    July 15th, 2019


    “Two aspects of an IP SLA operation can be tracked: state and reachability. Which statement about state tracking is true?

    A. When tracking state, an OK return code means that the track’s state is up; any other return code means that the track’s state is down.
    B. When tracking state, an OK or over threshold return code means that the track’s state is up; any other return code means that the track’s state is down.
    C. When tracking state, an OK return code means that the track’s state is down; any other return code means that the track’s state is up.
    D. When tracking state, an OK or over threshold return code means that the track’s state is down; any other return code means that the track’s state is up.

    Answer: B”

    -Its a bit too late, but anyways, I think it should be “A”. I’m using this thread as reference: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/thread/36909

  48. suntzu
    July 22nd, 2019

    If you configure a threshold on the ip sla operation:

    Reachability –> Track up if the return code is OK or over threshold

    –> Track down otherwise

    State –> Track up if the return code is OK

    –> Track down otherwise

    This is from the Cisco configuration book, no other answers will be accepted by any other person who knows nothing about what they are talking about…

    Answer A

  49. @digitaltut admin
    July 31st, 2019

    please change the answer of question 6 to A , as it is right and not B.

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