Home > Automation Questions 2

Automation Questions 2

January 24th, 2021 in ENCOR 350-401 Go to comments

Question 1


The words “try” and “except” are Python keywords and are used to catch exceptions. For example:

 print 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError:
 print "Error! We cannot divide by zero!!!" 

Question 2


If we have a JSON string, we can parse it by using the json.loads() method so we don’t need to have a response server to test this question. Therefore, in order to test the result above, you can try this Python code:

import json
json_string = """
 "ins_api": { <!!!Please copy the code above and put here. We omitted it to save some space!!!>
response = json.loads(json_string)


And this is the result:


+ If you want to run the full code in this question in Python (with a real HTTP JSON response), you must first install “requests” package before “import requests”.
+ The error “NameError: name ‘json’ is not defined” is only shown if we forgot the line “import json” in Python code -> Answer A is not correct.
+ We only see the “KeyError” message if we try to print out an unknown attribute (key). For example:


+ Triple quotes (“””) in Python allows strings to span multiple lines, including verbatim NEWLINEs, TABs, and any other special characters.

Question 3


Cisco IOS XE supports the Yet Another Next Generation (YANG) data modeling language. YANG can be used with the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) to provide the desired solution of automated and programmable network operations. NETCONF(RFC6241) is an XML-based protocol that client applications use to request information from and make configuration changes to the device. YANG is primarily used to model the configuration and state data used by NETCONF operations.

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst9500/software/release/16-5/configuration_guide/prog/b_165_prog_9500_cg/data_models.pdf

Note: Although NETCONF also uses XML but XML is not a data modeling language.

Question 4


The 404 (Not Found) error status code indicates that the REST API can’t map the client’s URI to a resource but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.

Reference: https://restfulapi.net/http-status-codes/

Question 5


A 401 error response indicates that the client tried to operate on a protected resource without providing the proper authorization. It may have provided the wrong credentials or none at all.

Note: A 4xx code indicates a “client error” while a 5xx code indicates a “server error”.

Reference: https://restfulapi.net/http-status-codes/

Question 6

Question 7


The Southbound API is used to communicate with network devices.


Question 8


To enable the action of printing data directly to the local tty when an Embedded Event Manager (EEM) applet is triggered, use the action puts command in applet configuration mode.

The following example shows how to print data directly to the local tty:

Router(config-applet)# event manager applet puts
Router(config-applet)# event none
Router(config-applet)# action 1 regexp “(.*) (.*) (.*)” “one two three” _match _sub1
Router(config-applet)# action 2 puts “match is $_match”
Router(config-applet)# action 3 puts “submatch 1 is $_sub1”
Router# event manager run puts
match is one two three
submatch 1 is one

The action puts command applies to synchronous events. The output of this command for a synchronous applet is directly displayed to the tty, bypassing the syslog.

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/eem/command/eem-cr-book/eem-cr-a1.html

Question 9


JSON data is written as name/value pairs.
A name/value pair consists of a field name (in double quotes), followed by a colon, followed by a value:

JSON can use arrays. Array values must be of type string, number, object, array, boolean or null. For example:
“cars”:[ “Ford”, “BMW”, “Fiat” ]

Question 10


Agentless tool means that no software or agent needs to be installed on the client machines that are to be managed. Ansible is such an agentless tool. In contrast to agentless tool, agent-based tool requires software or agent to be installed on the client (-> Answer D is not correct).

In agentless tool, the master and slave nodes can communicate directly without the need of high-level language interpreter but agent-based tool requires interpreter to be installed on both master and slave nodes -> Answer C is not correct.

An agentless tool uses standard protocols, such as SSH, to push configurations down to a device (and it can be considered a “messaging system”).

Agentless tools like Ansible can directly communicate to slave nodes via SSH -> Answer B is not correct.

Therefore only answer A left. In this answer, “Messaging systems” should be understood as “additional software packages installed on slave nodes” to control nodes. Agentless tools do not require them.

Question 11


Yet Another Next Generation (YANG) is a language which is only used to describe data models (structure). It is not XML or JSON.

Question 12


With Synchronous ( sync yes), the CLI command in question is not executed until the policy exits. Whether or not the command runs depends on the value for the variable _exit_status. If _exit_status is 1, the command runs, if it is 0, the command is skipped.

  1. Ciscolad
    March 18th, 2020

    Question 10

    Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?
    A. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
    B. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
    C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
    D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.

    Answer: C (should be A)


    Agentless tool means that no software or agent needs to be installed on the client machines that are to be managed. Ansible is such an agentless tool. In contrast to agentless tool, agent-based tool requires software or agent to be installed on the client. Therefore the master and slave nodes can communicate directly without the need of high-level language interpreter.

  2. @ciscolad
    March 24th, 2020

    According to your explanation,

    -agentless tool:require messaging systems between master and slaves
    -agent-based tool:not require a high-level language interpreter

    right?seems C is correct…

  3. Hamouda
    April 23rd, 2020

    which answer is correct
    Question 10

    Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?
    A. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
    B. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
    C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
    D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.

  4. Aussie
    April 27th, 2020

    I have seen different answers for Q 10 so not sure if anyone could help
    and offcourse C here
    not sure which is correct

  5. Billy
    May 4th, 2020

    Question 10:
    Agent based tools needs DSL to be installed which is a high level language interpreter
    However, I’m not sure about the meaning of “no messaging system”… does SSH can be classified as messaging system?

  6. Anonymous
    June 21st, 2020

    why i can’t find questions ?1 only answers !!

  7. Jay
    June 21st, 2020

    What is question for #11?

  8. Jay
    June 21st, 2020

    sorry, i mean for #12?

  9. GZ
    July 9th, 2020

    Question 10

    Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?
    A. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
    B. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
    C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
    D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.
    Correct answer C
    A. (Incorrect) Agentless tools such as Ansible do need SSH (messaging system) between master and slave otherwise how will they communicate.
    B. (Incorrect) only agent-based tools use proxy agents on the clients.
    C (Correct) Agent-based tools such as Chef, Puppet, SaltStack require instillation of special software (agent) on the client nodes. The server node then talks with the agent directly and there is no need of a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
    D. (Incorrect) Agent-based tools such as Chef, Puppet, SaltStack do require installation of additional software packages (agents) on the slave nodes.

  10. I.L.I.
    November 9th, 2020

    – C is wrong, e.g. Puppet and Chef are agent-based tools but they use Ruby.
    – A is better answer, by “messaging system” they probably mean a specialized platform, e.g. 0MQ used by SaltStack. We shouldn’t consider SSH, SNMP etc. as messaging systems.

  11. Genius
    January 19th, 2021

    Master and Slave nodes are Agent-based configuration terms. There’s no masters or slaves with Ansible. So answer is A

  12. digitaltut
    January 20th, 2021

    @I.L.I., @Genius: Yes, after reviewing Q.10, we believe the correct answer is A and we update it!

  13. nnnn
    August 25th, 2021

    Its very difficult …. dont know how can the paper be cleared.. Totally new stuff for network engineers ..

  14. asdf
    September 8th, 2021

    Question 10
    Please verify Answer should be letter C.

    Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?
    A. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
    B. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
    C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
    D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.

    ▪ Agent-based configuration: With agent-based tools, an agent must be installed on every device that the configuration management tool will manage.

    ▪ Agentless configuration: Agentless tools do not require that an agent be installed on every device; instead, they communicate via SSH or another API that a device supports.


  15. Monkey
    February 23rd, 2022

    Dont see the questions on this page, help !

  16. Radovan III
    March 22nd, 2023


    I think that is the correct answer is:

    C. $_string_result

    ction 1.1 puts nonewline “Do you wish to continue [Y/N]”
    action 1.2 gets response
    action 1.3 string toupper “$response”
    action 1.4 string match “$_string_result” “Y”
    action 2.0 if $_string_result eq 1
    action 2.1 cli command “enable”
    action 2.2 cli command “show running-config”
    action 2.3 puts $_cli_result
    action 2.4 cli command “exit”
    action 2.9 end

  17. Anonymous
    July 21st, 2023

    Hi folks!!
    Who has taken the Exam recently?
    Are all the questions and labs in this material??

    I would appreciate your feedback

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